
Approximate change log for AVRDUDE by version.

(For more detailed changes, see the ChangeLog file.)


  * Major changes compared to the previous version:

    - libhidapi support (part of patch #8717)
    - use libhidapi as (optional) transport for CMSIS-DAP compliant
      debuggers (JTAGICE3 with firmware 3+, AtmelICE, EDBG, mEDBG)
    - UPDI support added (AVR8X family)
    - TPI support for USBtinyISP
    - AVR Doper uses libhidapi rather than raw libusb (patch #9033)
    - -P net:host:port can use IPv6 now (Posix systems only)
    - New configure option: -disable-libusb_1_0
    - extended UPDI device context (> 64 Ki flash)

  * New devices supported:

    - ATmega328PB
    - AVR8X family, ATtiny1617, ATtiny817, ATtiny202, ATtiny204,
      ATtiny402, ATtiny404, ATtiny406, ATtiny804, ATtiny806,
      ATtiny807, ATtiny1604, ATtiny1606, ATtiny1607, ATtiny212,
      ATtiny214, ATtiny412, ATTiny414, ATtiny416, ATtiny417,
      ATtiny814, ATtiny816, ATtiny1614, ATtiny1616, ATtiny3214,
      ATtiny3216, ATtiny3217, ATmega3208, ATmega3209, ATmega4808,
    - ATtiny841, ATtiny441
    - ATmega64M1
    - ATmega324A
    - ATmega808, ATmega809, ATmega1608, ATmega1609, AVR DA, AVR DB
    - LGT8FX88P, LGT8FX168P, LGT8FX328P
    - ATmega324PB
    - ATmega8A

  * New programmers supported:

    - ehajo-isp (commercial version of USBtiny)
    - XplainedPro in UPDI mode
    - XplainedMini in UPDI mode
    - JTAGICE3 in UPDI mode
    - Atmel Powerdebugger in all modes (JTAG, PDI, UPDI, debugWIRE, ISP)
    - linuxspi (direct SPI bus e.g. on Raspberry Pi devices)
    - PICkit4, Snap, PKoB
    - iseavrprog
    - XBeeBoot

  * Bugfixes:
    bug #47550: Linux GPIO broken
    bug #47718: "lfuse reads as" not displayed in verbose mode - SOLUTION
    bug #48084: Avoid compiled-in timestamp for reproducible release builds
    bug #47376: ATtiny841 description missing in configuration file
    bug #49455: support for tiny441
    bug #57428: document when 'arduino' or 'wiring' should be used, and -D requirement of latter
    bug #58095: error setting efuse on atmega328pb variant
    bug #51409: Can't program EFUSE on ATmega32M1
    bug #60753: Patch #1436 breaks multiple programmer/device combinations on MacOS BigSur
    bug #59525: Bogus error message because Copy/Paste typo in stk500.c
    bug #58078: [PATCH] buspirate: remove compound literals (fixes GCC>=9)
    bug #57453: [PATCH] fix reference to nonexistant -m option by changing to -U
    bug #59227: Add new part. How does one get a part added to the CONF file?
    bug #55009: no efuses for m164a/pa
    bug #55734: USBtiny programming of ATmega328p broken by Patch #9278
    bug #58495: Add atmega324pb support to avrdude.conf.in
    bug #60863: avrftdi programming error probably caused by multiple, consecutive empty pages
    bug #50517: Reading fails if "immediate mode" for output file format is selected - fileio: invalid operation=1
    bug #50630: Erase Cycle Counter options ( -y -Y n ) should be removed from usage Message

