import { newE2EPage } from '@stencil/core/testing'; describe('app-profile', () => { it('renders', async () => { const page = await newE2EPage(); await page.setContent(''); const element = await page.find('app-profile'); expect(element).toHaveClass('hydrated'); }); it('displays the specified name', async () => { const page = await newE2EPage({ url: '/profile/joseph' }); const profileElement = await page.find('app-root >>> app-profile'); const element = profileElement.shadowRoot.querySelector('div'); expect(element.textContent).toContain('Hello! My name is Joseph.'); }); // it('includes a div with the class "app-profile"', async () => { // const page = await newE2EPage({ url: '/profile/joseph' }); // I would like to use a selector like this above, but it does not seem to work // const element = await page.find('app-root >>> app-profile >>> div'); // expect(element).toHaveClass('app-profile'); // }); });