""" Restic commands """ import logging from typing import List, Tuple from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from restic_compose_backup import commands logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def init_repo(repository: str): """ Attempt to initialize the repository. Doing this after the repository is initialized """ return commands.run(restic(repository, [ "init", ])) def backup_files(repository: str, source='/volumes'): return commands.run(restic(repository, [ "--verbose", "backup", source, ])) def backup_from_stdin(repository: str, filename: str, source_command: List[str]): """ Backs up from stdin running the source_command passed in. It will appear in restic with the filename (including path) passed in. """ dest_command = restic(repository, [ 'backup', '--stdin', '--stdin-filename', filename, ]) # pipe source command into dest command source_process = Popen(source_command, stdout=PIPE, bufsize=65536) dest_process = Popen(dest_command, stdin=source_process.stdout, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, bufsize=65536) stdout, stderr = dest_process.communicate() # Ensure both processes exited with code 0 source_exit, dest_exit = source_process.poll(), dest_process.poll() exit_code = 0 if (source_exit == 0 and dest_exit == 0) else 1 if stdout: commands.log_std('stdout', stdout, logging.DEBUG if exit_code == 0 else logging.ERROR) if stderr: commands.log_std('stderr', stderr, logging.ERROR) return exit_code def snapshots(repository: str, last=True) -> Tuple[str, str]: args = ["snapshots"] if last: args.append('--last') return commands.run_capture_std(restic(repository, args)) def forget(repository: str, daily: str, weekly: str, monthly: str, yearly: str): return commands.run(restic(repository, [ 'forget', '--keep-daily', daily, '--keep-weekly', weekly, '--keep-monthly', monthly, '--keep-yearly', yearly, ])) def prune(repository: str): return commands.run(restic(repository, [ 'prune', ])) def check(repository: str): return commands.run(restic(repository, [ "check", ])) def restic(repository: str, args: List[str]): """Generate restic command""" return [ "restic", "-r", repository, ] + args