  * Patches:
    patch #9482: Add support for UPDI and AVR8X
    patch #9508: Add PowerDebugger and XPlained Mini in UPDI mode
    patch #9507: Fix UPDI chip erase
    patch #9506: Script to create device configuration stub from Atmel
                 ATDF files
    patch #9423: Support ATtiny841 and ATtiny441
    patch #9530: Update URL to Ladyada's USBtinyISP page.
    patch #9317: Support atmega64m1 as part
    patch #9222: Enable silent build
    patch #8924: Enable TPI for usbtiny
    patch #9033: avrdoper backend uses libhidapi instead of libusb
    patch #8580: FT245r support to select device by serial number
    patch #8910: ATxmega32c4 and ATxmega16c4 have wrong signatures
    patch #8219: Fix boot_start for xmega devices on jtagmkII
    patch #9185: Add extended_param to usbasp.c - erasing
    patch #8311: Add IPv6 support to the -Pnet:host:port option
    patch #9542: Correct "usersig" on avr8x devices
    patch #8128: Added new option to configure.ac script
    patch #8444: Proposal for modifications in -B and -U command options managment (partially)
    patch #9735: spelling error fix: psuedo -> pseudo
    patch #9893: [PATCH] Reader reads ftdi handle after main thread close it
    patch #9819: Address several leaks in SVN rev 1429
    patch #9820: Fix some out-of-bounds/uninitialized issues
    patch #9818: correct typos in SVN rev 1429
    patch #9732: usbtiny_paged_load overflows buffer e.g. when reading EEPROM
    patch #9966: Add JTAGICE3 in UPDI mode
    patch #9963: UsbAsp 3 MHz patch for UsbAsp-flash firmware
    patch #9816: Implement new programmer type: linuxspi
    patch #9811: ATmega328pb has efuse bit 3
    patch #9744: Patch for ATMega324A support
    patch #10000: Add support for extended UPDI device context
    patch #9697: Add iseavrprog support
    patch #10017: uspasp / tpi: Automatically clear configuration byte (fuse) before writing it
    patch #8957: Allow reading prodsig memory from stk500v2 on xmega devices
    patch #9110: Let reserved fuse bits to be read as *don't care*
    patch #9253: Fix for giving terminal_mode commands more than 20 arguments
    patch #9320: fix TPI RESET in bitbang.c
    patch #9079: Fix ftdi_syncbb teardown (supersedes #9893)
    patch #9122: Fixed MISO sampling in ftdi_syncbb
    patch #9123: ftdi_syncbb: use FT245R_CYCLES in ft245r_set_bitclock()
    patch #8719: Support Over-the-Air bootloading with XBeeBoot
    patch #9757: Fix ATtiny817 Xplained Mini programmer

  * Internals:
    - New avrdude.conf keyword "family_id", used to verify SIB attributes
      on AVR8X architecture if device is locked.

Version 6.3:

  * Major changes compared to the previous version:

    - Backout of
      patch #8380: adds 500k 1M 2M baud to ser_posix.c
      It broke the functionality in too many situations
      (bug #46610/46483)

  * New devices supported:

    - ATmega48PB, ATmega88PB, ATmega168PB
    - ATtiny28 (HVPP-only device)

  * New programmers supported:

    - Atmel mEDBG: xplainedmini, xplainedmini_dw

  * Bugfixes

    - bug #46610: Floating point exception (core dumped) arch linux rpi2
    - bug #46483: version 6.2. ser_open(): can't set attributes for device
    - patch #8435: Implementing mEDBG CMSIS-DAP protocol
    - patch #8735: ATtiny28 support in avrdude.conf
    - patch #8896: Silence cppcheck warnings in 6.2 code
    - patch #8895: Spelling in 6.2 code

Version 6.2:

  * Major changes compared to the previous version:

    - The stk500v2 implementation now uses its own higher-level
      command implementation for byte-wide access, rather than the
      historic SPI_MULTI command where all the low-level ISP
      implementation had to be assembled manually inside AVRDUDE.  In
      addition to the traditional STK500, this implementation is also
      used by all the more modern Atmel tools (AVRISPmkII, JTAGICEmkII
      in ISP mode, STK600 in ISP mode).

    - The -B option can be suffixed with "Hz", "kHz", or "MHz", in
      order to specify a bitclock frequency rather than period.

    - Print part id after signature (patch #8440 )

    - buspirate: Also support "cpufreq" extended parameter
      in binary mode (patch #8504 )

    - The "-P net:" syntax (forwarding of serial data over TCP) is now
      also implemented for Win32 systems.

    - Allow for arbitrary serial baudrates under Linux (OSX and *BSD
      could already handle it).

  * New devices supported:
    - AT90PWM216 (bug #42310: New part description for AT90PWM216)
    - ATmega32M1 (patch #7694 Add support for the atmega32m1)

  * New programmers supported:
    - ftdi_syncbb
      + uncompatino, ttl232r (FTDI TTL232R-5V with ICSP adapter)
        (patch #8529 2 more ftdi_syncbb devices)

