/* * avrdude - A Downloader/Uploader for AVR device programmers * Copyright (C) 2012 Kirill Levchenko * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Id$ */ #include "ac_cfg.h" #include "dfu.h" #include "avrdude.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "usbdevs.h" /* for USB_VENDOR_ATMEL */ /* If we don't have LibUSB, define dummy functions that report an error. */ #ifndef HAVE_LIBUSB int dfu_open(struct dfu_dev *dfu, char *port_name) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: No USB support in this compile of avrdude\n", progname); return -1; } int dfu_init(struct dfu_dev *dfu, unsigned short usb_pid) { return -1; } void dfu_close(struct dfu_dev *dfu) { /* nothing */ } int dfu_getstatus(struct dfu_dev *dfu, struct dfu_status *status) { return -1; } int dfu_clrstatus(struct dfu_dev *dfu) { return -1; } int dfu_download(struct dfu_dev *dfu, void * ptr, int size) { return -1; } int dfu_upload(struct dfu_dev *dfu, void * ptr, int size) { return -1; } #else /* If we DO have LibUSB, we can define the real functions. */ #include /* DFU data structures and constants. */ #define DFU_TIMEOUT 200 /* ms */ #define DFU_DNLOAD 1 #define DFU_UPLOAD 2 #define DFU_GETSTATUS 3 #define DFU_CLRSTATUS 4 /* Block counter global variable. Incremented each time a DFU_DNLOAD command * is sent to the device. */ static u_int16_t wIndex = 0; /* INTERNAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES */ static char * get_usb_string(usb_dev_handle * dev_handle, int index); /* EXPORTED FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ struct dfu_dev * dfu_open(char *port_spec) { struct dfu_dev *dfu; char *bus_name = NULL; char *dev_name = NULL; /* The following USB device spec parsing code was copied from usbtiny.c. The * expected format is "usb:BUS:DEV" where BUS and DEV are the bus and device * names. We stash these away in the dfu_dev structure for the dfu_init() * function, where we actually open the device. */ if (strncmp(port_spec, "usb", 3) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: " "Invalid port specification \"%s\" for USB device\n", progname, port_spec); return NULL; } if(':' == port_spec[3]) { bus_name = strdup(port_spec + 3 + 1); if (bus_name == NULL) { perror(progname); exit(1); } dev_name = strchr(bus_name, ':'); if(NULL != dev_name) *dev_name++ = '\0'; } /* Allocate the dfu_dev structure and save the bus_name and dev_name * strings for use in dfu_initialize(). */ dfu = calloc(1, sizeof(struct dfu_dev)); if (dfu == NULL) { perror(progname); exit(1); } dfu->bus_name = bus_name; dfu->dev_name = dev_name; /* LibUSB initialization. */ usb_init(); usb_find_busses(); usb_find_devices(); return dfu; } int dfu_init(struct dfu_dev *dfu, unsigned short vid, unsigned short pid) { struct usb_device *found = NULL; struct usb_device *dev; struct usb_bus *bus; /* At last, we reach out through the USB bus to the part. There are three * ways to specify the part: by USB address, by USB vendor and product id, * and by part name. To specify the part by USB address, the user specifies * a port parameter in the form "usb:BUS:DEV" (see dfu_open()). To specify * the part by vendor and product, the user must specify a usbvid and usbpid * in the configuration file. Finally, if the user specifies the part only, * we use the default vendor and product id. */ if (pid == 0 && dfu->dev_name == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: No DFU support for part; " "specify PID in config or USB address (via -P) to override.\n", progname); return -1; } /* Scan through all the devices for the part. The matching rules are: * * 1. If the user specified a USB bus name, it must match. * 2. If the user specified a USB device name, it must match. * 3. If the user didn't specify a USB device name and specified a vendor * id, the vendor id must match. * 4. If the user didn't specify a USB device name and specified a product * id, the product id must match. */ for (bus = usb_busses; !found && bus != NULL; bus = bus->next) { for (dev = bus->devices; !found && dev != NULL; dev = dev->next) { if (dfu->bus_name != NULL && strcmp(bus->dirname, dfu->bus_name)) continue; if (dfu->dev_name != NULL) { if (strcmp(dev->filename, dfu->dev_name)) continue; } else if (vid != dev->descriptor.idVendor) continue; else if (pid != 0 && pid != dev->descriptor.idProduct) continue; found = dev; } } if (found == NULL) { /* We could try to be more informative here. For example, we could report * why the match failed, and if we came across another DFU-capable part. