async function fetchConfig(className) { // Configurations for different shapes const config = { Larry: [ { type: "range", min: 1, max: 10, defaultValue: 5, property: "magnitude", callback: (instance, newValue) => instance.setMagnitude(newValue) }, { type: "header", text: "---Food---" }, { type: "dropdown", property: "selectedFood", defaultValue: "lettuce", options: [ { value: "lettuce", label: "Lettuce" }, { value: "apple", label: "Apple" }, { value: "carrot", label: "Carrot" } ] }, { type: "range", min: 0, max: 200, defaultValue: 100, property: "eatSpeed" }, { type: "range", min: 0, max: 10, defaultValue: 1, property: "eatDuration" }, // Button control to start eating { type: "button", label: "Start Eating", method: "startEating", }, { type: "header", text: "---Movement---" }, // Movement controls { type: "range", min: -360, max: 360, defaultValue: 90, property: "moveDirection" }, { type: "range", min: 1, max: 100, defaultValue: 10, property: "moveDistance" }, { type: "range", min: 1, max: 10, defaultValue: 5, property: "moveSpeed" }, { type: "button", label: "Wander", method: "wander" }, { type: "header", text: "---Appearance---" }, // Dropdown control to select hat { type: "dropdown", property: "selectedHat", defaultValue: "", options: [ { value: "", label: "None" }, { value: "cap", label: "Cap" }, { value: "top_hat", label: "Top Hat" }, { value: "center_box_full", label: "Center Full" }, { value: "center_box_hollow", label: "Center Hollow" }, ] }, // Button control to apply a hat { type: "button", label: "Apply Hat", method: "applyHat" }, // Appearance controls { type: "dropdown", property: "selectedShell", defaultValue: "default", options: [ { value: "default", label: "Default" }, { value: "spiky", label: "Spiky" }, { value: "striped", label: "Striped" } ] }, { type: "button", label: "Apply Shell", method: "applyShell" }, // Background controls { type: "dropdown", property: "selectedBackground", defaultValue: "", options: [ { value: "", label: "None" }, { value: "field_white", label: "Field Whtie" }, { value: "field_blue", label: "Field Blue" }, { value: "field_trans", label: "Field Trans" } ] }, { type: "button", label: "Apply Background", method: "applyBackground" } ], PolyTwistColourWidth: [ { type: "range", min: 1, max: 10, defaultValue: 5, property: "sides" }, { type: "range", min: -180, max: 2000, defaultValue: 300, property: "width" }, { type: "range", min: 2, max: 5, defaultValue: 5, property: "line_width" }, { type: "range", min: 1, max: 100, defaultValue: 50, property: "depth" }, { type: "range", min: -180, max: 180, defaultValue: -20, property: "rotation"}, { type: "color", defaultValue: "#4287f5", property: "colour1" }, { type: "color", defaultValue: "#42f57b", property: "colour2" }, ], TestParent: [ { type: "button", label: "Add Child", method: "addChild" }, { type: "dropdown", property: "selectedChild", callback: (instance, newValue) => instance.setSelectedChild(newValue), defaultValue: "", options: [ { value: "", label: "None" }, { value: "0", label: "None" }, ] }, ], // Add other shape configurations here }; return config[className]; } const hatConfig = { cap: { x: 3.5, y: -13 }, top_hat: { x: 2, y: -20 }, center_box_full: { x: 0, y: 0 }, center_box_hollow: { x: 0, y: 0 } }; const foodConfig = { apple: { sizeMult: 0.25, n: 4 }, carrot: { sizeMult: 0.25, n: 6 }, nothing: { sizeMult: 2, n: 5 }, }; function addControl(item, instance) { let parentDiv = document.getElementById("custom"); let title = document.createElement("p"); title.innerText = + ": " + item.defaultValue; = "elText" +; let control; if (item.type === "range") { control = document.createElement("input"); control.type = "range"; control.min = item.min; control.max = item.max; control.value = item.defaultValue; control.addEventListener("input", (event) => { const newValue = parseInt(, 10); instance[] = newValue; title.innerText = + ": " + newValue; if (item.callback) { item.callback(instance, newValue); } }); } else if (item.type === "button") { control = document.createElement("button"); control.innerText = item.label; control.addEventListener("click", () => { instance[item.method](); }); } else if (item.type === "dropdown") { control = document.createElement("select"); item.options.forEach(option => { let optionElement = document.createElement("option"); optionElement.value = option.value; optionElement.innerText = option.label; control.appendChild(optionElement); }); control.value = item.defaultValue; control.addEventListener("change", (event) => { const newValue =; instance[] = newValue; title.innerText = + ": " + newValue; if (item.callback) { item.callback(instance, newValue); } }); } else if (item.type === "header") { control = document.createElement("p"); control.innerText = item.text; control.className = "header"; = "elHeader" + item.text.replace(/\s+/g, ''); } else if (item.type === "color") { control = document.createElement("input"); control.type = item.type; control.value = item.defaultValue; = "el" +; control.addEventListener("input", (event) => { const newValue =; instance[] = newValue; title.innerText = + ": " + newValue; }) } if (item.type != "header") { control.className = "control"; = "el" +; } if (item.type != "button" && item.type != "header") { parentDiv.appendChild(title); } parentDiv.appendChild(control); return { element: control }; } function drawEyelid(width, x1, y1, colour) { x1 -= centerX; y1 -= centerY; const angle = Math.atan2(y1, x1); const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle); const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle); const x2 = cosAngle * width; const y2 = sinAngle * width; const x3Old = width / 2; const y3Old = width / 2; const x4Old = width / 2; const y4Old = -width / 2; const x3 = x3Old * cosAngle - y3Old * sinAngle; const y3 = x3Old * sinAngle + y3Old * cosAngle; const x4 = x4Old * cosAngle - y4Old * sinAngle; const y4 = x4Old * sinAngle + y4Old * cosAngle; x1 += centerX; y1 += centerY; const x2Final = x2 + x1; const y2Final = y2 + y1; const x3Final = x3 + x1; const y3Final = y3 + y1; const x4Final = x4 + x1; const y4Final = y4 + y1; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3Final, y3Final, x2Final, y2Final); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x4Final, y4Final, x2Final, y2Final); ctx.fillStyle = colour; ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 2; ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.stroke(); } function drawEyelidAccident(x1, y1) { let leafWidth = 120; let leafHeight = 60; x1 -= centerX; y1 -= centerY; let angle = Math.atan(y1 / x1); // if(angle >=Math.PI){ // angle -=Math.PI // console.log("greater called") // } angle = Math.abs(angle); let x2Old = 0 + leafWidth; let y2Old = 0; let x3Old = 0 + leafWidth / 2; let y3Old = 0 + leafHeight / 2; let x4Old = 0 + leafWidth / 2; let y4Old = 0 - leafHeight / 2; let x2 = x2Old * Math.cos(angle) - y2Old * Math.sin(angle); let y2 = x2Old * Math.sin(angle) + y2Old * Math.cos(angle); let x3 = x3Old * Math.cos(angle) - y3Old * Math.sin(angle); let y3 = x3Old * Math.sin(angle) + y3Old * Math.cos(angle); let x4 = x4Old * Math.cos(angle) - y4Old * Math.sin(angle); let y4 = x4Old * Math.sin(angle) + y4Old * Math.cos(angle); let oldx1 = x1; let oldy1 = y1; x1 += centerX; // +x2/2 y1 += centerY; // +x2/2 x2 += x1; y2 += y1; x3 += x1; y3 += y1; x4 += x1; y4 += y1; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3, y3, x2, y2); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x4, y4, x2, y2); ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fill(); ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x3, y3, x2, y2); ctx.moveTo(x1, y1); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x4, y4, x2, y2); ctx.strokeStyle = "orange"; ctx.stroke(); } function DrawPolygon(sides, width, rotation, colour, line_width) { console.log("drawing polygon") ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( centerX + width * Math.cos((rotation * Math.PI) / 180), centerY + width * Math.sin((rotation * Math.PI) / 180) ); for (var i = 1; i <= sides; i += 1) { ctx.lineTo( centerX + width * Math.cos((i * 2 * Math.PI) / sides + (rotation * Math.PI) / 180), centerY + width * Math.sin((i * 2 * Math.PI) / sides + (rotation * Math.PI) / 180) ); } ctx.strokeStyle = colour; ctx.lineWidth = line_width; ctx.stroke(); } function DrawPolygonPosition(sides, width, rotation,x,y, colour, line_width) { console.log("drawing polygon") ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo( x + width * Math.cos((rotation * Math.PI) / 180), y + width * Math.sin((rotation * Math.PI) / 180) ); for (var i = 1; i <= sides; i += 1) { ctx.lineTo( x + width * Math.cos((i * 2 * Math.PI) / sides + (rotation * Math.PI) / 180), y + width * Math.sin((i * 2 * Math.PI) / sides + (rotation * Math.PI) / 180) ); } ctx.strokeStyle = colour; ctx.lineWidth = line_width; ctx.stroke(); } function rad(degrees) { return (degrees * Math.PI) / 180; } function colourToText(colour) { return "rgb(" + colour[0] + "," + colour[1] + "," + colour[2] + ")"; } function waveNormal(x, max) { let val = Math.sin((x / max) * Math.PI * 2 - max * (Math.PI / (max * 2))) / 2 + 0.5 return val } function LerpHex(a, b, amount) { var ah = parseInt(a.replace(/#/g, ""), 16), ar = ah >> 16, ag = (ah >> 8) & 0xff, ab = ah & 0xff, bh = parseInt(b.replace(/#/g, ""), 16), br = bh >> 16, bg = (bh >> 8) & 0xff, bb = bh & 0xff, rr = ar + amount * (br - ar), rg = ag + amount * (bg - ag), rb = ab + amount * (bb - ab); return ( "#" + (((1 << 24) + (rr << 16) + (rg << 8) + rb) | 0).toString(16).slice(1) ); } function LerpRGB(a, b, t) { if (t < 0) { t *= -1; } var newColor = [0, 0, 0]; newColor[0] = a[0] + (b[0] - a[0]) * t; newColor[1] = a[1] + (b[1] - a[1]) * t; newColor[2] = a[2] + (b[2] - a[2]) * t; return newColor; } function lerpRGB(a, b, t) { const result = [0, 0, 0]; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { result[i] = (1 - t) * a[i] + t * b[i]; } return result; } function drawCenter(width) { // console.log("center?") ctx.strokeStyle = "pink"; ctx.lineWidth = 1 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(centerX - width, centerY); ctx.lineTo(centerX + width, centerY); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY - width); ctx.lineTo(centerX, centerY + width); ctx.closePath(); ctx.stroke(); } function render_clear() { ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height); } function rotatePointTmp(x, y, centerXX, centerYY, rotation) { let xFromC = x - centerXX; let yFromC = y - centerYY; let d = (xFromC ** 2 + yFromC ** 2) ** 0.5 // let orgAngle = Math.atan2(yFromC/xFromC) let orgAngle = Math.atan2(xFromC, yFromC) let tmp = Math.cos(rad(orgAngle - rotation)) * d // console.log(Math.cos((-90)*(Math.PI/180))) console.log(orgAngle) console.log(rad(rotation)) console.log(Math.cos(orgAngle - rad(rotation)) * d) console.log(d) // console.log(d) let newPointX = Math.cos(orgAngle - rad(rotation + 90)) * d + centerXX; let newPointY = Math.sin(orgAngle - rad(rotation + 90)) * d + centerYY; return [newPointX, newPointY] } function rotatePoint(x, y, rotation) { let nCos = Math.cos(rad(rotation)) // console.log(nCos*(180/Math.PI)) // console.log(rad(rotation)) let nSin = Math.sin(rad(rotation)) let newX = x * nCos - y * nSin let newY = y * nCos + x * nSin return [newX, newY] }