class BaseShape { constructor() { this.controls = []; // Keep track of created elements and event listeners this.speedMultiplier = 100; } initialise(config) { for (let item of config) { const { element, listener } = addControl(item, this); this.controls.push({ element, listener }); } const { element, listener } = addControl({ type: "range", min: 1, max: 500, defaultValue: 100, property: "speedMultiplier", }, this); this.controls.push({ element, listener }); } remove() { this.controls.forEach(({ element, listener }) => { if (element && listener) { element.removeEventListener("input", listener); } if (element && element.parentElement) { element.parentElement.removeChild(element); const titleElement = document.getElementById("elText" +; titleElement.parentElement.removeChild(titleElement); } }); this.controls = []; } draw() { throw new Error("Draw function not implemented"); } } class PolyTwistColourWidth extends BaseShape { constructor(sides, width, line_width, depth, rotation, speedMultiplier, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.line_width = line_width; this.depth = depth; this.rotation = rotation; this.speedMultiplier = speedMultiplier; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) let out_angle = 0; const innerAngle = 180 - ((this.sides - 2) * 180) / this.sides; const scopeAngle = rotation - (innerAngle * Math.floor(rotation / innerAngle)); if (scopeAngle < innerAngle / 2) { out_angle = innerAngle / (2 * Math.cos((2 * Math.PI * scopeAngle) / (3 * innerAngle))) - innerAngle / 2; } else { out_angle = -innerAngle / (2 * Math.cos(((2 * Math.PI) / 3) - ((2 * Math.PI * scopeAngle) / (3 * innerAngle)))) + (innerAngle * 3) / 2; } let minWidth = Math.sin(rad(innerAngle / 2)) * (0.5 / Math.tan(rad(innerAngle / 2))) * 2; let widthMultiplier = minWidth / Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * (90 + innerAngle / 2 - out_angle + innerAngle * Math.floor(out_angle / innerAngle))); for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) { const fraction = i / this.depth; const ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, fraction); DrawPolygon(this.sides, this.width * widthMultiplier ** i, out_angle * i + this.rotation, ncolour, this.line_width); } } } class FloralPhyllo extends BaseShape { constructor(width, depth, start, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.width = width; this.depth = depth; this.start = start; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; this.speedMultiplier = 500; } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 500) rotation += this.start // var c = 24; //something to do with width. but not width var c = 1; //something to do with width. but not width //dont make larger than 270 unless altering the number of colours in lerpedColours for (let n = this.depth; n > 0; n -= 1) { let colVal = waveNormal(n, this.depth) let ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, n / this.depth); const a = n * rotation / 1000; //137.5; const r = c * Math.sqrt(n); const x = r * Math.cos(a) + centerX; const y = r * Math.sin(a) + centerY; drawEyelid(n * 2.4 + 40, x, y, ncolour); } } } class Spiral1 extends BaseShape { constructor(sides, width, lineWidth, colour) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.lineWidth = lineWidth; this.colour = colour; } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) var rot = Math.round((this.sides - 2) * 180 / this.sides * 2) var piv = 360 / this.sides; var stt = 0.5 * Math.PI - rad(rot) //+ rad(rotation); var end = 0; var n = this.width / ((this.width / 10) * (this.width / 10)) //pixel correction for mid leaf for (let i = 1; i < this.sides + 1; i++) { end = stt + rad(rot); ctx.lineWidth = this.lineWidth; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt + rad(rotation) - (stt - end) / 2, end + rad(rotation) + rad(n), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt - rad(rotation), end - (end - stt) / 2 + rad(n) - rad(rotation), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); stt = end + -(rad(rot - piv)) //+rad(30); } } } class FloralAccident extends BaseShape { constructor(sides, width, colour) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.colour = colour; } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) var rot = Math.round((this.sides - 2) * 180 / this.sides * 2) var piv = 360 / this.sides; var stt = 0.5 * Math.PI - rad(rot) //+ rad(rotation); var end = 0; var n = this.width / ((this.width / 10) * (this.width / 10)) //pixel correction for mid leaf for (let i = 1; i < this.sides + 1; i++) { end = stt + rad(rot); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i + rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt - (stt - end + rad(rotation)) / 2, end + rad(n), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX + Math.cos(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, centerY + Math.sin(rad(90 + piv * i - rotation)) * this.width, this.width, stt, end - (end - stt - rad(rotation)) / 2 + rad(n), 0); ctx.strokeStyle = this.colour; ctx.stroke(); stt = end + -(rad(rot - piv)) //+rad(30); } } } class FloralPhyllo_Accident extends BaseShape { constructor(sides, width, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.sides = sides; this.width = width; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) var c = 24; //something to do with width. but not width for (let n = 0; n < 300; n += 1) { let ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, Math.cos(rad(n / 2))); let a = n * (rotation / 1000 + 100); //137.5; let r = c * Math.sqrt(n); let x = r * Math.cos(a) + centerX; let y = r * Math.sin(a) + centerY; drawEyelidAccident(x, y, this.colour1); } } } class Nodal_expanding extends BaseShape { constructor(expand, points, start, line_width, colour1, colour2, colour_change) { super(); this.expand = expand; this.points = points; this.start = start; this.line_width = line_width; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; this.colour_change = colour_change } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 1000) var angle = (360 / 3000 * rotation) + this.start //2000 controls speed var length = this.expand; for (let z = 1; z <= this.points; z++) { //why specifically 2500 ctx.beginPath(); let ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, z / this.points); ctx.moveTo(centerX + (Math.cos(rad(angle * (z - 1) + 0)) * (length - this.expand)), centerY + (Math.sin(rad(angle * (z - 1) + 0)) * (length - this.expand))); ctx.lineTo(centerX + (Math.cos(rad(angle * z + 0)) * length), centerY + (Math.sin(rad(angle * z + 0)) * length)); length += this.expand; ctx.lineWidth = this.line_width;//try 1 ctx.strokeStyle = ncolour; ctx.lineCap = "round" // ctx.strokeStyle = colourToText(ncolour); console.log(ncolour) ctx.stroke(); } } } class Phyllotaxis extends BaseShape { constructor(width, start, nMax, wave, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.width = width; this.start = start; this.nMax = nMax; this.wave = wave; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2; } drawWave(angle) { angle /= 1000 const startColor = [45, 129, 252]; const endColor = [252, 3, 98]; const distanceMultiplier = 3; const maxIterations = this.nMax; // angle=0; for (let n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++) { ctx.beginPath(); // const nColor = lerpRGB(startColor, endColor, Math.cos(rad(n / 2))); const nColor = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, n / this.nMax); // const nAngle = n* angle ; // const nAngle = n*angle+ Math.sin(rad(n*1+angle*4000))/1 ; const nAngle = n * angle + Math.sin(rad(n * 1 + angle * 40000)) / 2; const radius = distanceMultiplier * n; const xCoord = radius * Math.cos(nAngle) + centerX; const yCoord = radius * Math.sin(nAngle) + centerY; ctx.arc(xCoord, yCoord, 8, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // ctx.fillStyle = colourToText(nColor); ctx.fillStyle = nColor; ctx.fill(); } } drawSpiral(angle) { angle /= 5000 const startColor = [224, 186, 16]; const endColor = [224, 16, 68]; const distanceMultiplier = 2; const maxIterations = this.nMax; for (let n = 0; n < maxIterations; n++) { const nColor = lerpRGB(startColor, endColor, Math.cos(rad(n / 2))); // const nColor = lerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, Math.cos(rad(n / 2))); // const nColor = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, n / this.nMax); const nAngle = n * angle + Math.sin(angle * n * 2); const radius = distanceMultiplier * n; const xCoord = radius * Math.cos(nAngle) + centerX; const yCoord = radius * Math.sin(nAngle) + centerY; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(xCoord, yCoord, 8, 0, 2 * Math.PI); // ctx.fillStyle = nColor; ctx.fillStyle = colourToText(nColor); ctx.fill(); } } // Draw_nodal(300, 100, 31, rotation, "blue"); draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 300) rotation += this.start const sizeMultiplier = this.nMax / (5 - 3) if (this.wave === 1) { this.drawWave(rotation) } else if (this.wave === 2) { this.drawSpiral(rotation) } else { for (let n = 0; n < this.nMax; n += 1) { const ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, n / this.nMax); // const ncolour = LerpHex(this.colour1, this.colour2, (n/this.nMax)**2); const a = n * (rotation / 1000)//137.5; const r = this.width * Math.sqrt(n); const x = r * Math.cos(a) + centerX; const y = r * Math.sin(a) + centerY; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(x, y, (n / sizeMultiplier) + 3, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = ncolour; // ctx.fillStyle = colourToText(ncolour); ctx.fill(); // console.log(this.c) } } } } class SquareTwist_angle extends BaseShape { constructor(width, line_width, colour1) { super(); this.width = width; this.line_width = line_width; this.colour1 = colour1; } drawSquare(angle, size, colour) {; ctx.translate(centerX, centerY)//-(Math.sin(rad(angle)) *centerX)); ctx.rotate(rad(angle + 180)); ctx.beginPath(); ctx.strokeStyle = colour; ctx.lineWidth = this.line_width; ctx.rect(-size / 2, -size / 2, size, size); ctx.stroke(); ctx.restore(); } // DrawSquareTwist_angle(400,0,rotation,"red") draw(rotation) { rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) let out_angle = rotation; let widthMultiplier = 1 / (2 * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * (130 - out_angle + 90 * Math.floor(out_angle / 90)))) + 0.5 for (let i = 0; i < 25; i++) { this.drawSquare(rotation * i, this.width * widthMultiplier ** i, this.colour1) } } } class CircleExpand extends BaseShape { constructor(nCircles, gap, linear, heart, colour1, colour2) { super(); this.nCircles = nCircles; = gap; this.linear = linear; this.heart = heart; this.colour1 = colour1; this.colour2 = colour2 } lerpColor(a, b, amount) { var ah = +a.replace('#', '0x'), ar = ah >> 16, ag = ah >> 8 & 0xff, ab = ah & 0xff, bh = +b.replace('#', '0x'), br = bh >> 16, bg = bh >> 8 & 0xff, bb = bh & 0xff, rr = ar + amount * (br - ar), rg = ag + amount * (bg - ag), rb = ab + amount * (bb - ab); return '#' + ((1 << 24) + (rr << 16) + (rg << 8) + rb | 0).toString(16).slice(1); } arraySort(x, y) { if (x.r > y.r) { return 1; } if (x.r < y.r) { return -1; } return 0; } drawHeart(w, colour) { // var w = 200 ctx.strokeStyle = "black"; ctx.fillStyle = colour; ctx.lineWidth = 1; var x = centerX - w / 2; let y = centerY - w / 2 ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(x, y + w / 4); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y, x + w / 4, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w / 2, y, x + w / 2, y + w / 5); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w / 2, y, x + w * 3 / 4, y); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y, x + w, y + w / 4); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x + w, y + w / 2, x + w * 3 / 4, y + w * 3 / 4); ctx.lineTo(x + w / 2, y + w); ctx.lineTo(x + w / 4, y + w * 3 / 4); ctx.quadraticCurveTo(x, y + w / 2, x, y + w / 4); ctx.stroke(); ctx.fill(); } draw(rotation) { rotation *= (0.9) ctx.strokeWeight = 1; ctx.lineWidth = 1; let arrOfWidths = [] let arrOfco = [] let intRot; if (this.linear) { intRot = Math.floor(rotation * 30) / 100 } else { intRot = Math.sin(rad(Math.floor(rotation * 30) / 4)) + rotation / 4 } for (let i = 0; i < this.nCircles; i++) { const width = * ((intRot + i) % this.nCircles); const colour = (Math.sin(rad(i * (360 / this.nCircles) - 90)) + 1) / 2 arrOfWidths.push({ r: width, c: colour }); } let newArr = arrOfWidths.sort(this.arraySort) for (let i = this.nCircles - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let newColour = this.lerpColor(this.colour1, this.colour2, newArr[i].c) if (this.heart) { this.drawHeart(newArr[i].r, newColour) } else { ctx.beginPath(); ctx.arc(centerX, centerY, newArr[i].r, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.fillStyle = newColour; ctx.fill(); ctx.stokeStyle = "black"; ctx.stroke(); } } } } class EyePrototype extends BaseShape { constructor(x, y, rotate, flip, width, blink_speed, draw_spiral, spiral_full, draw_pupil, draw_expand, draw_hypno, draw_eyelid, line_width, colourPupil, colourSpiral, colourExpand, colourEyelid) { super(); this.x = x; this.y = y; this.rotate = rotate; this.flip = flip this.width = width; this.blink_speed = blink_speed; this.line_width = line_width; this.step = 0; this.opening = true; this.counter = 0; this.cooldown = 0; this.draw_spiral = draw_spiral; this.spiral_full = spiral_full; this.draw_pupil = draw_pupil; this.draw_expand = draw_expand; this.draw_hypno = draw_hypno; this.draw_eyelid = draw_eyelid; this.colourPupil = colourPupil; this.colourSpiral = colourSpiral; this.colourExpand = colourExpand; this.colourEyelid = colourEyelid; this.centerPulse = new CircleExpand(20, 40, 0, 0, "#2D81FC", "#FC0362") } drawEyelid(rotation) { ctx.strokeStyle = this.colourEyelid; let relCenterX = centerX + this.x; let relCenterY = centerY + this.y; rotation *= (this.speedMultiplier / 100) ctx.lineWidth = 1; ctx.beginPath(); let newPoint = 0 let newPoint1 = 0 let addedRotate = this.flip ? 