  * Bugfixes
    - bug #45727: Wrong atmega8u2 flash parameters
    - bug #46020: Add TIAO TUMPA to the conf file.
    - bug #46021: Please add read in the memory lock section of ATtiny85
    - bug #42337 avrdude.conf updates for UM232H/CM232H
    - bug #42056: double free or corruption triggered at exit
    - bug #42158: Linux GPIO - Source Typo
    - bug #42516 spelling-error-in-binary
    - patch #8419 fix ftdi_syncbb hang with libftdi 1
    - bug #43002 usbasp debug output typo
    - patch #8511 Fix reset on FT245R
    - bug #40142 Floating point exception on Ubuntu 10.04
    - bug #22248: Read efuse error (partial fix)
    - bug #42267: jtag3isp fails to read lock and fuse bytes directly
                  after changing lock byte
    - bug #41561: AVRDUDE 6.0.1/USBasp doesn't write first bytes of
                  flash page
    - bug #43078: AVRDUDE crashes after sucessfully reading/writing eeprom
    - bug #43137: Writing and reading incorrect pages when using jtagicemkI
    - bug #40870: config nitpick: ATtiny25/45/85 have 1 calibration byte not 2
    - bug #42908: no external reset at JTAGICE3
    - patch #8437: [PATCH] Serial-over-ethernet for Win32
    - bug #44717: avrdude creates empty flash dump

  * Internals:
    - Removing exit calls from config parser
    - bug #42662 clang warnings under FreeBSD 10.x

Version 6.1:

  * Major changes compared to the previous version:
    - Atmel EDBG protocol support added (JTAGICE3, XplainedPro, Atmel-ICE)

  * New programmers supported:
    - Atmel DFU, using FLIP protocol version 1 (AT90USB and ATmega*U* devices),
      or version 2 (Xmega devices)
    - Atmel-ICE (ARM/AVR), JTAG, PDI, debugWIRE, ISP modi

  * Bugfixes
    - bug #40055: AVRDUDE segfaults when writing eeprom
    - bug #40085: Typo fix in fuses report (for 6.1-svn-20130917)
    - bug #40782: Verify errors for object size > 16 k on x32e5 due
      to typo in avrdude.conf
    - bug #40817: Elf file support (possibly) not working on 6.0.1 windows build
    - bug #40897: AT Mega2560 not correctly programmed with stk500(v1)
      ISP (solution patch)
    - bug #41357: OS X: Avrdude messes with the usb stack?
    - bug #41402: dfu.c missing include <stdint.h>
    - patch #7896: DFU FLIPv2 programming support
    - patch #XXXX: xxx

  * Internals:
    - (Some) programmers can take a list of USB PIDs now.

Version 6.0:

  * Major changes compared to the previous version:

    - Programmer types in configuration file are no longer keywords but
      specified as string.

      So you need to change 'type = XYZ;' to 'type = "XYZ";' in own
      config files.  (internal: The parser does not need to know all
      programmer types now, new programmers will update only the table
      in pgm_type.c.)

    - The erase cycle counter (formerly options -y / -Y) has been

    - Specifying a -U option without a memory type (short form of
      option argument list) now defaults to "application" memory for
      Xmega devices, and "flash" for everything else.  This ensures
      the Xmega bootloader is not accidentally touched.

    - For programmers that support it, the default erase method is a
      page erase now, rather than a chip erase (Xmega only).

    - Keep track of input file contents

      Memory segments are being tracked to remember whether they've
      been actually read from a file.  Only segments that came from a
      file are being programmed into the device, or considered for
      verification.  This drastically improves handling speed for
      sparse files (e.g. files that have a second bootloader segment),
      and it ensures the device contents is actually compared for
      everything mentioned in the file (even in case the file has
      large 0xFF blocks).

    - The -U option now accepts ELF files as input files, and extracts
      the appropriate section contents that matches the requested memory
      region.  To enable this feature, the host system used for the
      compilation must have a libelf around, including the respective
      header files (i.e., package "libelf-devel" on many Linux systems).

    - Programmers and parts lists

      They are now sorted at output with '-c ?'/'-p ?'. (patch #7671:
      Sorting programmers and parts lists for console output)

      Programmers and parts lists in documentation generated from lists
      mentioned above. (patch #7687: Autogenerating programmers and
      parts lists for docs)

      Output list of programmer types with '-c ?type', add list to

    - Configuration files now accepts parent parts/programmers, parts
      starting with '.' (eg. .xmega) are not included in output parts
      list and can be used as abstract parents

      (bug #34302: Feature request : device configuration with parent classes)
      (patch #7688: Implement parent programmers feature)

    - Additional config files which are read after default can be
      specified on command line using '-C +filename'

      (patch #7699 Read additional config files)

    - "Safemode" can now be turned off by default from within a
      configuration file (like ~/.avrduderc).

