import discord from discord.ext import commands from os import getenv from mcrcon import MCRcon bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') @bot.command() async def whitelist(ctx, arg): try: resp = command(f'whitelist add {arg}') if resp == f'Added {arg} to the whitelist': msg = "You have been whitelisted" elif resp == "Player is already whitelisted": msg = f'{arg} is alredy whitelisted' else: msg = f'Failed to add {arg}' except ConnectionRefusedError: msg = "Failed to add {arg}" except Exception as e: print("Discord error") finally: await ctx.send(msg) def command(command): with MCRcon(getenv("RCON_HOST"), getenv("RCON_PASS"), int(getenv("RCON_PORT")) ) as mcr: resp = mcr.command(command) print(resp) return resp def main(): try: command("say hello")"DISCORD_TOKEN")) except ConnectionRefusedError: exit("RCON failed") except: exit("Discord error") if __name__ == "__main__": main()