import { BufferAttribute, BufferGeometry, Color, DoubleSide, FileLoader, Group, Loader, Mesh, MeshBasicMaterial, RawShaderMaterial, TextureLoader, Quaternion, Vector3 } from 'three'; import * as fflate from '../libs/fflate.module.js'; class TiltLoader extends Loader { load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { const scope = this; const loader = new FileLoader( this.manager ); loader.setPath( this.path ); loader.setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ); loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ); loader.load( url, function ( buffer ) { try { onLoad( scope.parse( buffer ) ); } catch ( e ) { if ( onError ) { onError( e ); } else { console.error( e ); } scope.manager.itemError( url ); } }, onProgress, onError ); } parse( buffer ) { const group = new Group(); // const zip = fflate.unzipSync( new Uint8Array( buffer.slice( 16 ) ) ); /* const thumbnail = zip[ 'thumbnail.png' ].buffer; const img = document.createElement( 'img' ); img.src = URL.createObjectURL( new Blob( [ thumbnail ] ) ); document.body.appendChild( img ); */ const metadata = JSON.parse( fflate.strFromU8( zip[ 'metadata.json' ] ) ); /* const blob = new Blob( [ zip[ 'data.sketch' ].buffer ], { type: 'application/octet-stream' } ); URL.createObjectURL( blob ) ); */ const data = new DataView( zip[ 'data.sketch' ].buffer ); const num_strokes = data.getInt32( 16, true ); const brushes = {}; let offset = 20; for ( let i = 0; i < num_strokes; i ++ ) { const brush_index = data.getInt32( offset, true ); const brush_color = [ data.getFloat32( offset + 4, true ), data.getFloat32( offset + 8, true ), data.getFloat32( offset + 12, true ), data.getFloat32( offset + 16, true ) ]; const brush_size = data.getFloat32( offset + 20, true ); const stroke_mask = data.getUint32( offset + 24, true ); const controlpoint_mask = data.getUint32( offset + 28, true ); let offset_stroke_mask = 0; let offset_controlpoint_mask = 0; for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) { // TOFIX: I don't understand these masks yet const byte = 1 << j; if ( ( stroke_mask & byte ) > 0 ) offset_stroke_mask += 4; if ( ( controlpoint_mask & byte ) > 0 ) offset_controlpoint_mask += 4; } // console.log( { brush_index, brush_color, brush_size, stroke_mask, controlpoint_mask } ); // console.log( offset_stroke_mask, offset_controlpoint_mask ); offset = offset + 28 + offset_stroke_mask + 4; // TOFIX: This is wrong const num_control_points = data.getInt32( offset, true ); // console.log( { num_control_points } ); const positions = new Float32Array( num_control_points * 3 ); const quaternions = new Float32Array( num_control_points * 4 ); offset = offset + 4; for ( let j = 0, k = 0; j < positions.length; j += 3, k += 4 ) { positions[ j + 0 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 0, true ); positions[ j + 1 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 4, true ); positions[ j + 2 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 8, true ); quaternions[ k + 0 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 12, true ); quaternions[ k + 1 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 16, true ); quaternions[ k + 2 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 20, true ); quaternions[ k + 3 ] = data.getFloat32( offset + 24, true ); offset = offset + 28 + offset_controlpoint_mask; // TOFIX: This is wrong } if ( brush_index in brushes === false ) { brushes[ brush_index ] = []; } brushes[ brush_index ].push( [ positions, quaternions, brush_size, brush_color ] ); } for ( const brush_index in brushes ) { const geometry = new StrokeGeometry( brushes[ brush_index ] ); const material = getMaterial( metadata.BrushIndex[ brush_index ] ); group.add( new Mesh( geometry, material ) ); } return group; } } class StrokeGeometry extends BufferGeometry { constructor( strokes ) { super(); const vertices = []; const colors = []; const uvs = []; const position = new Vector3(); const prevPosition = new Vector3(); const quaternion = new Quaternion(); const prevQuaternion = new Quaternion(); const vector1 = new Vector3(); const vector2 = new Vector3(); const vector3 = new Vector3(); const vector4 = new Vector3(); const color = new Color(); // size = size / 2; for ( const k in strokes ) { const stroke = strokes[ k ]; const positions = stroke[ 0 ]; const quaternions = stroke[ 1 ]; const size = stroke[ 2 ]; const rgba = stroke[ 3 ]; const alpha = stroke[ 3 ][ 3 ]; color.fromArray( rgba ).convertSRGBToLinear(); prevPosition.fromArray( positions, 0 ); prevQuaternion.fromArray( quaternions, 0 ); for ( let i = 3, j = 4, l = positions.length; i < l; i += 3, j += 4 ) { position.fromArray( positions, i ); quaternion.fromArray( quaternions, j ); vector1.set( - size, 0, 0 ); vector1.applyQuaternion( quaternion ); vector1.add( position ); vector2.set( size, 0, 0 ); vector2.applyQuaternion( quaternion ); vector2.add( position ); vector3.set( size, 0, 0 ); vector3.applyQuaternion( prevQuaternion ); vector3.add( prevPosition ); vector4.set( - size, 0, 0 ); vector4.applyQuaternion( prevQuaternion ); vector4.add( prevPosition ); vertices.push( vector1.x, vector1.y, - vector1.z ); vertices.push( vector2.x, vector2.y, - vector2.z ); vertices.push( vector4.x, vector4.y, - vector4.z ); vertices.push( vector2.x, vector2.y, - vector2.z ); vertices.push( vector3.x, vector3.y, - vector3.z ); vertices.push( vector4.x, vector4.y, - vector4.z ); prevPosition.copy( position ); prevQuaternion.copy( quaternion ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); colors.push( ...color, alpha ); const p1 = i / l; const p2 = ( i - 3 ) / l; uvs.push( p1, 0 ); uvs.push( p1, 1 ); uvs.push( p2, 0 ); uvs.push( p1, 1 ); uvs.push( p2, 1 ); uvs.push( p2, 0 ); } } this.setAttribute( 'position', new BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( vertices ), 3 ) ); this.setAttribute( 'color', new BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( colors ), 4 ) ); this.setAttribute( 'uv', new BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( uvs ), 2 ) ); } } const BRUSH_LIST_ARRAY = { '89d104cd-d012-426b-b5b3-bbaee63ac43c': 'Bubbles', '700f3aa8-9a7c-2384-8b8a-ea028905dd8c': 'CelVinyl', '0f0ff7b2-a677-45eb-a7d6-0cd7206f4816': 'ChromaticWave', '1161af82-50cf-47db-9706-0c3576d43c43': 'CoarseBristles', '79168f10-6961-464a-8be1-57ed364c5600': 'CoarseBristlesSingleSided', '1caa6d7d-f015-3f54-3a4b-8b5354d39f81': 'Comet', 'c8313697-2563-47fc-832e-290f4c04b901': 'DiamondHull', '4391aaaa-df73-4396-9e33-31e4e4930b27': 'Disco', 'd1d991f2-e7a0-4cf1-b328-f57e915e6260': 'DotMarker', '6a1cf9f9-032c-45ec-9b1d-a6680bee30f7': 'Dots', '0d3889f3-3ede-470c-8af4-f44813306126': 