    - The new option -l logfile allows to redirect diagnostic messages
      to a logfile rather than stderr.  Useful to record debugging
      traces, in particular in environments which do not offer
      shell-style redirection functionality for standard streams.

    - When leaving debugWIRE mode, immediately retry with ISP rather
      than bailing out completely.

    - The USBasp programmer implementation now supports detailed traces
      with -vvv, and device communication traces with -vvvv.

    - The "verbose" terminal mode command allows to query or modify the
      verbosity level.

  * New devices supported:
    - ATmega48P (patch #7629 add support for atmega48p)
    - AT90PWM316 (bug #21797: AT90PWM316: New part description)
    - ATxmega16D4, ATxmega32D4, ATxmega64D4, ATxmega128D4
    - ATmega256RFR2, ATmega128RFR2, ATmega64RFR2, ATmega2564RFR2,
      ATmega1284RFR2, ATmega644RFR2
    - ATtiny1634
    - ATxmega128A1U, ATxmega128A3U, ATxmega128A4U, ATxmega128B1,
      ATxmega128B3, ATxmega128C3, ATxmega128D3, ATxmega16A4U,
      ATxmega16C4, ATxmega192A3U, ATxmega192C3, ATxmega192D3,
      ATxmega256A3BU, ATxmega256A3U, ATxmega256C3, ATxmega256D3,
      ATxmega32A4U, ATxmega32C4, ATxmega384C3, ATxmega384D3,
      ATxmega64A1U, ATxmega64A3U, ATxmega64A4U, ATxmega64B1,
      ATxmega64B3, ATxmega64C3, ATxmega64D3
    - ATtiny43U
    - ATmega406
    - ATxmega8E5, ATxmega16E5, ATxmega32E5
    - ATtiny20, ATtiny40

  * New programmers supported:
    - linuxgpio
      + any (embedded) Linux system with 4 GPIOs available can be used
        as a programmer with little or no additional hardware.

    - avrftdi
      + o-link (patch #7672 adding support for O-Link (FTDI based
        JTAG) as programmer)
      + 4232h (patch #7715 FT4232H support)
    - TPI support
      + openmoko (bug #37977 Support for Openmoko Debug Board)

    - usbasp
      + nibobee (previously specified as '-c usbasp -P nibobee)
      + usbasp-clone (same as usbasp but ignores vendor and product
        string, checks only vid/pid)

    - ftdi_syncbb (new type for synchronous bitbanging with ft232r/ft245r)
      + ft245r (FT245R Synchronous BitBang, miso = D1, sck = D0, mosi
        = D2, reset = D4)
      + ft232r (FT232R Synchronous BitBang, miso = RxD, sck = RTS,
        mosi = TxD, reset = DTR)
      + bwmega (BitWizard ftdi_atmega builtin programmer, miso = DSR,
        sck = DCD, mosi = CTS, reset = RI)
      + arduino-ft232r (Arduino: FT232R connected to ISP, miso = CTS
        X3(1), sck = DSR X3(2), mosi = DCD X3(3), reset = RI X3(4))
      + diecimila (alias for arduino-ft232r)

    - pickit2

    - Atmel JTAGICE3

    - buspirate_bb (TPI programming using the BusPirate in bitbang mode)

