Table 135. debugWIRE memtypes

IDProg AccessDebug AccessUsage / Rules
  • Used for writing FLASH before a debug session, and reading FLASH during a debug session.

  • Only FULL PAGE access is allowed.

  • If the number of bytes requested does not match the flash page size, an error is returned (AVR8_FAILURE_INVALID_SIZE).

  • Software breakpoints are NOT filtered out.

  • Used to read the device signature stored in the debugWIRE module itself.

  • This signature may differ from the signature stored in FLASH and accessed through SPI programming interface.

  • A read MUST be for exactly 3 bytes from address 0x00.

  • Violating this will results in an error (AVR8_FAILURE_INVALID_SIZE / AVR8_FAILURE_INVALID_ADDRESS).

  • Byte 2 will always read 0x1E.

  • Accesses SRAM and IO space during debugging.

  • If used in programming mode, an error is returned (AVR8_FAILURE_ILLEGAL_STATE)

  • If a read attempts to read an area containing the OCDR register, an error is returned (AVR8_FAILURE_INVALID_ADDRESS).

  • A masked read must be used in this case.

  • Any number of bytes (within payload restrictions) can be written or read in one operation.

  • Used to read and write EEPROM during a debug session.

  • Any number of bytes can be written or read in one operation.

  • Uses monitor code heavily - may take some time to complete, depending proportionally upon the number of bytes being accessed.

  • Used to access small amounts of FLASH during a debug session.

  • If an odd number of bytes is requested, an error is returned [a].

  • This memtype is efficient for reading full pages, or single words from FLASH.

  • Multiple word requests are inefficient and may take time to complete.

  • Software breakpoints are filtered out.