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<title>AVRDUDE: 4.3 Part Definitions</title>
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<a name="Part-Definitions"></a>
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<a name="Part-Definitions-1"></a>
<h2 class="section">4.3 Part Definitions</h2>
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">part
id = &lt;id&gt; ; # quoted string
desc = &lt;description&gt; ; # quoted string
family_id = &lt;description&gt; ; # quoted string
has_jtag = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # part has JTAG i/f
has_debugwire = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # part has debugWire i/f
has_pdi = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # part has PDI i/f
has_updi = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # part has UPDI i/f
has_tpi = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # part has TPI i/f
devicecode = &lt;num&gt; ; # numeric
stk500_devcode = &lt;num&gt; ; # numeric
avr910_devcode = &lt;num&gt; ; # numeric
signature = &lt;num&gt; &lt;num&gt; &lt;num&gt; ; # signature bytes
usbpid = &lt;num&gt; ; # DFU USB PID
reset = dedicated | io;
retry_pulse = reset | sck;
pgm_enable = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
chip_erase = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
chip_erase_delay = &lt;num&gt; ; # micro-seconds
# STK500 parameters (parallel programming IO lines)
pagel = &lt;num&gt; ; # pin name in hex, i.e., 0xD7
bs2 = &lt;num&gt; ; # pin name in hex, i.e., 0xA0
serial = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # can use serial downloading
parallel = &lt;yes/no/pseudo&gt;; # can use par. programming
# STK500v2 parameters, to be taken from Atmel's XML files
timeout = &lt;num&gt; ;
stabdelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
cmdexedelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
synchloops = &lt;num&gt; ;
bytedelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
pollvalue = &lt;num&gt; ;
pollindex = &lt;num&gt; ;
predelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
postdelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
pollmethod = &lt;num&gt; ;
mode = &lt;num&gt; ;
delay = &lt;num&gt; ;
blocksize = &lt;num&gt; ;
readsize = &lt;num&gt; ;
hvspcmdexedelay = &lt;num&gt; ;
# STK500v2 HV programming parameters, from XML
pp_controlstack = &lt;num&gt;, &lt;num&gt;, ...; # PP only
hvsp_controlstack = &lt;num&gt;, &lt;num&gt;, ...; # HVSP only
hventerstabdelay = &lt;num&gt;;
progmodedelay = &lt;num&gt;; # PP only
latchcycles = &lt;num&gt;;
togglevtg = &lt;num&gt;;
poweroffdelay = &lt;num&gt;;
resetdelayms = &lt;num&gt;;
resetdelayus = &lt;num&gt;;
hvleavestabdelay = &lt;num&gt;;
resetdelay = &lt;num&gt;;
synchcycles = &lt;num&gt;; # HVSP only
chiperasepulsewidth = &lt;num&gt;; # PP only
chiperasepolltimeout = &lt;num&gt;;
chiperasetime = &lt;num&gt;; # HVSP only
programfusepulsewidth = &lt;num&gt;; # PP only
programfusepolltimeout = &lt;num&gt;;
programlockpulsewidth = &lt;num&gt;; # PP only
programlockpolltimeout = &lt;num&gt;;
# JTAG ICE mkII parameters, also from XML files
allowfullpagebitstream = &lt;yes/no&gt; ;
enablepageprogramming = &lt;yes/no&gt; ;
idr = &lt;num&gt; ; # IO addr of IDR (OCD) reg.
rampz = &lt;num&gt; ; # IO addr of RAMPZ reg.
spmcr = &lt;num&gt; ; # mem addr of SPMC[S]R reg.
eecr = &lt;num&gt; ; # mem addr of EECR reg.
# (only when != 0x3c)
is_at90s1200 = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # AT90S1200 part
is_avr32 = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # AVR32 part
memory &lt;memtype&gt;
paged = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # yes / no
size = &lt;num&gt; ; # bytes
page_size = &lt;num&gt; ; # bytes
num_pages = &lt;num&gt; ; # numeric
min_write_delay = &lt;num&gt; ; # micro-seconds
max_write_delay = &lt;num&gt; ; # micro-seconds
readback_p1 = &lt;num&gt; ; # byte value
readback_p2 = &lt;num&gt; ; # byte value
pwroff_after_write = &lt;yes/no&gt; ; # yes / no
read = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
write = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
read_lo = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
read_hi = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
write_lo = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
write_hi = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
loadpage_lo = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
loadpage_hi = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
writepage = &lt;instruction format&gt; ;
<table class="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Parent-Part">4.3.1 Parent Part</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
<tr><td align="left" valign="top"><a href="#Instruction-Format">4.3.2 Instruction Format</a></td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td align="left" valign="top">
<a name="Parent-Part"></a>
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<a name="Parent-Part-1"></a>
<h3 class="subsection">4.3.1 Parent Part</h3>
<p>Parts can also inherit parameters from previously defined parts
using the following syntax. In this case specified integer and
string values override parameter values from the parent part. New
memory definitions are added to the definitions inherited from the
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample"> part parent &lt;id&gt; # quoted string
id = &lt;id&gt; ; # quoted string
&lt;any set of other parameters from the list above&gt;
<a name="Instruction-Format"></a>
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<a name="Instruction-Format-1"></a>
<h3 class="subsection">4.3.2 Instruction Format</h3>
<p>Instruction formats are specified as a comma separated list of string
values containing information (bit specifiers) about each of the 32 bits
of the instruction. Bit specifiers may be one of the following formats:
<dl compact="compact">
<dd><p>The bit is always set on input as well as output
<dd><p>the bit is always clear on input as well as output
<dd><p>the bit is ignored on input and output
<dd><p>the bit is an address bit, the bit-number matches this bit specifier&rsquo;s
position within the current instruction byte
<dd><p>the bit is the <var>N</var>th address bit, bit-number = N, i.e., <code>a12</code>
is address bit 12 on input, <code>a0</code> is address bit 0.
<dd><p>the bit is an input data bit
<dd><p>the bit is an output data bit
<p>Each instruction must be composed of 32 bit specifiers. The instruction
specification closely follows the instruction data provided in Atmel&rsquo;s
data sheets for their parts. For example, the EEPROM read and write
instruction for an AT90S2313 AVR part could be encoded as:
<div class="smallexample">
<pre class="smallexample">
read = &quot;1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x&quot;,
&quot;x a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 o o o o o o o o&quot;;
write = &quot;1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 x x x x x x x x&quot;,
&quot;x a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a0 i i i i i i i i&quot;;
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