  * Bugfixes
      - bug #34027: avrdude AT90S1200 Problem
      - bug #34518: loading intel hex files > 64k using record-type 4
      - patch #7667: Minor memory handling fixes
      - patch #7680: Fixing timeout problem in ser_recv in ser_win32.c
      - patch #7693: Fix config file atmel URLs (+ URLs in
        avrdude.texi and avrpart.h)
      - bug #21663: AT90PWM efuse incorrect, bug #30438: efuse bits
        written as 0 on at90pwmxx parts
      - bug #35261: avrftdi uses wrong interface in avrftdi_paged_(write|load)
      - patch #7437 modifications to Bus Pirate module
      - patch #7686 Updating buspirate ascii mode to current firmware,
        use AUX as clock generator, and setting of serial receive
      - bug #34768 Proposition: Change the name of the AVR32 devices
      - patch #7718: Merge global data of avrftdi in a private data
      - bug #35208: avrdude 5.11 on freebsd 8.2-STABLE does not reset
        Arduino Uno properly
      - bug #34518: loading intel hex files > 64k using record-type 4
        (Extended Linear Address Record)
      - bug #34027: avrdude AT90S1200 Problem
      - bug #30451: Accessing some Xmega memory sections gives not
        supported error
      - bug #28744: Can't load bootloader to xmega128a1
      - bug #29019: pagel/bs2 warning when uploading using stk500 to xmega
      - bug #30756: When setting SUT to 64ms on XMEGA, avrdude doesn't
        read device signature
      - bug #37265: wrong page sizes for XMega64xx in avrdude.conf
      - bug #37942: Latest SVN can't program in dragon_jtag mode
      - patch #7876 JTAGICE mkII fails to connect to attiny if debugwire
        is enabled AND target has a very slow clock
      - bug #39893: Verification failure with AVRISPmkII and Xmega
      - bug #38713: Compilation of the documentation breaks with texinfo-5
      - bug #38023: avrdude doesn't return an error code when attempting
        to upload an invalid Intel HEX file
      - bug #39794: warnings when building avrdude 6.0rc1 under CentOS 6.4
      - bug #35800: Compilation error on certain systems if parport is disabled
      - bug #38307: Can't write usersig of an xmega256a3
      - bug #38580: Current svn head, xmega and fuses, all fuses tied to fuse0
      - bug #39691: Buffer overrun when reading EEPROM byte with JTAGICE3
      - bug #38951: AVR109 use byte offset instead of word offset
      - patch #7769: Write flash fails for AVR910 programmers
      - bug #38732: Support for ATtiny1634
      - bug #36901: flashing Atmega32U4 EEPROM produces garbage on chip
      - bug #28344: chip_erase_delay too short for ATmega324P, 644, 644P, and 1284P
      - bug #34277: avrdude reads wrong byte order if using avr911 (aka butterfly)
      - bug #35456: The progress bar for STK500V2 programmer is "wrong".
      - patch #5708: avrdude should make 10 synchronization attempts instead of just one
      - patch #7606: ATtiny43u support
      - patch #7657: Add ATmega406 support for avrdude using DRAGON + JTAG
      - bug #35474: Feature request: print fuse values in safemode output.
      - patch #7710: usb_libusb: Check VID/PID before opening device
      - [no-id]: Fix SCK period adjustment for STK500v2
      - bug #40040: Support for ATtiny20 and ATtiny40

  * Internals:

    - Restructuring and compacting programmer definition part of
      grammar for config file.
    - Cleanup of parser code, removing unused definitions/
      functions. Using yylex_destroy if available.
    - Fixed some more memory leaks, added cleanup code at program exit
      (to minimize the number of non-freed memory blocks reported by
    - Fixed some findings reported by cppcheck.

Version 5.11:

  * New devices supported:
      - ATmega88P/168P
      - ATmega8U2/16U2/32U2
      - ATtiny4313

  * New programmers supported:
      - TPI programming through bitbang programmers (both, serial
        and parallel ones)
      - FT2232 (and relatives) based programmers (MPSSE bitbang mode)
      - Wiring environment (http://wiring.org.co/)
      - butterfly-style bootloader of the Mikrokopter.de device

  * Bugfixes

Version 5.10:

  * Bugfixes
      - bug #28660: Problem with loading intel hex rom files that exceed
        0x10000 bytes
      - see ChangeLog for further details

  * New Features
      - (JTAG ICE / AVR Dragon) apply external reset if JTAG ID could
        not be read

Version 5.9:

  * New devices supported:

      - AVR32A0512 (JTAGMKII only)
      - ATmega32U4
      - ATtiny4
      - ATtiny5
      - ATtiny9
      - ATtiny10

  * New programmers supported:

      - BusPirate
      - Arduino
      - JTAGICEmkII and AVR Dragon in PDI mode (ATxmega devices)
      - STK600 and AVRISP mkII in TPI mode (ATtiny4/5/9/10)

  * Bugfixes

      - see ChangeLog and ChangeLog-2009 for details

Version 5.8:

  * Bugfixes; most importantly, fix a serious memory corruption for
    that JTAG ICE mkII and AVR Dragon in ISP/HVSP/PP mode.

Version 5.7:

  * New devices supported:

      - ATXMEGA64A1
      - ATXMEGA192A1
      -	ATXMEGA256A1
      - ATXMEGA64A3
      - ATXMEGA128A3
      - ATXMEGA192A3
      -	ATXMEGA256A3
      - ATXMEGA256A3B
      - ATXMEGA16A4
      - ATXMEGA32A4
      - ATXMEGA64A4
      - ATXMEGA128A4

  * Major Xmega fixes for the JTAG ICE mkII (patch #6825)

  * Bugfixes.