'DoubleTaperedFlat', '0d3889f3-3ede-470c-8af4-de4813306126': 'DoubleTaperedMarker', 'd0262945-853c-4481-9cbd-88586bed93cb': 'DuctTape', '3ca16e2f-bdcd-4da2-8631-dcef342f40f1': 'DuctTapeSingleSided', 'f6e85de3-6dcc-4e7f-87fd-cee8c3d25d51': 'Electricity', '02ffb866-7fb2-4d15-b761-1012cefb1360': 'Embers', 'cb92b597-94ca-4255-b017-0e3f42f12f9e': 'Fire', '2d35bcf0-e4d8-452c-97b1-3311be063130': 'Flat', '55303bc4-c749-4a72-98d9-d23e68e76e18': 'FlatDeprecated', '280c0a7a-aad8-416c-a7d2-df63d129ca70': 'FlatSingleSided', 'cf019139-d41c-4eb0-a1d0-5cf54b0a42f3': 'Highlighter', '6a1cf9f9-032c-45ec-9b6e-a6680bee32e9': 'HyperGrid', 'dce872c2-7b49-4684-b59b-c45387949c5c': 'Hypercolor', 'e8ef32b1-baa8-460a-9c2c-9cf8506794f5': 'HypercolorSingleSided', '2f212815-f4d3-c1a4-681a-feeaf9c6dc37': 'Icing', 'f5c336cf-5108-4b40-ade9-c687504385ab': 'Ink', 'c0012095-3ffd-4040-8ee1-fc180d346eaa': 'InkSingleSided', '4a76a27a-44d8-4bfe-9a8c-713749a499b0': 'Leaves', 'ea19de07-d0c0-4484-9198-18489a3c1487': 'LeavesSingleSided', '2241cd32-8ba2-48a5-9ee7-2caef7e9ed62': 'Light', '4391aaaa-df81-4396-9e33-31e4e4930b27': 'LightWire', 'd381e0f5-3def-4a0d-8853-31e9200bcbda': 'Lofted', '429ed64a-4e97-4466-84d3-145a861ef684': 'Marker', '79348357-432d-4746-8e29-0e25c112e3aa': 'MatteHull', 'b2ffef01-eaaa-4ab5-aa64-95a2c4f5dbc6': 'NeonPulse', 'f72ec0e7-a844-4e38-82e3-140c44772699': 'OilPaint', 'c515dad7-4393-4681-81ad-162ef052241b': 'OilPaintSingleSided', 'f1114e2e-eb8d-4fde-915a-6e653b54e9f5': 'Paper', '759f1ebd-20cd-4720-8d41-234e0da63716': 'PaperSingleSided', 'e0abbc80-0f80-e854-4970-8924a0863dcc': 'Petal', 'c33714d1-b2f9-412e-bd50-1884c9d46336': 'Plasma', 'ad1ad437-76e2-450d-a23a-e17f8310b960': 'Rainbow', 'faaa4d44-fcfb-4177-96be-753ac0421ba3': 'ShinyHull', '70d79cca-b159-4f35-990c-f02193947fe8': 'Smoke', 'd902ed8b-d0d1-476c-a8de-878a79e3a34c': 'Snow', 'accb32f5-4509-454f-93f8-1df3fd31df1b': 'SoftHighlighter', 'cf7f0059-7aeb-53a4-2b67-c83d863a9ffa': 'Spikes', '8dc4a70c-d558-4efd-a5ed-d4e860f40dc3': 'Splatter', '7a1c8107-50c5-4b70-9a39-421576d6617e': 'SplatterSingleSided', '0eb4db27-3f82-408d-b5a1-19ebd7d5b711': 'Stars', '44bb800a-fbc3-4592-8426-94ecb05ddec3': 'Streamers', '0077f88c-d93a-42f3-b59b-b31c50cdb414': 'Taffy', 'b468c1fb-f254-41ed-8ec9-57030bc5660c': 'TaperedFlat', 'c8ccb53d-ae13-45ef-8afb-b730d81394eb': 'TaperedFlatSingleSided', 'd90c6ad8-af0f-4b54-b422-e0f92abe1b3c': 'TaperedMarker', '1a26b8c0-8a07-4f8a-9fac-d2ef36e0cad0': 'TaperedMarker_Flat', '75b32cf0-fdd6-4d89-a64b-e2a00b247b0f': 'ThickPaint', 'fdf0326a-c0d1-4fed-b101-9db0ff6d071f': 'ThickPaintSingleSided', '4391385a-df73-4396-9e33-31e4e4930b27': 'Toon', 'a8fea537-da7c-4d4b-817f-24f074725d6d': 'UnlitHull', 'd229d335-c334-495a-a801-660ac8a87360': 'VelvetInk', '10201aa3-ebc2-42d8-84b7-2e63f6eeb8ab': 'Waveform', 'b67c0e81-ce6d-40a8-aeb0-ef036b081aa3': 'WetPaint', 'dea67637-cd1a-27e4-c9b1-52f4bbcb84e5': 'WetPaintSingleSided', '5347acf0-a8e2-47b6-8346-30c70719d763': 'WigglyGraphite', 'e814fef1-97fd-7194-4a2f-50c2bb918be2': 'WigglyGraphiteSingleSided', '4391385a-cf83-4396-9e33-31e4e4930b27': 'Wire' }; const common = { 'colors': { 'BloomColor': ` vec3 BloomColor(vec3 color, float gain) { // Guarantee that there's at least a little bit of all 3 channels. // This makes fully-saturated strokes (which only have 2 non-zero // color channels) eventually