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.. _aiohttp-security-example-db-auth:
Permissions with PostgreSQL-based storage
Make sure that you have PostgreSQL and Redis servers up and running.
If you want the full source code in advance or for comparison, check out
the `demo source`_.
.. _demo source:
.. _passlib:
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Launch these sql scripts to init database and fill it with sample data:
``psql template1 < demo/sql/init_db.sql``
``psql template1 < demo/sql/sample_data.sql``
Now you have two tables:
- for storing users
| users |
| id |
| login |
| passwd |
| is_superuser |
| disabled |
- for storing their permissions
| permissions |
| id |
| user_id |
| permission_name |
Writing policies
You need to implement two entities: *IdentityPolicy* and *AuthorizationPolicy*.
First one should have these methods: *identify*, *remember* and *forget*.
For second one: *authorized_userid* and *permits*. We will use built-in
*SessionIdentityPolicy* and write our own database-based authorization policy.
In our example we will lookup database by user login and if presents then return
this identity::
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async def authorized_userid(self, identity):
async with self.dbengine as conn:
where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == identity,
query = db.users.count().where(where)
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ret = await conn.scalar(query)
if ret:
return identity
return None
For permission checking we will fetch the user first, check if he is superuser
(all permissions are allowed), otherwise check if permission is explicitly set
for that user::
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async def permits(self, identity, permission, context=None):
if identity is None:
return False
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async with self.dbengine as conn:
where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == identity,
query =
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ret = await conn.execute(query)
user = await ret.fetchone()
if user is not None:
user_id = user[0]
is_superuser = user[3]
if is_superuser:
return True
where = db.permissions.c.user_id == user_id
query =
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ret = await conn.execute(query)
result = await ret.fetchall()
if ret is not None:
for record in result:
if record.perm_name == permission:
return True
return False
Once we have all the code in place we can install it for our application::
from aiohttp_session.redis_storage import RedisStorage
from aiohttp_security import setup as setup_security
from aiohttp_security import SessionIdentityPolicy
from import create_engine
from aioredis import create_pool
from .db_auth import DBAuthorizationPolicy
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async def init(loop):
redis_pool = await create_pool(('localhost', 6379))
dbengine = await create_engine(user='aiohttp_security',
app = web.Application(loop=loop)
setup_session(app, RedisStorage(redis_pool))
return app
Now we have authorization and can decorate every other view with access rights
based on permissions. There are already implemented two decorators::
from aiohttp_security import has_permission, login_required
For each view you need to protect - just apply the decorator on it::
class Web:
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async def protected_page(self, request):
response = web.Response(body=b'You are on protected page')
return response
class Web:
async def logout(self, request):
response = web.Response(body=b'You have been logged out')
await forget(request, response)
return response
If someone try to access that protected page he will see::
403: Forbidden
The best part of it - you can implement any logic you want until it
follows the API conventions.
Launch application
For working with passwords there is a good library passlib_. Once you've
created some users you want to check their credentials on login. Similar
function may do what you are trying to accomplish::
from passlib.hash import sha256_crypt
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async def check_credentials(db_engine, username, password):
async with db_engine as conn:
where = sa.and_(db.users.c.login == username,
query =
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ret = await conn.execute(query)
user = await ret.fetchone()
if user is not None:
hash = user[2]
return sha256_crypt.verify(password, hash)
return False
Final step is to launch your application::
python demo/database_auth/
Try to login with admin/moderator/user accounts (with **password** password)
and access **/public** or **/protected** endpoints.