Version 5.6:

  * New devices supported:

      - AT90USB82
      - AT90USB162
      - ATtiny88
      - ATmega328P
      - ATmega1284P
      - ATmega128RFA1
      - ATxmega128A1 rev D
      - ATxmega128A1
      - ATxmega256A3

  * New programmers supported:

      - AT89ISP cable (patch #6069)
      - Arduino

  * Add support for the -x option to pass extended parameters to the
    programmer backend.

  * Add support for JTAG daisy-chains, using the -x daisychain=

  * Add support for the Atmel STK600 for "classic" AVRs (AT90, ATtiny,
    ATmega), using either ISP or high-voltage programming modes.

  * Add support for the -x devcode extended parameter to the avr910
    programmer, to allow overriding the device code sent to the

  * Add support for the Crossbow MIB510 programmer (patch #6074, #6542).

  * Add support to bootstrap with GNU autoconf 2.61, and automake 1.10,

  * Add support for ATxmega128A1 (including the revision D engineering
    samples) for STK600 and AVRISPmkII tools using PDI

  * The option combination -tF now enters terminal mode even if the
    device initialization failed, so the user can modify programmer
    parameters (like Vtarget).

  * Add preliminary support for ATxmega128A1 for the JTAG ICE mkII using

  * Add support for direct SPI transfers (bug #25156).

  * Bugfixes.

Version 5.5:

  * Add support for the USBtinyISP programmer (patch #6233)

  * Add support for the C2N232I serial bitbang programmer (patch #6121)

  * Bugfixes.

Version 5.4:

  * New devices supported:

      - AT90PWM2B/AT90PWM3B

  * Bugfixes.

  * Source code rearranged so that the functionality is now built
    into a libavrdude.a library where main.c is currently the only
    existing frontend.

  * Implement ATmega256x support for butterfly/avr109.

Version 5.3.1:

  * Add support for the AVR Dragon (all modes: ISP, JTAG, HVSP, PP,

  * Add support for debugWire (both, JTAG ICE mkII, and AVR Dragon).

  * Add support for the AVR Doper USB HID-class programmer.

  * Bugfixes.

Version 5.2:

  * New devices supported:

      - AT90USB646/647/1286/1287
      - ATmega2560/2561
      - ATmega325/3250/645/6450
      - ATtiny11 (HVSP only device)
      - ATtiny261/461/861

  * Fixed paged flash write operations for AT90PWMx devices
    (error in datasheet).

  * Add signature verification.

  * Add high-voltage mode programming for the STK500 (both,
    parallel, and high-voltage serial programming).

  * Add support for using the JTAG ICE mkII as a generic ISP

  * Allow for specifying the ISP clock delay as an option for
    bit-bang programming adapters.

  * Add support for Thomas Fischl's USBasp low-cost USB-attached

  * The "stk500" programmer type is now implemented as a stub
    that tries to probe for either "stk500v1" or "stk500v2".

  * Many bugfixes.

Version 5.1:

  * New devices supported:

      - ATmega640/1280/1281
      - ATtiny24/44/84

  * JTAG mkII support now works with libusb-win32, too

  * JTAG ICE mkI support has been added

  * Solaris support has been added (including ecpp(7D) parallel-port
    bit-bang mode)

Version 5.0:

  * Support for JTAGICE MkII device

  * Support for STK500 Version 2 Protocol

  * New devices supported:

      - AT90CAN128
      - ATmega329x/649x
      - ATmega164/324/644
      - AT90PWM2/3,
      - ATmega164/324/644
      - ATmega329x/649x
      - ATtiny25/45/85

  * Support for serial bit-bang adapters: Ponyprog serial, UISP DASA,

  * DAPA programmer pinout supported

  * New "safemode" feature where fuse bits are verified before exit
    and if possible recovered if they have changed.  This is intended
    to protect against changed fuses which were not requested which is
    reported to sometimes happen due to improper power supply or other

  * Various fixes for avr910 and butterfly programmers

  * Full support for AVR109 boot loaders (butterfly)

  * Adding -q -q suppresses most terminal output

Version 4.4.0:

  * Native Win32 support: The windows build doesn't need Cygwin
    anymore. Additionally, the delay timing on windows should be
    more accurate now.
    Contributed by Martin Thomas

  * Add support for
    - ATmega48, ATmega88 (contributed by Galen Seitz)
    - ATtiny2313 (contributed by Bob Paddock)
    - ATtiny13 (contributed by Pawel Moll)

  * Added command to change the SCK of STK500-programmers. Now it
    is possible to program uC with slow oscillator.
    Contributed by Galen Seitz

  * Baudrate for serial programmers (STK500 and AVR910) is
    configurable in the config or at the command-line.
    This way some more tweaked bootloaders and programmers can be used.

