.. _aiohttp-security-example-db-auth: =========================================== Permissions with PostgreSQL-based storage =========================================== Make sure that you have PostgreSQL and Redis servers up and running. If you want the full source code in advance or for comparison, check out the `demo source`_. .. _demo source: https://github.com/aio-libs/aiohttp_security/tree/master/demo .. _passlib: https://pythonhosted.org/passlib/ Database -------- Launch these sql scripts to init database and fill it with sample data: ``psql template1 < demo/sql/init_db.sql`` and then ``psql template1 < demo/sql/sample_data.sql`` You will have two tables for storing users and their permissions +--------------+ | users | +==============+ | id | +--------------+ | login | +--------------+ | passwd | +--------------+ | is_superuser | +--------------+ | disabled | +--------------+ and second table is permissions table: +-----------------+ | permissions | +=================+ | id | +-----------------+ | user_id | +-----------------+ | permission_name | +-----------------+ Writing policies ---------------- You need to implement two entities: *IdentityPolicy* and *AuthorizationPolicy*. First one should have these methods: *identify*, *remember* and *forget*. For second one: *authorized_userid* and *permits*. We will use built-in *SessionIdentityPolicy* and write our own database-based authorization policy. In our example we will lookup database by user login and if present return this identity:: @asyncio.coroutine def authorized_userid(self, identity): with (yield from self.dbengine) as conn: where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == identity, sa.not_(db.users.c.disabled)) query = db.users.count().where(where) ret = yield from conn.scalar(query) if ret: return identity else: return None For permission check we will fetch the user first, check if he is superuser (all permissions are allowed), otherwise check if permission is explicitly set for that user:: @asyncio.coroutine def permits(self, identity, permission, context=None): if identity is None: return False with (yield from self.dbengine) as conn: where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == identity, sa.not_(db.users.c.disabled)) query = db.users.select().where(where) ret = yield from conn.execute(query) user = yield from ret.fetchone() if user is not None: user_id = user[0] is_superuser = user[4] if is_superuser: return True where = db.permissions.c.user_id == user_id query = db.permissions.select().where(where) ret = yield from conn.execute(query) result = yield from ret.fetchall() if ret is not None: for record in result: if record.perm_name == permission: return True return False Setup ----- Once we have all the code in place we can install it for our application:: from aiohttp_session.redis_storage import RedisStorage from aiohttp_security import setup as setup_security from aiohttp_security import SessionIdentityPolicy from aiopg.sa import create_engine from aioredis import create_pool from .db_auth import DBAuthorizationPolicy @asyncio.coroutine def init(loop): redis_pool = yield from create_pool(('localhost', 6379)) dbengine = yield from create_engine(user='aiohttp_security', password='aiohttp_security', database='aiohttp_security', host='') app = web.Application(loop=loop) setup_session(app, RedisStorage(redis_pool)) setup_security(app, SessionIdentityPolicy(), DBAuthorizationPolicy(dbengine)) return app Now we have authorization and can decorate every other view with access rights based on permissions. This simple decorator (for class-based handlers) will help to do that:: def require(permission): def wrapper(f): @asyncio.coroutine @functools.wraps(f) def wrapped(self, request): has_perm = yield from permits(request, permission) if not has_perm: message = 'User has no permission {}'.format(permission) raise web.HTTPForbidden(body=message.encode()) return (yield from f(self, request)) return wrapped return wrapper For each view you need to protect just apply the decorator on it:: class Web: @require('protected') @asyncio.coroutine def protected_page(self, request): response = web.Response(body=b'You are on protected page') return response If someone will try to access this protected page he will see:: 403, User has no permission "protected" The best part about it is that you can implement any logic you want until it follows the API conventions. Launch application ------------------ For working with passwords there is a good library passlib_. Once you've created some users you want to check their credentials on login. Similar function may do what you trying to accomplish:: from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt @asyncio.coroutine def check_credentials(db_engine, username, password): with (yield from db_engine) as conn: where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == username, sa.not_(db.users.c.disabled)) query = db.users.select().where(where) ret = yield from conn.execute(query) user = yield from ret.fetchone() if user is not None: hash = user[2] return sha256_crypt.verify(password, hash) return False Final step is to launch your application:: python demo/main.py Try to login with admin/moderator/user accounts (with *password* password) and access **/public** or **/protected** endpoints.