64 lines
1.5 KiB
64 lines
1.5 KiB
import StarTSPImage
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
import textwrap
# #image = Image.new('RGB', (2000, 2000), color='White')
# image = Image.open("printer/image.jpg")
# txt=Image.new('L', (1000,500))
# font = ImageFont.truetype("printer/font.ttf", 30)
# draw = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
# draw.text((0, 0),"Sample Text",font=font)
# w=txt.rotate(90, expand=1)
# image.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (0,0,0)), (0,0), w)
# image.show()
# im=Image.open("image.jpg")
# f = ImageFont.load_default()
# txt=Image.new('L', (500,50))
# d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
# d.text( (0, 0), "Someplace Near Boulder", font=f, fill=255)
# w=txt.rotate(17.5, expand=1)
# im.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (255,255,84)), (242,60), w)
# im.show
# f = ImageFont.load_default()
f = ImageFont.truetype("printer/Jua-Regular.ttf", 45)
txt=Image.new('L', (1000,225))
d = ImageDraw.Draw(txt)
text_short = "By the DJ, offer a stranger a drink"
text_long = "In the outdoor area, ask someone would you rather be known for always being honest or always being kind"
lines = textwrap.wrap(text_long, width=23)
y = 0
n = 0
for line in lines:
n += 1
width, height = f.getsize(line)
d.text(((1000-width)/2, y), line, font=f, fill=255)
y += height
w=txt.rotate(-90, expand=1)
im.paste( ImageOps.colorize(w, (0,0,0), (0,0,0)), ( (n-5)*20 + 130, 5), w)
raster = StarTSPImage.imageToRaster(im, cut=True)
printer = open('/dev/usb/lp0', "wb")