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: No matching USB device found\n", progname); return -1; } if(verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Found VID=0x%04x PID=0x%04x at %s:%s\n", progname, found->descriptor.idVendor, found->descriptor.idProduct, found->bus->dirname, found->filename); dfu->dev_handle = usb_open(found); if (dfu->dev_handle == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: USB device at %s:%s: %s\n", progname, found->bus->dirname, found->filename, usb_strerror()); return -1; } /* Save device, configuration, interface and endpoint descriptors. */ memcpy(&dfu->dev_desc, &found->descriptor, sizeof(dfu->dev_desc)); memcpy(&dfu->conf_desc, found->config, sizeof(dfu->conf_desc)); dfu->conf_desc.interface = NULL; memcpy(&dfu->intf_desc, found->config->interface->altsetting, sizeof(dfu->intf_desc)); dfu->intf_desc.endpoint = &dfu->endp_desc; if (found->config->interface->altsetting->endpoint != 0) memcpy(&dfu->endp_desc, found->config->interface->altsetting->endpoint, sizeof(dfu->endp_desc)); /* Get strings. */ dfu->manf_str = get_usb_string(dfu->dev_handle, dfu->dev_desc.iManufacturer); dfu->prod_str = get_usb_string(dfu->dev_handle, dfu->dev_desc.iProduct); dfu->serno_str = get_usb_string(dfu->dev_handle, dfu->dev_desc.iSerialNumber); return 0; } void dfu_close(struct dfu_dev *dfu) { if (dfu->dev_handle != NULL) usb_close(dfu->dev_handle); if (dfu->bus_name != NULL) free(dfu->bus_name); if (dfu->manf_str != NULL) free(dfu->manf_str); if (dfu->prod_str != NULL) free(dfu->prod_str); if (dfu->serno_str != NULL) free(dfu->serno_str); } int dfu_getstatus(struct dfu_dev *dfu, struct dfu_status *status) { int result; if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "%s: dfu_getstatus(): issuing control IN message\n", progname); result = usb_control_msg(dfu->dev_handle, 0x80 | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_GETSTATUS, 0, 0, (char*) status, sizeof(struct dfu_status), DFU_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Failed to get DFU status: %s\n", progname, usb_strerror()); return -1; } if (result < sizeof(struct dfu_status)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Failed to get DFU status: %s\n", progname, "short read"); return -1; } if (result > sizeof(struct dfu_status)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Oversize read (should not happen); " "exiting\n", progname); exit(1); } if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "%s: dfu_getstatus(): bStatus 0x%02x, bwPollTimeout %d, bState 0x%02x, iString %d\n", progname, status->bStatus, status->bwPollTimeout[0] | (status->bwPollTimeout[1] << 8) | (status->bwPollTimeout[2] << 16), status->bState, status->iString); return 0; } int dfu_clrstatus(struct dfu_dev *dfu) { int result; if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "%s: dfu_clrstatus(): issuing control OUT message\n", progname); result = usb_control_msg(dfu->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_CLRSTATUS, 0, 0, NULL, 0, DFU_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Failed to clear DFU status: %s\n", progname, usb_strerror()); return -1; } return 0; } int dfu_dnload(struct dfu_dev *dfu, void *ptr, int size) { int result; if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "%s: dfu_dnload(): issuing control OUT message, wIndex = %d, ptr = %p, size = %d\n", progname, wIndex, ptr, size); result = usb_control_msg(dfu->dev_handle, USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_DNLOAD, wIndex++, 0, ptr, size, DFU_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: DFU_DNLOAD failed: %s\n", progname, usb_strerror()); return -1; } if (result < size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: DFU_DNLOAD failed: %s\n", progname, "short write"); return -1; } if (result > size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Oversize write (should not happen); " \ "exiting\n", progname); exit(1); } return 0; } int dfu_upload(struct dfu_dev *dfu, void *ptr, int size) { int result; if (verbose > 3) fprintf(stderr, "%s: dfu_upload(): issuing control IN message, wIndex = %d, ptr = %p, size = %d\n", progname, wIndex, ptr, size); result = usb_control_msg(dfu->dev_handle, 0x80 | USB_TYPE_CLASS | USB_RECIP_INTERFACE, DFU_UPLOAD, wIndex++, 0, ptr, size, DFU_TIMEOUT); if (result < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: DFU_UPLOAD failed: %s\n", progname, usb_strerror()); return -1; } if (result < size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: DFU_UPLOAD failed: %s\n", progname, "short read"); return -1; } if (result > size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: Error: Oversize read (should not happen); " "exiting\n", progname); exit(1); } return 0; } void dfu_show_info(struct dfu_dev *dfu) { if (dfu->manf_str != