"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; function _assert() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("assert")); _assert = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _plugin() { const data = require("@parcel/plugin"); _plugin = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _posthtml() { const data = _interopRequireDefault(require("posthtml")); _posthtml = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _utils() { const data = require("@parcel/utils"); _utils = function () { return data; }; return data; } function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } var _default = exports.default = new (_plugin().Packager)({ async package({ bundle, bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents }) { const assets = []; bundle.traverseAssets(asset => { assets.push(asset); }); _assert().default.strictEqual(assets.length, 1, 'SVG bundles must only contain one asset'); // Add bundles in the same bundle group that are not inline. For example, if two inline // bundles refer to the same library that is extracted into a shared bundle. let referencedBundles = [...(0, _utils().setDifference)(new Set(bundleGraph.getReferencedBundles(bundle)), new Set(bundleGraph.getReferencedBundles(bundle, { recursive: false })))]; const asset = assets[0]; const code = await asset.getCode(); let { html: svg } = await (0, _posthtml().default)([tree => insertBundleReferences(referencedBundles, tree), tree => replaceInlineAssetContent(bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents, tree)]).process(code, { directives: [{ name: /^\?/, start: '<', end: '>' }], xmlMode: true }); const { contents, map } = (0, _utils().replaceURLReferences)({ bundle, bundleGraph, contents: svg, relative: false, getReplacement: contents => contents.replace(/"/g, '"') }); return (0, _utils().replaceInlineReferences)({ bundle, bundleGraph, contents, getInlineBundleContents, getInlineReplacement: (dep, inlineType, contents) => ({ from: dep.id, to: contents.replace(/"/g, '"').trim() }), map }); } }); async function replaceInlineAssetContent(bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents, tree) { const inlineNodes = []; tree.walk(node => { if (node.attrs && node.attrs['data-parcel-key']) { inlineNodes.push(node); } return node; }); for (const node of inlineNodes) { const newContent = await getAssetContent(bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents, node.attrs['data-parcel-key']); if (newContent === null) { continue; } node.content = await (0, _utils().blobToString)(newContent.contents); // Wrap scripts and styles with CDATA if needed to ensure characters are not interpreted as XML if (node.tag === 'script' || node.tag === 'style') { if (node.content.includes('<') || node.content.includes('&')) { node.content = node.content.replace(/]]>/g, ']\\]>'); node.content = ``; } } // remove attr from output delete node.attrs['data-parcel-key']; } return tree; } async function getAssetContent(bundleGraph, getInlineBundleContents, assetId) { let inlineBundle; bundleGraph.traverseBundles((bundle, context, { stop }) => { const entryAssets = bundle.getEntryAssets(); if (entryAssets.some(a => a.uniqueKey === assetId)) { inlineBundle = bundle; stop(); } }); if (!inlineBundle) { return null; } const bundleResult = await getInlineBundleContents(inlineBundle, bundleGraph); return { bundle: inlineBundle, contents: bundleResult.contents }; } function insertBundleReferences(siblingBundles, tree) { let scripts = []; let stylesheets = []; for (let bundle of siblingBundles) { if (bundle.type === 'css') { stylesheets.push(``); } else if (bundle.type === 'js') { scripts.push({ tag: 'script', attrs: { href: (0, _utils().urlJoin)(bundle.target.publicUrl, bundle.name) } }); } } tree.unshift(...stylesheets); if (scripts.length > 0) { tree.match({ tag: 'svg' }, node => { node.content.unshift(...scripts); }); } }