"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.attributesWithLists = void 0; exports.onAttrs = onAttrs; var _helpers = require("../helpers.cjs"); const attributesWithLists = exports.attributesWithLists = new Set(['class', 'dropzone', 'rel', // a, area, link 'ping', // a, area 'sandbox', // iframe /** * https://github.com/posthtml/htmlnano/issues/180 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/link#attr-sizes * * "sizes" of should not be modified, while "sizes" of will only have one entry in most cases. */ // 'sizes', // link 'headers' // td, th ]); /** @type Record */ const attributesWithSingleValue = { accept: ['input'], action: ['form'], accesskey: null, 'accept-charset': ['form'], cite: ['blockquote', 'del', 'ins', 'q'], cols: ['textarea'], colspan: ['td', 'th'], data: ['object'], dropzone: null, formaction: ['button', 'input'], height: ['canvas', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'object', 'video'], high: ['meter'], href: ['a', 'area', 'base', 'link'], itemid: null, low: ['meter'], manifest: ['html'], max: ['meter', 'progress'], maxlength: ['input', 'textarea'], media: ['source'], min: ['meter'], minlength: ['input', 'textarea'], optimum: ['meter'], ping: ['a', 'area'], poster: ['video'], profile: ['head'], rows: ['textarea'], rowspan: ['td', 'th'], size: ['input', 'select'], span: ['col', 'colgroup'], src: ['audio', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'script', 'source', 'track', 'video'], start: ['ol'], step: ['input'], style: null, tabindex: null, usemap: ['img', 'object'], value: ['li', 'meter', 'progress'], width: ['canvas', 'embed', 'iframe', 'img', 'input', 'object', 'video'] }; /** Collapse whitespaces inside list-like attributes (e.g. class, rel) */ function onAttrs() { return (attrs, node) => { const newAttrs = attrs; Object.entries(attrs).forEach(([attrName, attrValue]) => { if (typeof attrValue !== 'string') return; if (attributesWithLists.has(attrName)) { const newAttrValue = attrValue.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim(); newAttrs[attrName] = newAttrValue; return; } if ((0, _helpers.isEventHandler)(attrName) || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(attributesWithSingleValue, attrName) && (attributesWithSingleValue[attrName] === null || attributesWithSingleValue[attrName].includes(node.tag))) { newAttrs[attrName] = minifySingleAttributeValue(attrValue); } }); return newAttrs; }; } function minifySingleAttributeValue(value) { return typeof value === 'string' ? value.trim() : value; }