import argparse import logging from restic_compose_backup import ( alerts, backup_runner, log, restic, ) from restic_compose_backup.config import Config from restic_compose_backup.containers import RunningContainers logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def main(): """CLI entrypoint""" args = parse_args() config = Config() log.setup(level=args.log_level or config.log_level) containers = RunningContainers() # Ensure log level is propagated to parent container if overridden if args.log_level: containers.this_container.set_config_env('LOG_LEVEL', args.log_level) if args.action == 'status': status(config, containers) elif args.action == 'snapshots': snapshots(config, containers) elif args.action == 'backup': backup(config, containers) elif args.action == 'start-backup-process': start_backup_process(config, containers) elif args.action == 'cleanup': cleanup(config, containers) elif args.action == 'alert': alert(config, containers) def status(config, containers): """Outputs the backup config for the compose setup""""Status for compose project '%s'", containers.project_name)"Repository: '%s'", config.repository)"Backup currently running?: %s", containers.backup_process_running)"%s Detected Config %s", "-" * 25, "-" * 25)"Initializing repository (may fail if already initalized)") restic.init_repo(config.repository) backup_containers = containers.containers_for_backup() for container in backup_containers:'service: %s', container.service_name) if container.volume_backup_enabled: for mount in container.filter_mounts():' - volume: %s', mount.source) if container.database_backup_enabled: instance = container.instance ping =' - %s (is_ready=%s)', instance.container_type, ping == 0) if ping != 0: logger.error("Database '%s' in service %s cannot be reached", instance.container_type, container.service_name) if len(backup_containers) == 0:"No containers in the project has 'restic-compose-backup.*' label")"-" * 67) def backup(config, containers): """Request a backup to start""" # Make sure we don't spawn multiple backup processes if containers.backup_process_running: raise ValueError("Backup process already running") # Map all volumes from the backup container into the backup process container volumes = containers.this_container.volumes # Map volumes from other containers we are backing up mounts = containers.generate_backup_mounts('/volumes') volumes.update(mounts) try: result = image=containers.this_container.image, command='restic-compose-backup start-backup-process', volumes=volumes, environment=containers.this_container.environment,, labels={ "restic-compose-backup.backup_process": 'True', "com.docker.compose.project": containers.project_name, }, ) except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) alerts.send( subject="Exception during backup", body=str(ex), alert_type='ERROR', ) return'Backup container exit code: %s', result) # Alert the user if something went wrong if result != 0: alerts.send( subject="Backup process exited with non-zero code", body=open('backup.log').read(), alert_type='ERROR', ) def start_backup_process(config, containers): """The actual backup process running inside the spawned container""" if (not containers.backup_process_container or containers.this_container == containers.backup_process_container is False): logger.error( "Cannot run backup process in this container. Use backup command instead. " "This will spawn a new container with the necessary mounts." ) return status(config, containers) errors = False # Back up volumes try:'Backing up volumes') vol_result = restic.backup_files(config.repository, source='/volumes') logger.debug('Volume backup exit code: %s', vol_result) if vol_result != 0: logger.error('Backup command exited with non-zero code: %s', vol_result) errors = True except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) errors = True # back up databases for container in containers.containers_for_backup(): if container.database_backup_enabled: try: instance = container.instance'Backing up %s in service %s', instance.container_type, instance.service_name) result = instance.backup() logger.debug('Exit code: %s', result) if result != 0: logger.error('Backup command exited with non-zero code: %s', result) errors = True except Exception as ex: logger.exception(ex) errors = True if errors: exit(1) # Only run cleanup if backup was successful result = cleanup(config, container) logger.debug('cleanup exit code: %s', errors) if result != 0: exit(1) def cleanup(config, containers): """Run forget / prune to minimize storage space"""'Forget outdated snapshots') forget_result = restic.forget( config.repository, config.keep_daily, config.keep_weekly, config.keep_monthly, config.keep_yearly, )'Prune stale data freeing storage space') prune_result = restic.prune(config.repository) return forget_result and prune_result def snapshots(config, containers): """Display restic snapshots""" stdout, stderr = restic.snapshots(config.repository, last=True) for line in stdout.decode().split('\n'): print(line) def alert(config, containers): """Test alerts""""Testing alerts") alerts.send( subject="{}: Test Alert".format(containers.project_name), body="Test message", ) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog='restic_compose_backup') parser.add_argument( 'action', choices=['status', 'snapshots', 'backup', 'start-backup-process', 'alert', 'cleanup'], ) parser.add_argument( '--log-level', default=None, choices=list(log.LOG_LEVELS.keys()), help="Log level" ) return parser.parse_args() if __name__ == '__main__': main()