Configuration ============= Environment Variables --------------------- RESTIC_REPOSITORY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sets the restic repository path. This is a standard environment variable the ``restic`` command will read making it simple for us to enter the container and use the restic command directly. More about this value and supported backends: RESTIC_PASSWORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sets the password is used to encrypt/decrypt data. Losing this password will make recovery impossible. This is a standard environment variable the ``restic`` command will read making it simple for us to enter the container running the command directly. RESTIC_KEEP_DAILY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``7`` How many daily snapshots (grouped by path) back in time we want to keep. This is passed to restic in the ``forget --keep-daily`` option. RESTIC_KEEP_WEEKLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``4`` How many weeks back we should keep at least one snapshot (grouped by path). This is passed to restic in the ``forget --keep-weekly`` option. RESTIC_KEEP_MONTHLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``12`` How many months back we should keep at least on snapshot (grouped by path). This is passed to restic in the ``forget --keep-monthly`` option. The schedule parameters only accepts numeric values and is validated when the container starts. Providing values cron does not understand will stall all backup. RESTIC_KEEP_YEARLY ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``3`` How many years back we should keep at least one snapshot (grouped by path). This is passed to restic in the ``forget --keep-yearly`` option. CRON_SCHEDULE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``0 2 * * *`` (daily at 02:00) The cron schedule parameters. The crontab is generated when the container starts from the ``CRON_SCHEDULE`` and ``CRON_COMMAND`` env variables. .. code:: ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59) │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23) │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31) │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12) │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday) │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ * * * * * command to execute CRON_COMMAND ~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``source / && rcb backup > /proc/1/fd/1`` The command executed in the crontab. A single line is generated when the container starts from the ``CRON_SCHEDULE`` and ``CRON_COMMAND`` environment variables. The default command sources a dump of all env vars, runs the backup command and directs output to pid 1 so it appears in docker logs. By default the crontab will look like this:: 0 2 * * * source / && rcb backup > /proc/1/fd/1 LOG_LEVEL ~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``info`` Log level for the ``rcb`` command. Valid values are ``debug``, ``info``, ``warning``, ``error``. EMAIL_HOST ~~~~~~~~~~ The email host to use. Alerts can be tested using the ``rcb alerts`` command. This will send a test message to all configured alert backends. EMAIL_PORT ~~~~~~~~~~ The port to connect to Alerts can be tested using the ``rcb alerts`` command. This will send a test message to all configured alert backends. EMAIL_HOST_USER ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The user of the sender account Alerts can be tested using the ``rcb alerts`` command. This will send a test message to all configured alert backends. EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The password for the sender account Alerts can be tested using the ``rcb alerts`` command. This will send a test message to all configured alert backends. EMAIL_SEND_TO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The email address to send alerts Alerts can be tested using the ``rcb alerts`` command. This will send a test message to all configured alert backends. DISCORD_WEBHOOK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The discord webhook url. And administrator can quickly set this up by going to server settings in the discord client and create a webhook that will post embedded messages to a specific channel. The url usually looks like this: ````` DOCKER_BASE_URL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Default value**: ``unix://tmp/docker.sock`` The location of the docker socket. Compose Labels -------------- A simple `include` and `exclude` filter is also available. .. code:: yaml example: image: some_image labels: restic-compose-backup.volumes: true restic-compose-backup.volumes.include: "files,data" volumes: # Source don't match include filter. No backup. - media:/srv/media # Matches include filter - files:/srv/files - /srv/data:/srv/data volumes: media: files: Exclude .. code:: yaml example: image: some_image labels: restic-compose-backup.volumes: true restic-compose-backup.volumes.exclude: "media" volumes: # Excluded by filter - media:/srv/media # Backed up - files:/srv/files - /srv/data:/srv/data volumes: media: files: Databases Will dump databases directly into restic through stdin. They will appear in restic as a separate snapshot with path `/databases//dump.sql` or similar.