  * Deprecated options have been removed.
    Now the "-U" option must be used.

  * MacOS X now supported by default.

Version 4.3.0:

  * Added support for "Butterfly" evaluation board.

  * Make cycle-count work with AVR910-programmers.

  * Added "Troubleshooting"-Appendix to the manual.

  * Add ATmega8515 support.
    Contributed by: Matthias Wei�er <matthias@matwei.de>

  * Add ATmega64 support.
    Contributed by: Erik Christiansen <erik@dd.nec.com.au>

  * Improved polling algorithm to speed up
    programming of byte oriented parallel programmers.
    Contributed by: Jan-Hinnerk Reichert <jan-hinnerk_reichert@hamburg.de>

  * Add "fuse" and "lock" definitions for the AT90S8535.

  * STK500 skips empty pages in paged write resulting in faster downloads
    when there are empty blocks in between code (such as files that contain
    application code and bootloader code).

Version 4.2.0:

  * Add basic support for reading and writing fuses via SPI with avr910
    programmers. Submitted by
    Jan-Hinnerk Reichert <jan-hinnerk_reichert@hamburg.de>.

  * Perform an auto erase before programming if the flash memory is
    anywhere specified to be written by any of the -U requests.  Old
    style memory specification options (-f, -i, -I, -m, and -o) are
    deprecated in favor of the new -U options.  Auto erase is disabled
    if any of the old-style options (specifically -i and -o) are

  * Add new -U option for specifying programming operations - allows
    multiple memory operations on a single command line.

  * New progress reporting, looks nicer and is nicer to wrapper
    environments such as emacs.

  * Fix long-standing timing (verify) problems on Windows platform.
    Submitted by Alex Shepherd <ashepherd@wave.co.nz>.

  * Add new file format option - 'm' for "immediate mode."  In this
    case, the filename argument of the -o, -i, or -U options is
    treated as the data for uploading - useful for specifying fuse
    bits without having to create a single-byte file for uploading.

  * Add support for displaying and setting the various STK500 operational
    parameters (Vtarget, Varef, Master clock).

  * Add 'picoweb' programming cable programmer.
    Contributed by Rune Christensen <rune.christensen@adslhome.dk>.

  * Add support for the sp12 programmer.  Submitted by
    Larry Barello <larryba@barrello.net>.

Version 4.1.0

  * Add support for the Bascom SAMPLE programmer. Submitted by
    Larry Barello <larryba@barrello.net>.

  * Add support for avr910 type programmers (mcu00100, pavr avr910, etc).

  * Support new devices: ATmega8535, ATtiny26

Version 4.0.0

  * Now support Linux - added by "Theodore A. Roth" <troth@openavr.org>.

  * Now support Windows - added by "Eric B. Weddington" <eric@ecentral.com>.

  * Use 'configure' scripts to tailor the code to the system avrdude
    is getting ready to be compiled on - added by "Theodore A. Roth"

  * Motorola S-Record support - submitted by "Alexey V.Levdikov "

  * Support parallel programming on the STK500.  Introduce 'pagel' and
    'bs2' keywords to the config file for this purpose.

  * Add support for the AT90S2343

  * Add support for the ATmega169

  * Add ability to specify system defaults within the config file
    (default parallel port, default serial port).

  * Specify the default programmer seperately from the programmer
    definition.  This is now done in the config file using the
    'default_programmer' keyword.

  * Support a per-user config file (~/.avrduderc) so that one can
    override system wide defaults if desired.

  * Follow the datasheet more closely for several parts in the "retry"
    code when entering programming mode fails initially.  Introduce
    'retry_pulse' to the config file for this purpose.

Version 3.1.0

  * This change represents a name change only.  There is currently an
    effort to port AVRPROG to other platforms including Linux and
    Windows.  Since Atmel's programmer binary that's included within
    their AVR Studio software is named AVRPROG.EXE on the Windows OS,
    there is the chance for confusion if we keep calling this program
    AVRPROG as well.  Up until now the name hasn't really been a
    problem since there was no chance to confuse 'avrprog' on Unix
    with Atmel's AVRPROG because Atmel's tools only run on Windows.
    But with the Unix 'avrprog' possibly being ported to Windows, I
    felt a name change was the best way to avoid problems.

