"""Identity policy for storing info into aiohttp_session session. aiohttp_session.setup() should be called on application initialization to conffigure aiohttp_session properly. """ import asyncio from aiohttp_session import get_session from .abc import AbstractIdentityPolicy class SessionIdentityPolicy(AbstractIdentityPolicy): def __init__(self, session_key='AIOHTTP_SECURITY'): self._session_key = session_key @asyncio.coroutine def identify(self, request): session = yield from get_session(request) return session.get(self._session_key) @asyncio.coroutine def remember(self, request, response, identity, **kwargs): session = yield from get_session(request) session[self._session_key] = identity @asyncio.coroutine def forget(self, request, response): session = yield from get_session(request) session.pop(self._session_key, None)