Installation Instructions ************************* Use `./configure; make all; sudo make install' for Unix-like systems. Depending on your requirements, the following prerequisites are needed: * libelf including header files (for directly reading ELF files) * libusb 0.1 or 1.0 (or compatible), including header files * libftdi or libftdi1 (for direct access to FTDI devices) * libhidapi or libhid (for access to recent Atmel/Microchip dongles) If the header and/or library files for one of those are found in non-default locations, you can add them to configure, e.g. `./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/opt/local/lib' as an example for MacOS using Macports. MacOS Brew requires `./configure CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/Cellar' instead. (LDFLAGS and CPPFLAGS can also be supplied as environment variables to configure.) At the end of the configure script, a configuration summary is issued, like this: Configuration summary: ---------------------- DO HAVE libelf DO HAVE libusb DO HAVE libusb_1_0 DO HAVE libftdi1 DON'T HAVE libftdi DON'T HAVE libhid DO HAVE libhidapi DO HAVE pthread DISABLED doc DISABLED parport DISABLED linuxgpio DISABLED linuxspi Make sure all the features you are interested in have been found. For BSD-like systems, using GNU make (gmake) is not mandatory but appears to cause less troubles with the quite complex dependency graph that might be produced by autoconf/automake. For Windows, right now, a toolset like MinGW is required to compile AVRDUDE. Obviously, a working C compiler is needed. Tested compilers so far include GCC (in various versions) and Clang. The compiler needs to support (at least) C99 language level. For MacOS, either Xcode or the (smaller) Xcode Command Line tools are needed, for Windows, some port of GCC that supports generating native Windows executables.