    So - from this point forward, my FreeBSD Unix program formerly
    known as AVRPROG will subsequently be known as AVRDUDE (AVR

    This change also represents a time when the AVRDUDE sources move
    from my own private repository to a public repository.  This will
    give other developers a chance to port AVRDUDE to other platforms
    and extend its functionality to support additional programming
    hardware, etc.

    So goodbye AVRPROG, welcome AVRDUDE!

Version 3.0.0

  * Rewrite parts of the code to make it easy to support other types
    of programmers besides the directly connected parallel port
    programmer (PPI).

  * Add support for Atmel's STK500 programmer/development board.  The
    STK500's "paged mode" read/write is supported which makes this
    programmer very fast.  This is sorely needed on parts with large
    memories such as the ATmega128.  My 12K test program burns in
    about 5 seconds, add another 5 to read it back out for

Version 2.1.5:

  * When getting ready to initiate communications with the AVR device,
    first pull /RESET low for a short period of time before enabling
    the buffer chip.  This sequence allows the AVR to be reset before
    the buffer is enabled to avoid a short period of time where the
    AVR may be driving the programming lines at the same time the
    programmer tries to.  Of course, if a buffer is being used, then
    the /RESET line from the programmer needs to be directly connected
    to the AVR /RESET line and not via the buffer chip.

    Feature contributed by Rick C. Petty <rick@KIWI-Computer.com>.

  * When in interactive terminal mode and dumping memory using the
    'dump <memtype>' command without any address information, and the
    end of memory is reached, wrap back around to zero on the next

Version 2.1.4:

  * Fix -Y option.

Version 2.1.3:

  * Be backward compatible when reading 2-byte rewrite cycle counters
    as written by avrprog version 2.1.0.  Version 2.1.1 changed over
    to a 4-byte counter, which caused avrprog versions 2.1.1 and 2.1.2
    to report a negative count for parts that were initialized using
    version 2.1.0.  Thanks to Joerg Wunsch for noticing this.

Version 2.1.2:

  * Add '-V' option to disable automatic verify check with uploading

Version 2.1.1:

  * Fix ATmega128 instruction sequences for reading fuse bits -
    contributed by Joerg Wunsch.

  * Modify erase-rewrite cycle counter code to use a 4 byte counter
    instead of a two byte counter.

Version 2.1.0:

  * Implement a per-part erase-rewrite cycle counter; requires the use
    of two bytes of EEPROM memory.

Version 2.0.5:

  * Support for ATtiny15 - contributed by Asher Hoskins

Version 2.0.4:

  * Config file fixes for various parts.

Version 2.0.3:

  * Work around problem programming fuse bits on parts like the
    at90s4433 as described in the following errata:


  * Add part definition for at90s4414, at90s4433.

  * Add fuse/lock bit memory instructions for the at90s1200,
    at90s2333, at90s4433 and at90s8515.

  * Fix setting of programmer status LEDs under certain write-fail

Version 2.0.2 :

  * Fix writing to read-only memories such as the lock bits of the

  * Copyright updates.

Version 2.0.1 :

  * Use correct parallel port pins for VCC.

  * Add programmer definition for Atmel's STK200.

  * Add programmer definition for the AVR3 board.

  * Fix address bit encoding for many parts.

  * Allow the ``BUFF'' signal to be asserted by multiple pins of the
    parallel port (like VCC) instead of just one.  The STK200 appears
    to need this feature.

Version 2.0.0 :

  * Add support for programming fuse and lock bits if supported by the

  * Move instruction encoding into the config file.  Now any part can
    be supported as long as it uses the same basic serial programming
    instruction format.

  * Add part definitions for the ATMega163 and ATMega8 devices.

Version 1.4.3 :

  * Mostly internal code cleanup.

Version 1.4.2 :

  * Fixes for ATMega paged memory support.

  * Support for ATMega16 device.

Version 1.4.1 :

  * No functional changes, update to Copyrights only.

Version 1.4.0 :

  * Add part definitions to the config file.

  * Add initial support for Atmel's ATMega paged memory parts.

  * Config file documentation added.

  * Add a definition for the Dontronics DT006 programmer.

  * Fix Intel Hex support for addresses larger than 64k.

Version 1.3.0 :

  * Make programmer pin assignments configurable.

Version 1.2.2 :

  * Initial public release.