The following flow control functions are supported:
RESET: resets the target and stops it at the reset vector address.
STOP: stops the target at the next instruction (low-level stop).
RUN: puts the target into run mode unconditionally.
STEP: performs a single instruction step on the target. Instruction-level stepping must be used repetitively to perform statement-level stepping.
PC read/write: reads and adjusts the program counter
Erase: performs an erase on the target. To be used in programming mode only.
CRC: performs a CRC calculation on the target (XMEGA only).
Memory Read and Write: provides access to memory areas in programming mode and when stopped in a debug session. Rules are provided per memory-type in the communication protocol specification.
Hardware breakpoint set / clear: Provides access to add and remove hardware breakpoints. Resources are family / OCD specific.
Software breakpoint set / clear: Inserts and removed software breakpoints from a control table in the tool. On the next flow control command executed, the flash memory on the target is updated.
Software breakpoints clear all: Immediately restores all software breakpoints to their original values.
All flow control functions will return a success or failure based on the ability to perform that command. The target state is assumed to be running until a BREAK event is received, indicating the transition to a stopped state.