Configuration takes place before or during a session is active by using the Query, Set and Get commands. The following configuration elements are required:
CONFIG / VARIANT: the host must specify which AVR8 target type is being used. Note that the target type refers to the OCD type rather than the marketing name. (Eg: mega48 has the tinyOCD module)
CONFIG / FUNCTION: the host must specify what the purpose of the session is. Programming sessions do not require OCD access, and typically release the target to run freely upon completion, whereas debugging sessions may hold the target in reset when required in order to prevent runaway code.
PHYSICAL: the physical context must be configured with the correct physical interface as well as the necessary clock information. Stored values may be read out, if required. Only the clocks for the relevant interface need be set.
DEVICE: the device context provides the tool with an array of device-specific data which will be needed during the session. It can be typically read from XML files deployed with the front-end, and can be changed on the fly in case the incorrect device is detected.
OPTIONS: any relevant options can be set in this context
Note that before continuing with activation of physical the CMD_HOUSEKEEPING_START_SESSION must be called, see the section called “Start session”.