/* * avrftdi - extension for avrdude, Wolfgang Moser, Ville Voipio * Copyright (C) 2011 Hannes Weisbach, Doug Springer * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* $Id$ */ /* * Interface to the MPSSE Engine of FTDI Chips using libftdi. */ #include "ac_cfg.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "avrdude.h" #include "avr.h" #include "pgm.h" #include "avrftdi.h" #ifdef HAVE_LIBUSB #ifdef HAVE_LIBFTDI #include #include /* This is for running the code without having a FTDI-device. * The generated code is useless! For debugging purposes only. * This should never be defined, unless you know what you are * doing. * If you think you know what you are doing: YOU DONT! */ //#define DRYRUN static struct ftdi_context ftdic; static uint16_t pin_value, pin_direction, pin_inversion, led_mask; static int type; /**type is bcdDevice. C/D is 0x500 H is 0x700 4H is 0x800*/ static int ftype; /** is from FTDI. Use TYPE_2232C, TYPE_2232H, or TYPE_4232H*/ static void buf_dump(unsigned char *buf, int len, char *desc, int offset, int width) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "%s begin:\n", desc); for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", buf[i]); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); for (i++; i <= len; i++) { fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", buf[i-1]); if((i-offset) != 0 && (i-offset)%width == 0) fprintf(stderr, "\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "%s end\n", desc); } static int set_frequency(uint32_t freq) { uint32_t divisor; uint8_t buf[3]; /* divisor on 6000000 / freq - 1 */ divisor = (6000000 / freq) - 1; if (divisor < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: Frequency too high (%u > 6 MHz)\n", progname, freq); fprintf(stderr, "resetting Frequency to 6MHz\n"); divisor = 0; } if (divisor > 65535) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: Frequency too low (%u < 91.553 Hz)\n", progname, freq); fprintf(stderr, "resetting Frequency to 91.553Hz\n"); divisor = 65535; } if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: clock divisor: 0x%04x\n", progname, divisor); buf[0] = 0x86; buf[1] = (uint8_t)(divisor & 0xff); buf[2] = (uint8_t)((divisor >> 8) & 0xff); #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_write_data(&ftdic, buf, 3) < 0); #endif return 0; } /* Add a single pin (by pin number) to the pin masks (or to pins), * update pinmask[pinfunc] */ static int add_pin(PROGRAMMER *pgm, int pinfunc) { int pin, inversion_mask, mlim; pin = pgm->pinno[pinfunc]; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "add_pin: %d: bit 0x%04x inv=0x%04x\n", pinfunc, pin, (pin & PIN_INVERSE)? (1<< ((pin&PIN_MASK) - 1)): 0); /* non-existent definitions, go away */ if (pin == 0) return 0; /* see if pin should be inverted */ if(pin & PIN_INVERSE) { pin &= PIN_MASK; inversion_mask = 1 << (pin - 1); } else { inversion_mask = 0; } if(TYPE_4232H == ftype) mlim=7; else if(TYPE_2232C==ftype) mlim=11; else if(TYPE_2232H == ftype) mlim=15; else{ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type %d (0x%x)\n", ftype, ftype); mlim=15; } /* check that the pin number is in range */ if (pin > mlim) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: invalid pin definition (pin no > %d) in config file\n", progname, mlim); fprintf(stderr, "pin function no %d, pin no: 0x%x\n", pinfunc, pin); return -1; } /* create the mask and check that the pin is available */ if (pin_direction & (1 << (pin -1)) ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: pin %d has two definitions in config file\n", progname, pin); return -1; } else { pin_direction |= (1 << (pin - 1)); pin_inversion |= inversion_mask; } if(PIN_LED_ERR == pinfunc || PIN_LED_VFY == pinfunc || PIN_LED_RDY == pinfunc || PIN_LED_PGM == pinfunc) { led_mask|=(1 << (pin - 1)); } return 0; } /* Add pins by pin mask */ static int add_pins(PROGRAMMER *pgm, int pinfunc) { int i, pin, mlim; uint32_t mask, inversion_mask=0; pin = pgm->pinno[pinfunc]; if(pin & PIN_INVERSE){ pin &= PIN_MASK; inversion_mask = pin >>1; } pin >>= 1; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "add_pins: %d: 0x%04x, inv=0x%04x\n", pinfunc, pin, inversion_mask); mask = pin; if (TYPE_4232H == ftype) mlim = 8; else if (TYPE_2232C == ftype) mlim = 12; else if (TYPE_2232H == ftype) mlim = 16; else{ fprintf(stderr, "Unknown type %d (0x%x)\n", ftype, ftype); mlim = 16; } if (mask >= 1 << mlim) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: pin list has pins out of range (%x>%x): ", progname, mask, 1 << mlim); mask &= ~(1 << mlim) - 1; } else if (mask & pin_direction) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: conflicting pins in pin list: ", progname); mask &= pin_direction; } else { pin_direction |= (uint16_t)mask; pin_inversion |= inversion_mask; return 0; } /* print the list of pins, if needed */ i = 0; while (mask > 1) { if (mask & 1) fprintf(stderr, "%d, ", i); mask >>= 1; i++; } if (mask > 0) fprintf(stderr, "%d\n", i); return -1; } static int write_flush(void) { unsigned char buf[6]; if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: direction: 0x%04x, value: 0x%04x, inversion: 0x%04x\n", progname, pin_direction, pin_value, pin_inversion); buf[0] = 0x80; buf[1] = pin_value & 0xff; buf[2] = pin_direction & 0xff; buf[3] = 0x82; buf[4] = (pin_value >> 8) & 0xff; buf[5] = (pin_direction >> 8) & 0xff; #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_write_data(&ftdic, buf, 6) != 6); #endif if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "FTDI LOG: %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n", buf[0], buf[1], buf[2], buf[3], buf[4], buf[5]); /* we need to flush here, because set_pin is used as reset. * if we want to sleep reset periods, we must be certain the * avr has got the reset signal when we start sleeping. * (it may be stuck in the USB stack or some USB hub) */ E(ftdi_usb_purge_buffers(&ftdic)); return 0; } /* this function sets or clears a GPIO pin */ static int set_pin(int pin, int value) { int bit; uint16_t tval; if (0 == pin){ if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: Pin is zero val %d!\n", progname, value); return 1; } --pin; bit= 1 << (pin); if (pin_inversion & bit) { value = !value; } if (value) value = bit; if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: pin %04x bit %04x value 0x%04x\n", progname, pin + 1, bit, value); /* set bits depending on value */ /*pin_value ^= (-value ^ pin_value) & (1 << (pin - 1)); */ tval = (pin_value & (~bit)) | value; if (tval != pin_value) { pin_value = tval; return write_flush(); } else if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "SameVal\n"); return 0; } /* this function sets or clears one or more GPIO pin these are bit-mapped */ static int set_pins(int pin, int value) { if (0 == pin) { if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr,"%s info: Pins is zero!\n",progname); return 1; } pin >>=1; if (pin_inversion & pin) { value = !value; } if (value) value = pin; if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: pin %04x value %d\n", progname, pin, value); /* set bits depending on value */ /*pin_value ^= (-value ^ pin_value) & (1 << (pin - 1)); */ pin_value = (pin_value & (~pin)) | value; return write_flush(); } /* these functions are callbacks, which go into the * PROGRAMMER data structure ("optional functions") */ static int set_led_pgm(struct programmer_t * pgm, int value) { return set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_LED_PGM], value); } static int set_led_rdy(struct programmer_t * pgm, int value) { return set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_LED_RDY], value); } static int set_led_err(struct programmer_t * pgm, int value) { return set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_LED_ERR], value); } static int set_led_vfy(struct programmer_t * pgm, int value) { return set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_LED_VFY], value); } static int avrftdi_transmit(unsigned char mode, unsigned char *cmd, unsigned char *data, int buf_size) { int k = 0; int n; unsigned char buf[4 + buf_size]; if (mode & TX) { buf[0] = mode; buf[1] = ((buf_size - 1) & 0xff); buf[2] = (((buf_size - 1) >> 8) & 0xff); memcpy(buf + 3, cmd, buf_size); buf[buf_size + 3] = 0x87; #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_write_data(&ftdic, buf, buf_size + 4) != buf_size + 4); #endif } if (mode & RX) { memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); do { #ifndef DRYRUN n = ftdi_read_data(&ftdic, buf + k, buf_size - k); E(n < 0); #else n = buf_size - k; #endif k += n; } while (k < buf_size); memcpy(data, buf, buf_size); } return k; } static int avrftdi_open(PROGRAMMER * pgm, char *port) { int vid, pid, interface, snfound; char serial[255], *foundsn; struct ftdi_device_list* devlist; struct ftdi_device_list* devlist_ptr; struct usb_device *found_dev; /* use