import { optionalImport } from '../helpers.mjs'; // Adopts from const tagsHaveUriValuesForAttributes = new Set([ 'a', 'area', 'link', 'base', 'object', 'blockquote', 'q', 'del', 'ins', 'form', 'input', 'head', 'audio', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'script', 'track', 'video', ]); const tagsHasHrefAttributes = new Set([ 'a', 'area', 'link', 'base' ]); const attributesOfImgTagHasUriValues = new Set([ 'src', 'longdesc', 'usemap' ]); const attributesOfObjectTagHasUriValues = new Set([ 'classid', 'codebase', 'data', 'usemap' ]); const tagsHasCiteAttributes = new Set([ 'blockquote', 'q', 'ins', 'del' ]); const tagsHasSrcAttributes = new Set([ 'audio', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'script', 'track', 'video', /** * * * Although most of browsers recommend not to use "src" in , * but technically it does comply with HTML Standard. */ 'source' ]); const isUriTypeAttribute = (tag, attr) => { return ( tagsHasHrefAttributes.has(tag) && attr === 'href' || tag === 'img' && attributesOfImgTagHasUriValues.has(attr) || tag === 'object' && attributesOfObjectTagHasUriValues.has(attr) || tagsHasCiteAttributes.has(tag) && attr === 'cite' || tag === 'form' && attr === 'action' || tag === 'input' && attr === 'usemap' || tag === 'head' && attr === 'profile' || tag === 'script' && attr === 'for' || tagsHasSrcAttributes.has(tag) && attr === 'src' ); }; const isSrcsetAttribute = (tag, attr) => { return ( tag === 'source' && attr === 'srcset' || tag === 'img' && attr === 'srcset' || tag === 'link' && attr === 'imagesrcset' ); }; const processModuleOptions = options => { // FIXME! // relateurl@1.0.0-alpha only supports URL while stable version (0.2.7) only supports string // should convert input into URL instance after relateurl@1 is stable if (typeof options === 'string') return options; if (options instanceof URL) return options.toString(); return false; }; const isLinkRelCanonical = ({ tag, attrs }) => { // Return false early for non-"link" tag if (tag !== 'link') return false; for (const [attrName, attrValue] of Object.entries(attrs)) { if (attrName.toLowerCase() === 'rel' && attrValue === 'canonical') return true; } return false; }; const JAVASCRIPT_URL_PROTOCOL = 'javascript:'; let relateUrlInstance; let STORED_URL_BASE; /** Convert absolute url into relative url */ export default async function minifyUrls(tree, options, moduleOptions) { const RelateUrl = await optionalImport('relateurl'); const srcset = await optionalImport('srcset'); const terser = await optionalImport('terser'); let promises = []; const urlBase = processModuleOptions(moduleOptions); // Invalid configuration, return tree directly if (!urlBase) return tree; /** Bring up a reusable RelateUrl instances (only once) * * STORED_URL_BASE is used to invalidate RelateUrl instances, * avoiding require.cache acrossing multiple htmlnano instance with different configuration, * e.g. unit tests cases. */ if (!relateUrlInstance || STORED_URL_BASE !== urlBase) { if (RelateUrl) { relateUrlInstance = new RelateUrl(urlBase); } STORED_URL_BASE = urlBase; } tree.walk(node => { if (!node.attrs) return node; if (!node.tag) return node; if (!tagsHaveUriValuesForAttributes.has(node.tag)) return node; // Prevent link[rel=canonical] being processed // Can't be excluded by isUriTypeAttribute() if (isLinkRelCanonical(node)) return node; for (const [attrName, attrValue] of Object.entries(node.attrs)) { const attrNameLower = attrName.toLowerCase(); if (isUriTypeAttribute(node.tag, attrNameLower)) { if (isJavaScriptUrl(attrValue)) { promises.push(minifyJavaScriptUrl(node, attrName, terser)); } else { if (relateUrlInstance) { // FIXME! // relateurl@1.0.0-alpha only supports URL while stable version (0.2.7) only supports string // the WHATWG URL API is very strict while attrValue might not be a valid URL // new URL should be used, and relateUrl#relate should be wrapped in try...catch after relateurl@1 is stable node.attrs[attrName] = relateUrlInstance.relate(attrValue); } } continue; } if (isSrcsetAttribute(node.tag, attrNameLower)) { if (srcset) { try { const parsedSrcset = srcset.parse(attrValue, { strict: true }); node.attrs[attrName] = srcset.stringify( => { if (relateUrlInstance) { srcset.url = relateUrlInstance.relate(srcset.url); } return srcset; })); } catch (e) { // srcset will throw an Error for invalid srcset. } } continue; } } return node; }); if (promises.length > 0) return Promise.all(promises).then(() => tree); return Promise.resolve(tree); } function isJavaScriptUrl(url) { return typeof url === 'string' && url.toLowerCase().startsWith(JAVASCRIPT_URL_PROTOCOL); } const jsWrapperStart = 'function a(){'; const jsWrapperEnd = '}a();'; function minifyJavaScriptUrl(node, attrName, terser) { if (!terser) return Promise.resolve(); let result = node.attrs[attrName]; if (result) { result = jsWrapperStart + result.slice(JAVASCRIPT_URL_PROTOCOL.length) + jsWrapperEnd; return terser .minify(result, {}) // Default Option is good enough .then(({ code }) => { const minifiedJs = code.substring( jsWrapperStart.length, code.length - jsWrapperEnd.length ); node.attrs[attrName] = JAVASCRIPT_URL_PROTOCOL + minifiedJs; }); } return Promise.resolve(); }