90 : 0 newPoint = rotatePoint(- this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) ctx.moveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(0, - rotation / 400 * this.width, this.rotate + addedRotate) newPoint1 = rotatePoint(this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1], relCenterX + newPoint1[0], relCenterY + newPoint1[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(- this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) ctx.moveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(0, + rotation / 400 * this.width, this.rotate + addedRotate) newPoint1 = rotatePoint(this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) ctx.quadraticCurveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1], relCenterX + newPoint1[0], relCenterY + newPoint1[1]); ctx.stroke(); } eyelidCut(rotation) { let relCenterX = centerX + this.x; let relCenterY = centerY + this.y; let newPoint = 0 let newPoint1 = 0 let addedRotate = this.flip ? 90 : 0 // ctx.lineWidth = 1; let squarePath = new Path2D(); newPoint = rotatePoint(- this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) squarePath.moveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(0, - rotation / 400 * this.width, this.rotate + addedRotate) newPoint1 = rotatePoint(this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) squarePath.quadraticCurveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1], relCenterX + newPoint1[0], relCenterY + newPoint1[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(- this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) squarePath.moveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1]); newPoint = rotatePoint(0, + rotation / 400 * this.width, this.rotate + addedRotate) newPoint1 = rotatePoint(this.width / 2, 0, this.rotate + addedRotate) squarePath.quadraticCurveTo(relCenterX + newPoint[0], relCenterY + newPoint[1], relCenterX + newPoint1[0], relCenterY + newPoint1[1]); ctx.clip(squarePath); } drawGrowEye(step) { // console.log(step) ctx.strokeStyle = this.colourExpand ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 5; ctx.arc(centerX + this.x, centerY + this.y, step, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); } drawCircle(step) { ctx.strokeStyle = this.colourPupil ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 5; ctx.arc(centerX + this.x, centerY + this.y, step, 0, 2 * Math.PI); ctx.stroke(); } drawSpiral(step) { ctx.strokeStyle = this.colourSpiral; let a = 1 let b = 5 ctx.moveTo(centerX, centerY); ctx.beginPath(); let max = this.spiral_full ? this.width : this.width / 2 for (let i = 0; i < max; i++) { let angle = 0.1 * i; let x = centerX + (a + b * angle) * Math.cos(angle + step / 2); let y = centerY + (a + b * angle) * Math.sin(angle + step / 2); ctx.lineTo(x + this.x, y + this.y); } ctx.lineWidth = 3; ctx.stroke(); } stepFunc() { if (this.cooldown != 0) { this.cooldown--; } else { if (this.opening == true) { if (this.step >= 200) { this.cooldown = 200; this.opening = false; this.step -= this.blink_speed; } else { this.step += this.blink_speed; } } else { if (this.step <= 0) { this.opening = true; this.step += this.blink_speed; } else { this.step -= this.blink_speed; } } } } draw(rotation) { let speedMult = 50 console.log(this.blink_speed) let waitTime = this.blink_speed let cap = 200 let d = waitTime * speedMult * 10 let a = cap * 2 + d let outputRotation = Math.min(Math.abs((Math.floor(rotation * speedMult) % a) - a / 2 - d / 2), cap) ctx.fillStyle = "black";; if (this.draw_eyelid) { this.drawEyelid(outputRotation); } // squareCut(); this.eyelidCut(outputRotation); // console.log(Math.floor(this.counter % this.width / 2)) if (Math.floor(this.counter % (this.width / 4)) === 0) { this.counter = 0; } ctx.fillStyle = "black"; ctx.fillRect(this.x - this.width / 2 + centerX, 0, this.width, ctx.canvas.height); if (this.draw_expand) { this.drawGrowEye(this.width / 4 + this.counter); } if (this.draw_hypno) { this.centerPulse.draw(rotation) } if (this.draw_spiral) { this.drawSpiral(rotation) } if (this.draw_pupil) { this.drawCircle(this.width / 4); } ctx.restore(); this.stepFunc(); this.counter++; } } class MaryFace extends BaseShape { constructor(x1, y1, rotate1, width1, x2, y2, rotate2, width2) { super(); this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.rotate1 = rotate1; this.width1 = width1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2; this.rotate2 = rotate2; this.width2 = width2; this.eye1 = new EyePrototype(x1, y1, rotate1, 0, width1, 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, "#00fffb", "#00fffb", "#00fffb") this.eye2 = new EyePrototype(x2, y2, rotate2, 0, width2, 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, "#00fffb", "#00fffb", "#00fffb") // this.eye3 = new EyePrototype(112, -280, rotate2+2,1, width2, 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, "#00fffb", "#00fffb", "#00fffb") this.eye3 = new EyePrototype(110, -280, rotate2 + 2, 1, width2, 10, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, "#00fffb", "#00fffb", "#00fffb")//maybe } draw(rotation) { let img = new Image(); img.src = "maryFace.png"; ctx.drawImage(img, centerX - img.width / 2, centerY - img.height / 2); this.eye1.draw(rotation); this.eye2.draw(rotation); this.eye3.draw(rotation); } }