AVRDUDE was written by: Brian S. Dean <bsd@bdmicro.com> Contributors: Joerg Wunsch <j@uriah.heep.sax.de> Eric Weddington <ericw@evcohs.com> Jan-Hinnerk Reichert <hinni@despammed.com> Alex Shepherd <maillists@ajsystems.co.nz> Martin Thomas <mthomas@rhrk.uni-kl.de> Theodore A. Roth <troth@openavr.org> Juliane Holzt <avrdude@juliane.holzt.de> Colin O'Flynn <coflynn@newae.com> Thomas Fischl <tfischl@gmx.de> David Hoerl <dhoerl@mac.com> Michal Ludvig <mludvig@logix.net.nz> Darell Tan <darell.tan@gmail.com> Wolfgang Moser Ville Voipio Hannes Weisbach Doug Springer Brett Hagman <bhagman@roguerobotics.com> Rene Liebscher <r.liebscher@gmx.de> Jim Paris <jim@jtan.com> Jan Egil Ruud <janegil.ruud@microchip.com> David Mosberger <davidm@egauge.net> David Sainty Marius Greuel <greuelm@mgtek.com> Dawid Buchwald <dawid.buchwald@hotmail.com> Hans Eirik Bull Contributors to code no longer present: Dale Roberts for the giveio driver Paula Tomlinson for the loaddrv sources Chris Liechti for loaddrv modifications For minor contributions, please see the ChangeLog files.