class BaseShape { constructor() { this.controls = []; // Keep track of created elements and event listeners } initialise(config) { for (let item of config) { const { element, listener } = addControl(item,this); this.controls.push({ element, listener }); } } remove() { this.controls.forEach(({ element, listener }) => { if (element && listener) { element.removeEventListener("input", listener); } if (element && element.parentElement) { element.parentElement.removeChild(element); const titleElement = document.getElementById("elText" +; titleElement.parentElement.removeChild(titleElement); } }); this.controls = []; } draw() { throw new Error("Draw function not implemented"); } } class PolyTwistColourWidth extends BaseShape { constructor(sides, width, depth, rotation, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.depth = depth; this.rotation = rotation; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; } draw(innerRotation) { let out_angle = 0; const innerAngle = 180 - ((this.sides - 2) * 180) / this.sides; const scopeAngle = innerRotation - (innerAngle * Math.floor(innerRotation / innerAngle)); if (scopeAngle < innerAngle / 2) { out_angle = innerAngle / (2 * Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * scopeAngle) / (3 * innerAngle))) - innerAngle / 2; } else { out_angle = -innerAngle / (2 * Math.cos(((2 * Math.PI) / 3) - ((2 * Math.PI * scopeAngle) / (3 * innerAngle)))) + (innerAngle * 3) / 2; } let minWidth = Math.sin(rad(innerAngle / 2)) * (0.5 / Math.tan(rad(innerAngle / 2))) * 2; let widthMultiplier = minWidth / Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * (90 + innerAngle / 2 - out_angle + innerAngle * Math.floor(out_angle / innerAngle))); for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) { const fraction = i / this.depth; const ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, fraction); DrawPolygon(this.sides, this.width * widthMultiplier ** i, out_angle * i + this.rotation , ncolour); } } } class FloralPhyllo extends BaseShape { constructor(width, depth, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.width = width; this.depth = depth; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; } draw(angle) { // var c = 24; //something to do with width. but not width var c = 1; //something to do with width. but not width //dont make larger than 270 unless altering the number of colours in lerpedColours for (let n = 200; n > 0; n -= 1) { const a = n * angle/1000; //137.5; const r = c * Math.sqrt(n); const x = r * Math.cos(a) + centerX; const y = r * Math.sin(a) + centerY; drawEyelid(n * 2.4 + 40, x, y, this.colour1); } } } class Spiral1 extends BaseShape { constructor(sides,width, colour) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.colour = colour; } draw(rotation) { var rot = Math.round((this.sides - 2) * 180 / this.sides * 2) var piv = 360 / this.sides; var stt = 0.5 * Math.PI - rad(rot) //+ rad(rotation); var end = 0; var n = this.width / ((this.width / 10) * (this.width / 10)) //pixel correction for mid leaf for (let i = 1; i < this.sides + 1; i++) { end = stt + rad(rot); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt + rad(rotation) - (stt - end) / 2, end + rad(rotation) + rad(n), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt - rad(rotation), end - (end - stt) / 2 + rad(n) - rad(rotation), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); stt = end + -(rad(rot - piv)) //+rad(30); } } }