import os import docker import json import pprint from restic_volume_backup import utils VOLUME_TYPE_BIND = "bind" VOLUME_TYPE_VOLUME = "volume" class Container: """Represents a docker container""" def __init__(self, data): self._data = data = data['Id'] = data['Name'] self._state = data.get('State') self._config = data.get('Config') self._mounts = [Mount(mnt, container=self) for mnt in data.get('Mounts')] if not self._state: raise ValueError('Container meta missing State') if self._config is None: raise ValueError('Container meta missing Config') self._labels = self._config.get('Labels') if self._labels is None: raise ValueError('Container mtea missing Config->Labels') self._include = self._parse_pattern(self.get_label('restic-volume-backup.include')) self._exclude = self._parse_pattern(self.get_label('restic-volume-backup.exclude')) @property def image(self): """Image name""" return self.get_config('Image') @property def backup_enabled(self) -> bool: """Is backup enabled for this container?""" return self.get_label('restic-volume-backup.enabled') == 'True' @property def is_backup_process_container(self) -> bool: """Is this container the running backup process?""" return self.get_label('restic-volume-backup.backup_process') == 'True' @property def is_running(self) -> bool: """Is the container running?""" return self._state.get('Running', False) @property def service_name(self) ->str: """Name of the container/service""" return self.get_label('com.docker.compose.service', default='') @property def project_name(self) -> str: """Name of the compose setup""" return self.get_label('com.docker.compose.project', default='') @property def is_oneoff(self) -> bool: """Was this container started with run command?""" return self.get_label('com.docker.compose.oneoff', default='False') == 'True' def get_config(self, name): """Get value from config dict""" return self._config.get(name) def get_label(self, name, default=None): """Get a label by name""" return self._labels.get(name, None) def filter_mounts(self): """Get all mounts for this container matching include/exclude filters""" filtered = [] if self._include: for mount in self._mounts: for pattern in self._include: if pattern in mount.source: break else: continue filtered.append(mount) elif self._exclude: for mount in self._mounts: for pattern in self._exclude: if pattern in mount.source: break else: filtered.append(mount) else: return self._mounts return filtered def _parse_pattern(self, value): if not value: return None if type(value) is not str: return None value = value.strip() if len(value) == 0: return None return value.split(',') def to_dict(self): return { 'Id':, 'Names': self.names, 'State': self.state, 'Labels': self.labels, 'Mounts': [ for mnt in self.mounts], 'include': self.include, 'exclude': self.exlude, } class Mount: """Represents a volume mount (volume or bind)""" def __init__(self, data, container=None): self._data = data self._container = container @property def container(self) -> Container: """The container this mount belongs to""" return self._container @property def type(self) -> str: """bind/volume""" return self._data.get('Type') @property def name(self) -> str: """Name of the mount""" return self._data.get('Name') @property def source(self) -> str: """Source of the mount. Volume name or path""" return self._data.get('Source') @property def destination(self) -> str: """Destionatin path for the volume mount in the container""" return self._data.get('Destination') def mount_string(self) -> str: if self.type == VOLUME_TYPE_VOLUME: return "- {}:{}:ro".format('_')[-1], self.destination) elif self.type == VOLUME_TYPE_BIND: return "- {}:{}:ro".format(self.source, self.destination) else: raise ValueError("Uknown volume type: {}".format(self.type)) def __repr__(self) -> str: return str(self) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self._data) def __hash__(self): """Uniquness for a volume""" if self.type == VOLUME_TYPE_VOLUME: return hash( elif self.type == VOLUME_TYPE_BIND: return hash(self.source) else: raise ValueError("Uknown volume type: {}".format(self.type)) class RunningContainers: def __init__(self): all_containers = utils.list_containers() self.containers = [] self.this_container = None self.backup_process_container = None # Find the container we are running in. # If we don't have this information we cannot continue for container_data in all_containers: if container_data.get('Id').startswith(os.environ['HOSTNAME']): self.this_container = Container(container_data) if not self.this_container: raise ValueError("Cannot find metadata for backup container") # Gather all containers in the current compose setup for container_data in all_containers: container = Container(container_data) # Detect running backup process container if container.is_backup_process_container: self.backup_process_container = container # Detect containers beloging to the current compose setup if container.project_name == self.this_container.project_name and not container.is_oneoff: if != self.containers.append(container) # def gen_volumes(self, volume_type): # """Generator yielding volumes of a specific type""" # for cont in self.containers: # for mnt in cont.mounts: # if mnt.type == volume_type: # yield mnt # def volume_mounts(self): # """Docker volumes""" # return set(mnt for mnt in self.gen_volumes(VOLUME_TYPE_VOLUME)) # def bind_mounts(self): # """Host mapped volumes""" # return set(mnt for mnt in self.gen_volumes(VOLUME_TYPE_BIND)) @property def backup_process_running(self) -> bool: """Is the backup process container running?""" return self.backup_process_container is not None def get_service(self, name) -> Container: for container in self.containers: if container.service_name == name: return container return None