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " USB Vendor : %s (0x%04hX)\n", dfu->manf_str, (unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.idVendor); else fprintf(stderr, " USB Vendor : 0x%04hX\n", (unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.idVendor); if (dfu->prod_str != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " USB Product : %s (0x%04hX)\n", dfu->prod_str, (unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.idProduct); else fprintf(stderr, " USB Product : 0x%04hX\n", (unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.idProduct); fprintf(stderr, " USB Release : %hu.%hu.%hu\n", ((unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.bcdDevice >> 8) & 0xFF, ((unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.bcdDevice >> 4) & 0xF, ((unsigned short) dfu->dev_desc.bcdDevice >> 0) & 0xF); if (dfu->serno_str != NULL) fprintf(stderr, " USB Serial No : %s\n", dfu->serno_str); } /* INTERNAL FUNCTION DEFINITIONS */ char * get_usb_string(usb_dev_handle * dev_handle, int index) { char buffer[256]; char * str; int result; if (index == 0) return NULL; result = usb_get_string_simple(dev_handle, index, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1); if (result < 0) { fprintf( stderr, "%s: Warning: Failed to read USB device string %d: %s\n", progname, index, usb_strerror()); return NULL; } str = malloc(result+1); if (str == NULL) { perror(progname); exit(1); } memcpy(str, buffer, result); str[result] = '\0'; return str; } #endif /* defined(HAVE_LIBUSB) */ /* EXPORTED FUNCTIONS THAT DO NO REQUIRE LIBUSB */ const char * dfu_status_str(int bStatus) { switch (bStatus) { case DFU_STATUS_OK: return "OK"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_TARGET: return "ERR_TARGET"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_FILE: return "ERR_FILE"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_WRITE: return "ERR_WRITE"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_ERASE: return "ERR_ERASE"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_CHECK_ERASED: return "ERR_CHECK_ERASED"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_PROG: return "ERR_PROG"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_VERIFY: return "ERR_VERIFY"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_ADDRESS: return "ERR_ADDRESS"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_NOTDONE: return "ERR_NOTDONE"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_FIRMWARE: return "ERR_FIRMWARE"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_VENDOR: return "ERR_VENDOR"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_USBR: return "ERR_USBR"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_POR: return "ERR_POR"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_UNKNOWN: return "ERR_UNKNOWN"; case DFU_STATUS_ERR_STALLEDPKT: return "ERR_STALLEDPKT"; default: return "Unknown"; } } const char * dfu_state_str(int bState) { switch (bState) { case DFU_STATE_APP_IDLE: return "APP_IDLE"; case DFU_STATE_APP_DETACH: return "APP_DETACH"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_IDLE: return "DFU_IDLE"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_DLOAD_SYNC: return "DFU_DLOAD_SYNC"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_DNBUSY: return "DFU_DNBUSY"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE: return "DFU_DNLOAD_IDLE"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC: return "DFU_MANIFEST_SYNC"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST: return "DFU_MANIFEST"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET: return "DFU_MANIFEST_WAIT_RESET"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE: return "DFU_UPLOAD_IDLE"; case DFU_STATE_DFU_ERROR: return "DFU_ERROR"; default: return "Unknown"; } }