clip to white rather than to a secondary. float cmin = length(color.rgb) * .05; color.rgb = max(color.rgb, vec3(cmin, cmin, cmin)); // If we try to remove this pow() from .a, it brightens up // pressure-sensitive strokes; looks better as-is. color = pow(color, vec3(2.2)); color.rgb *= 2. * exp(gain * 10.); return color; } `, 'LinearToSrgb': ` vec3 LinearToSrgb(vec3 color) { // Approximation vec3 linearColor = color.rgb; vec3 S1 = sqrt(linearColor); vec3 S2 = sqrt(S1); vec3 S3 = sqrt(S2); color.rgb = 0.662002687 * S1 + 0.684122060 * S2 - 0.323583601 * S3 - 0.0225411470 * linearColor; return color; } `, 'hsv': ` // uniform sampler2D lookupTex; vec4 lookup(vec4 textureColor) { return textureColor; } vec3 lookup(vec3 textureColor) { return textureColor; } vec3 hsv2rgb( vec3 hsv ) { vec3 rgb = clamp( abs(mod(hsv.x*6.0+vec3(0.0,4.0,2.0),6.0)-3.0)-1.0, 0.0, 1.0 ); return hsv.z * mix( vec3(1.0), rgb, hsv.y); } vec3 rgb2hsv( vec3 rgb ) { vec4 K = vec4(0.0, -1.0 / 3.0, 2.0 / 3.0, -1.0); vec4 p = mix(vec4(, K.wz), vec4(, K.xy), step(rgb.b, rgb.g)); vec4 q = mix(vec4(p.xyw, rgb.r), vec4(rgb.r, p.yzx), step(p.x, rgb.r)); float d = q.x - min(q.w, q.y); float e = 1.0e-10; return vec3(abs(q.z + (q.w - q.y) / (6.0 * d + e)), d / (q.x + e), q.x); } `, 'SrgbToLinear': ` vec3 SrgbToLinear(vec3 color) { // Approximation vec3 sRGB = color.rgb; color.rgb = sRGB * (sRGB * (sRGB * 0.305306011 + 0.682171111) + 0.012522878); return color; } ` } }; let shaders = null; function getShaders() { if ( shaders === null ) { const loader = new TextureLoader().setPath( './textures/tiltbrush/' ); shaders = { 'Light': { uniforms: { mainTex: { value: loader.load( 'Light.webp' ) }, alphaTest: { value: 0.067 }, emission_gain: { value: 0.45 }, alpha: { value: 1 }, }, vertexShader: ` precision highp float; precision highp int; attribute vec2 uv; attribute vec4 color; attribute vec3 position; uniform mat4 modelMatrix; uniform mat4 modelViewMatrix; uniform mat4 projectionMatrix; uniform mat4 viewMatrix; uniform mat3 normalMatrix; uniform vec3 cameraPosition; varying vec2 vUv; varying vec3 vColor; ${ common.colors.LinearToSrgb } ${ common.colors.hsv } void main() { vUv = uv; vColor = lookup(color.rgb); vec4 mvPosition = modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 ); gl_Position = projectionMatrix * mvPosition; } `, fragmentShader: ` precision highp float; precision highp int; uniform float emission_gain; uniform sampler2D mainTex; uniform float alphaTest; varying vec2 vUv; varying vec3 vColor; ${ common.colors.BloomColor } ${ common.colors.SrgbToLinear } void main(){ vec4 col = texture2D(mainTex, vUv); vec3 color = vColor; color = BloomColor(color, emission_gain); color = color * col.rgb; color = color * col.a; color = SrgbToLinear(color); gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0); } `, side: 2, transparent: true, depthFunc: 2, depthWrite: true, depthTest: false, blending: 5, blendDst: 201, blendDstAlpha: 201, blendEquation: 100, blendEquationAlpha: 100, blendSrc: 201, blendSrcAlpha: 201, } }; } return shaders; } function getMaterial( GUID ) { const name = BRUSH_LIST_ARRAY[ GUID ]; switch ( name ) { case 'Light': return new RawShaderMaterial( getShaders().Light ); default: return new MeshBasicMaterial( { vertexColors: true, side: DoubleSide } ); } } export { TiltLoader };