import { AppProfile } from './app-profile'; import { newSpecPage } from '@stencil/core/testing'; describe('app-profile', () => { describe('normalization', () => { it('returns a blank string if the name is undefined', async () => { const { rootInstance } = await newSpecPage({ components: [AppProfile], html: '', }); expect(rootInstance.normalize(undefined)).toEqual(''); }); it('returns a blank string if the name is null', async () => { const { rootInstance } = await newSpecPage({ components: [AppProfile], html: '', }); expect(rootInstance.normalize(null)).toEqual(''); }); it('capitalizes the first letter', async () => { const { rootInstance } = await newSpecPage({ components: [AppProfile], html: '', }); expect(rootInstance.normalize('quincy')).toEqual('Quincy'); }); it('lower-cases the following letters', async () => { const { rootInstance } = await newSpecPage({ components: [AppProfile], html: '', }); expect(rootInstance.normalize('JOSEPH')).toEqual('Joseph'); }); it('handles single letter names', async () => { const { rootInstance } = await newSpecPage({ components: [AppProfile], html: '', }); expect(rootInstance.normalize('q')).toEqual('Q'); }); }); });