vid/pid in following priority: config, * defaults. cmd-line is currently not supported */ type = 0; snfound = 0; foundsn = NULL; if (pgm->usbvid) vid = pgm->usbvid; else vid = 0x0403; if (pgm->usbpid) pid = pgm->usbpid; else pid = 0x6010; if (0 == pgm->usbsn[0]) /* we don't care about SN. Use first avail. */ snfound = 1; if (pgm->usbdev[0] == 'a' || pgm->usbdev[0] == 'A') interface = INTERFACE_A; else if (pgm->usbdev[0] == 'b' || pgm->usbdev[0] == 'B') interface = INTERFACE_B; else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Invalid interface '%s'. Setting to Interface A\n", progname, pgm->usbdev); interface = INTERFACE_A; } #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_init(&ftdic) < 0); found_dev = NULL; if (ftdi_usb_find_all(&ftdic, &devlist, vid, pid)) { devlist_ptr = devlist; do { ftdi_usb_get_strings(&ftdic, devlist_ptr->dev, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, serial, 255); if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: device: %s, serial number: %s type 0x%04x found\n", progname, devlist_ptr->dev->filename, serial, devlist_ptr->dev->descriptor.bcdDevice); if (!snfound) { if (strcmp(pgm->usbsn, serial) == 0){ foundsn = strdup(serial); snfound = 1; found_dev = devlist_ptr->dev; type = devlist_ptr->dev->descriptor.bcdDevice; } }else { if (0 == type) /**we assume it will attach to first found. */ type = devlist_ptr->dev->descriptor.bcdDevice; if (NULL == found_dev) found_dev = devlist_ptr->dev; if (NULL == foundsn) foundsn = strdup(serial); } memset(serial, 0, 255); devlist_ptr = devlist_ptr->next; } while (devlist_ptr); } else { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No devices with Vendor-ID:Product-ID %04x:%04x found.\n", progname, vid, pid); ftdi_list_free(&devlist); return -1; } if (!snfound) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: No devices with VID:PID %04x:%04x and SN '%s' found.\n", progname, vid, pid, pgm->usbsn); ftdi_list_free(&devlist); return -1; } if (verbose) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Using device VID:PID %04x:%04x type 0x%04x(", progname, vid, pid, type); switch (type) { case TYPE_C_D: fprintf(stderr,"C/D"); break; case TYPE_H: fprintf(stderr,"H"); break; case TYPE_4H: fprintf(stderr,"4H"); break; default: fprintf(stderr,"unknown %04x",type); break; } fprintf(stderr,") and SN '%s'.\n", foundsn); } if (type == TYPE_C_D && INTERFACE_B == interface){ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Type C/D found. Setting interface to A\n", progname); interface = INTERFACE_A; } /*must be A for mpsse if C/D, can be A/B for H */ if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Using USB Interface %c\n", progname, INTERFACE_A == interface? 'A': 'B'); free(foundsn); E(ftdi_set_interface(&ftdic, interface) < 0); E(ftdi_usb_open_dev(&ftdic,found_dev) <0); /* E(ftdi_usb_open_desc(&ftdic, vid,pid,NULL,0==pgm->usbsn[0]?NULL:pgm->usbsn) < 0); */ ftype=ftdic.type; #endif if (SCK != (1 << (pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_SCK] - 1)) || SDO != (1 << (pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MOSI] - 1)) || SDI != (1 << (pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MISO] - 1))) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: pinning for FTDI MPSSE must be:\n" "\tSCK: 1, SDO: 2, SDI: 3(is: %d,%d,%d)\n", progname, pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_SCK], pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MOSI], pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MISO]); fprintf(stderr, "Setting pins accordingly ...\n"); pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_SCK] = 1; pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MOSI] = 2; pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_MISO] = 3; } if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: reset pin value: %x\n", progname, pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET]-1); if (pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET] < 4 || pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET] == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: RESET pin clashes with data pin or is not set.\n", progname); fprintf(stderr, "Setting to default-value 4\n"); pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET] = 4; } /**sync our internal state with the chip */ pin_direction = 0; pin_value = 0; write_flush(); pin_direction = (0x3 | (1 << (pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET] - 1))); /* gather the rest of the pins */ if (add_pins(pgm, PPI_AVR_VCC)) return -1; if (add_pins(pgm, PPI_AVR_BUFF)) return -1; if (add_pin(pgm, PIN_LED_ERR)) return -1; if (add_pin(pgm, PIN_LED_RDY)) return -1; if (add_pin(pgm, PIN_LED_PGM)) return -1; if (add_pin(pgm, PIN_LED_VFY)) return -1; #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_set_bitmode(&ftdic, pin_direction & 0xff, BITMODE_MPSSE) < 0); /*set SPI */ #endif if (verbose > 1) { fprintf(stderr, "pin direction mask: %04x\n", pin_direction); fprintf(stderr, "pin value mask: %04x\n", pin_value); } if (pgm->baudrate) { set_frequency(pgm->baudrate); } else if(pgm->bitclock) { set_frequency((uint32_t)(1.0f/pgm->bitclock)); } else { set_frequency(pgm->baudrate ? pgm->baudrate : 150000); } /**set the ready LED, if we have one .. and set our direction up */ set_led_rdy(pgm,0); set_led_rdy(pgm,1); return 0; } static void avrftdi_close(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { if(ftdic.usb_dev) { set_pins(pgm->pinno[PPI_AVR_BUFF], ON); set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], ON); /**Stop driving the pins - except for the LEDs */ if (verbose > 1) fprintf(stderr, "LED Mask=0x%04x value =0x%04x &=0x%04x\n", led_mask, pin_value, led_mask & pin_value); pin_direction = led_mask; pin_value &= led_mask; write_flush(); #ifndef DRYRUN E_VOID(ftdi_usb_close(&ftdic)); #endif } #ifndef DRYRUN ftdi_deinit(&ftdic); #endif return; } static int avrftdi_initialize(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p) { set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], OFF); set_pins(pgm->pinno[PPI_AVR_BUFF], OFF); set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_SCK], OFF); /*use speed optimization with CAUTION*/ usleep(20 * 1000); /* giving rst-pulse of at least 2 avr-clock-cycles, for * security (2us @ 1MHz) */ set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], ON); usleep(20 * 1000); /*setting rst back to 0 */ set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], OFF); /*wait at least 20ms bevor issuing spi commands to avr */ usleep(20 * 1000); return pgm->program_enable(pgm, p); } static void avrftdi_disable(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { return; } static void avrftdi_enable(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { return; } static void avrftdi_display(PROGRAMMER * pgm, const char *p) { return; } static int avrftdi_cmd(PROGRAMMER * pgm, unsigned char cmd[4], unsigned char res[4]) { return avrftdi_transmit(TRX, cmd, res, sizeof(cmd)); } static int avrftdi_program_enable(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p) { int i; unsigned char buf[4]; memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); if (p->op[AVR_OP_PGM_ENABLE] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: Program Enable (PGM_ENABLE) command not defined for %s\n", progname, p->desc); return -1; } avr_set_bits(p->op[AVR_OP_PGM_ENABLE], buf); for(i = 0; i < 4; i++) { pgm->cmd(pgm, buf, buf); if (buf[p->pollindex-1] != p->pollvalue) { //try resetting set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], ON); usleep(20); set_pin(pgm->pinno[PIN_AVR_RESET], OFF); avr_set_bits(p->op[AVR_OP_PGM_ENABLE], buf); } else return 0; } #ifndef DRYRUN return -1; #else return 0; #endif } static int avrftdi_chip_erase(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p) { unsigned char cmd[4]; unsigned char res[4]; if (p->op[AVR_OP_CHIP_ERASE] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure Chip Erase (CHIP_ERASE) command not defined for %s\n", progname, p->desc); return -1; } memset(cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd)); avr_set_bits(p->op[AVR_OP_CHIP_ERASE], cmd); pgm->cmd(pgm, cmd, res); usleep(p->chip_erase_delay); pgm->initialize(pgm, p); return 0; } /* Load extended address byte command */ static int avrftdi_lext(PROGRAMMER *pgm, AVRPART *p, AVRMEM *m, int address) { unsigned char buf[] = {0x11, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}; avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_LOAD_EXT_ADDR], &buf[3]); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_LOAD_EXT_ADDR], &buf[3], address); if(verbose > 1) buf_dump(buf, sizeof(buf), "load extended address command", 0, 16 * 3); #ifndef DRYRUN E(ftdi_write_data(&ftdic, buf, sizeof(buf)) != sizeof(buf)); #endif return 0; } static int avrftdi_eeprom_write(PROGRAMMER *pgm, AVRPART *p, AVRMEM *m, int page_size, int len) { unsigned char cmd[4]; unsigned char *data = m->buf; int add; avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_WRITE], cmd); for (add = 0; add < len; add++) { avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_WRITE], cmd, add); avr_set_input(m->op[AVR_OP_WRITE], cmd, *data++); E(avrftdi_transmit(TX, cmd, cmd, 4) < 0); usleep((m->max_write_delay)); } return len; } static int avrftdi_eeprom_read(PROGRAMMER *pgm, AVRPART *p, AVRMEM *m, int page_size, int len) { unsigned char cmd[4]; unsigned char buffer[len], *bufptr = buffer; int add; memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); for (add = 0; add < len; add++) { avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_READ], cmd); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_READ], cmd, add); E(avrftdi_transmit(TRX, cmd, cmd, 4) < 0); avr_get_output(m->op[AVR_OP_READ], cmd, bufptr++); } memcpy(m->buf, buffer, len); return len; } static int avrftdi_flash_write(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p, AVRMEM * m, int page_size, int len) { int i; int address = 0, buf_size; int bytes = len; int blocksize; int use_lext_address = m->op[AVR_OP_LOAD_EXT_ADDR] != NULL; unsigned char *buf, *bufptr; unsigned char *buffer = m->buf; unsigned char byte; buf = (unsigned char*) malloc(4 * len + 4); if (buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s (avrftdi_flash_write): error allocating memory\n", p->desc); exit (-1); } bufptr = buf; /* pre-check opcodes */ if (m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_LO] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: %s command not defined for %s\n", progname, "AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_LO", p->desc); return -1; } if (m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_HI] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: %s command not defined for %s\n", progname, "AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_HI", p->desc); return -1; } //page_size = (page_size > m->page_size) ? m->page_size : page_size - 8; page_size = m->page_size; while (bytes) { if (bytes > page_size) { blocksize = (page_size)/2; bytes -= (page_size); } else { blocksize = bytes/2; bytes = 0; } if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "-< bytes = %d of %d, blocksize = %d of %d\n", len - bytes, len, blocksize, m->page_size / 2); /* if we do cross a 64k word boundary (or write the * first page), we need to issue a 'load extended * address byte' command, which is defined as 0x4d * 0x00
0x00. As far as i know, this * is only available on 256k parts. 64k word is 128k * bytes. */ if (use_lext_address && !(bytes & 0x1ffff)) { avrftdi_lext(pgm, p, m, address); } for (i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) { /*setting word*/ avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_LO], bufptr); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_LO], bufptr, address); avr_set_input(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_LO], bufptr, *buffer++); bufptr += 4; avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_HI], bufptr); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_HI], bufptr, address); avr_set_input(m->op[AVR_OP_LOADPAGE_HI], bufptr, *buffer++); bufptr += 4; address++; } if (verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "address = %d, page_size = %d\n", address, m->page_size); if (((address * 2) % m->page_size) == 0 || bytes == 0) { if (m->op[AVR_OP_WRITEPAGE] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: Write Page (WRITEPAGE) command not defined for %s\n", progname, p->desc); exit(1); } else { avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_WRITEPAGE], bufptr); } /* setting page address highbyte */ avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_WRITEPAGE], bufptr, address - 1); bufptr += 4; } buf_size = bufptr - buf; if(verbose > 3) buf_dump(buf, buf_size, "command buffer", 0, 16*3); if(verbose > 2) fprintf(stderr, "%s info: buffer size: %d\n", progname, buf_size); E(avrftdi_transmit(TX, buf, buf, buf_size) < 0); bufptr = buf; if (((address * 2) % m->page_size) == 0 || bytes == 0) { do { pgm->read_byte(pgm, p, m, (address * 2) - 1, &byte); } while (m->buf[(address*2) - 1] != byte); } if (verbose < 3) report_progress(2 * address, len, NULL); } return len; } static int avrftdi_flash_read(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p, AVRMEM * m, int page_size, int len) { /* *Reading from flash */ int use_lext_address = m->op[AVR_OP_LOAD_EXT_ADDR] != NULL; int i, buf_index, buf_size = 0, psize = m->page_size; unsigned char o_buf[4*len+4], *o_ptr = o_buf; unsigned char i_buf[4*len+4]; int address = 0; int bytes = len; int blocksize; unsigned char buffer[m->size], *bufptr = buffer; memset(o_buf, 0, sizeof(o_buf)); memset(i_buf, 0, sizeof(i_buf)); memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer)); /* pre-check opcodes */ if (m->op[AVR_OP_READ_LO] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: %s command not defined for %s\n", progname, "AVR_OP_READ_LO", p->desc); return -1; } if (m->op[AVR_OP_READ_HI] == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s failure: %s command not defined for %s\n", progname, "AVR_OP_READ_HI", p->desc); return -1; } while (bytes) { if (bytes > psize) { blocksize = psize/2; bytes -= psize; } else { blocksize = bytes/2; bytes = 0; } if(use_lext_address && !(bytes & 0x1ffff)) { avrftdi_lext(pgm, p, m, address); } for(i = 0; i < blocksize; i++) { if(verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "bufsize: %d, i: %d, add: %d\n", buf_size, i, address); avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_LO], o_ptr); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_LO], o_ptr, address); o_ptr += 4; avr_set_bits(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_HI], o_ptr); avr_set_addr(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_HI], o_ptr, address); o_ptr += 4; address++; //FIXME: why not program on per-page basis? //maybe this covered a timing error in an earlier version? buf_size = o_ptr - o_buf; if((buf_size >= (page_size - 8)) || ( i == blocksize-1)) { E(avrftdi_transmit(TRX, o_buf, i_buf, buf_size) < 0); for(buf_index = 0; buf_index < buf_size; buf_index+=8) { avr_get_output(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_LO], i_buf+buf_index, bufptr++); avr_get_output(m->op[AVR_OP_READ_HI], i_buf+buf_index+4, bufptr++); } if(verbose > 3) { buf_dump(i_buf, buf_size, "i_buf", 0, 16); } o_ptr = o_buf; } } } memcpy(m->buf, buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return len; } static int avrftdi_paged_write(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p, AVRMEM * m, int page_size, int n_bytes) { if (strcmp(m->desc, "flash") == 0) return avrftdi_flash_write(pgm, p, m, page_size, n_bytes); else if (strcmp(m->desc, "eeprom") == 0) return avrftdi_eeprom_write(pgm, p, m, page_size, n_bytes); else return -2; } static int avrftdi_paged_load(PROGRAMMER * pgm, AVRPART * p, AVRMEM * m, int page_size, int n_bytes) { if (strcmp(m->desc, "flash") == 0) return avrftdi_flash_read(pgm, p, m, page_size, n_bytes); else if(strcmp(m->desc, "eeprom") == 0) return avrftdi_eeprom_read(pgm, p, m, page_size, n_bytes); else return -2; } void avrftdi_initpgm(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { strcpy(pgm->type, "avrftdi"); pin_value=pin_direction=pin_inversion=led_mask=0; /* * mandatory functions */ pgm->initialize = avrftdi_initialize; pgm->display = avrftdi_display; pgm->enable = avrftdi_enable; pgm->disable = avrftdi_disable; pgm->program_enable = avrftdi_program_enable; pgm->chip_erase = avrftdi_chip_erase; pgm->cmd = avrftdi_cmd; pgm->open = avrftdi_open; pgm->close = avrftdi_close; pgm->read_byte = avr_read_byte_default; pgm->write_byte = avr_write_byte_default; /* * optional functions */ pgm->paged_write = avrftdi_paged_write; pgm->paged_load = avrftdi_paged_load; pgm->rdy_led = set_led_rdy; pgm->err_led = set_led_err; pgm->pgm_led = set_led_pgm; pgm->vfy_led = set_led_vfy; } #else /*HAVE_LIBFTDI*/ static int avrftdi_noftdi_open (struct programmer_t *pgm, char * name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: no libftdi support. please compile again with libftdi installed.\n", progname); exit(1); } void avrftdi_initpgm(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { strcpy(pgm->type, "avrftdi"); pgm->open = avrftdi_noftdi_open; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBFTDI */ #else /*HAVE_LIBUSB*/ static int avrftdi_nousb_open (struct programmer_t *pgm, char * name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: error: no usb support. please compile again with libusb installed.\n", progname); exit(1); } void avrftdi_initpgm(PROGRAMMER * pgm) { strcpy(pgm->type, "avrftdi"); pgm->open = avrftdi_nousb_open; } #endif /*HAVE_LIBUSB*/