/* * avrdude - A Downloader/Uploader for AVR device programmers * Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Brian S. Dean * Copyright (C) 2006 Joerg Wunsch * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* $Id$ */ %{ /* need this for the call to atof() below */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "avrdude.h" #include "libavrdude.h" #include "config_gram.h" #ifndef YYERRCODE #define YYERRCODE 256 #endif %} DIGIT [0-9] HEXDIGIT [0-9a-fA-F] SIGN [+-] %x strng %x incl %x comment %option nounput /* Bump resources for classic lex. */ %e2000 %p10000 %n1000 %% #{SIGN}*{DIGIT}+ { yylval = number(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER; } #{SIGN}*{DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}* { yylval = number_real(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER_REAL; } #{SIGN}*"."{DIGIT}* { yylval = number_real(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER_REAL; } {DIGIT}+ { yylval = number(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER; } {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}* { yylval = number_real(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER_REAL; } "."{DIGIT}+ { yylval = number_real(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER_REAL; } "\"" { string_buf_ptr = string_buf; BEGIN(strng); } 0x{HEXDIGIT}+ { yylval = hexnumber(yytext); return TKN_NUMBER; } # { /* The following eats '#' style comments to end of line */ BEGIN(comment); } [^\n] { /* eat comments */ } \n { lineno++; BEGIN(INITIAL); } "/*" { /* The following eats multiline C style comments */ int c; int comment_start; comment_start = lineno; while (1) { while (((c = input()) != '*') && (c != EOF)) { /* eat up text of comment, but keep counting lines */ if (c == '\n') lineno++; } if (c == '*') { while ((c = input()) == '*') ; if (c == '/') break; /* found the end */ } if (c == EOF) { avrdude_message("error at %s:%d: EOF in comment\n", infile, lineno); avrdude_message(" comment started on line %d\n", comment_start); exit(1); break; } } } \" { *string_buf_ptr = 0; string_buf_ptr = string_buf; yylval = string(string_buf_ptr); BEGIN(INITIAL); return TKN_STRING; } \\n *string_buf_ptr++ = '\n'; \\t *string_buf_ptr++ = '\t'; \\r *string_buf_ptr++ = '\r'; \\b *string_buf_ptr++ = '\b'; \\f *string_buf_ptr++ = '\f'; \\(.|\n) *(string_buf_ptr++) = yytext[1]; [^\\\n\"]+ { char *yptr = yytext; while (*yptr) *(string_buf_ptr++) = *(yptr++); } \n { avrdude_message("error at line %d: unterminated character constant\n", lineno); exit(1); } allowfullpagebitstream { yylval=NULL; return K_ALLOWFULLPAGEBITSTREAM; } avr910_devcode { yylval=NULL; return K_AVR910_DEVCODE; } bank_size { yylval=NULL; return K_PAGE_SIZE; } banked { yylval=NULL; return K_PAGED; } baudrate { yylval=NULL; return K_BAUDRATE; } blocksize { yylval=NULL; return K_BLOCKSIZE; } bs2 { yylval=NULL; return K_BS2; } buff { yylval=NULL; return K_BUFF; } bytedelay { yylval=NULL; return K_BYTEDELAY; } chip_erase { yylval=new_token(K_CHIP_ERASE); return K_CHIP_ERASE; } chip_erase_delay { yylval=NULL; return K_CHIP_ERASE_DELAY; } chiperasepolltimeout { yylval=NULL; return K_CHIPERASEPOLLTIMEOUT; } chiperasepulsewidth { yylval=NULL; return K_CHIPERASEPULSEWIDTH; } chiperasetime { yylval=NULL; return K_CHIPERASETIME; } cmdexedelay { yylval=NULL; return K_CMDEXEDELAY; } connection_type { yylval=NULL; return K_CONNTYPE; } dedicated { yylval=new_token(K_DEDICATED); return K_DEDICATED; } default_bitclock { yylval=NULL; return K_DEFAULT_BITCLOCK; } default_parallel { yylval=NULL; return K_DEFAULT_PARALLEL; } default_programmer { yylval=NULL; return K_DEFAULT_PROGRAMMER; } default_safemode { yylval=NULL; return K_DEFAULT_SAFEMODE; } default_serial { yylval=NULL; return K_DEFAULT_SERIAL; } delay { yylval=NULL; return K_DELAY; } desc { yylval=NULL; return K_DESC; } devicecode { yylval=NULL; return K_DEVICECODE; } eecr { yylval=NULL; return K_EECR; } eeprom { yylval=NULL; return K_EEPROM; } eeprom_instr { yylval=NULL; return K_EEPROM_INSTR; } enablepageprogramming { yylval=NULL; return K_ENABLEPAGEPROGRAMMING; } errled { yylval=NULL; return K_ERRLED; } flash { yylval=NULL; return K_FLASH; } flash_instr { yylval=NULL; return K_FLASH_INSTR; } has_debugwire { yylval=NULL; return K_HAS_DW; } has_jtag { yylval=NULL; return K_HAS_JTAG; } has_pdi { yylval=NULL; return K_HAS_PDI; } has_tpi { yylval=NULL; return K_HAS_TPI; } hventerstabdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_HVENTERSTABDELAY; } hvleavestabdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_HVLEAVESTABDELAY; } hvsp_controlstack { yylval=NULL; return K_HVSP_CONTROLSTACK; } hvspcmdexedelay { yylval=NULL; return K_HVSPCMDEXEDELAY; } id { yylval=NULL; return K_ID; } idr { yylval=NULL; return K_IDR; } io { yylval=new_token(K_IO); return K_IO; } is_at90s1200 { yylval=NULL; return K_IS_AT90S1200; } is_avr32 { yylval=NULL; return K_IS_AVR32; } latchcycles { yylval=NULL; return K_LATCHCYCLES; } load_ext_addr { yylval=new_token(K_LOAD_EXT_ADDR); return K_LOAD_EXT_ADDR; } loadpage_hi { yylval=new_token(K_LOADPAGE_HI); return K_LOADPAGE_HI; } loadpage_lo { yylval=new_token(K_LOADPAGE_LO); return K_LOADPAGE_LO; } max_write_delay { yylval=NULL; return K_MAX_WRITE_DELAY; } mcu_base { yylval=NULL; return K_MCU_BASE; } memory { yylval=NULL; return K_MEMORY; } min_write_delay { yylval=NULL; return K_MIN_WRITE_DELAY; } miso { yylval=NULL; return K_MISO; } mode { yylval=NULL; return K_MODE; } mosi { yylval=NULL; return K_MOSI; } no { yylval=new_token(K_NO); return K_NO; } num_banks { yylval=NULL; return K_NUM_PAGES; } num_pages { yylval=NULL; return K_NUM_PAGES; } nvm_base { yylval=NULL; return K_NVM_BASE; } ocdrev { yylval=NULL; return K_OCDREV; } offset { yylval=NULL; return K_OFFSET; } page_size { yylval=NULL; return K_PAGE_SIZE; } paged { yylval=NULL; return K_PAGED; } pagel { yylval=NULL; return K_PAGEL; } parallel { yylval=NULL; return K_PARALLEL; } parent { yylval=NULL; return K_PARENT; } part { yylval=NULL; return K_PART; } pgm_enable { yylval=new_token(K_PGM_ENABLE); return K_PGM_ENABLE; } pgmled { yylval=NULL; return K_PGMLED; } pollindex { yylval=NULL; return K_POLLINDEX; } pollmethod { yylval=NULL; return K_POLLMETHOD; } pollvalue { yylval=NULL; return K_POLLVALUE; } postdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_POSTDELAY; } poweroffdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_POWEROFFDELAY; } pp_controlstack { yylval=NULL; return K_PP_CONTROLSTACK; } predelay { yylval=NULL; return K_PREDELAY; } progmodedelay { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGMODEDELAY; } programfusepolltimeout { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGRAMFUSEPOLLTIMEOUT; } programfusepulsewidth { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGRAMFUSEPULSEWIDTH; } programlockpolltimeout { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGRAMLOCKPOLLTIMEOUT; } programlockpulsewidth { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGRAMLOCKPULSEWIDTH; } programmer { yylval=NULL; return K_PROGRAMMER; } pseudo { yylval=new_token(K_PSEUDO); return K_PSEUDO; } pwroff_after_write { yylval=NULL; return K_PWROFF_AFTER_WRITE; } rampz { yylval=NULL; return K_RAMPZ; } rdyled { yylval=NULL; return K_RDYLED; } read { yylval=new_token(K_READ); return K_READ; } read_hi { yylval=new_token(K_READ_HI); return K_READ_HI; } read_lo { yylval=new_token(K_READ_LO); return K_READ_LO; } readback_p1 { yylval=NULL; return K_READBACK_P1; } readback_p2 { yylval=NULL; return K_READBACK_P2; } readsize { yylval=NULL; return K_READSIZE; } reset { yylval=new_token(K_RESET); return K_RESET; } resetdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_RESETDELAY; } resetdelayms { yylval=NULL; return K_RESETDELAYMS; } resetdelayus { yylval=NULL; return K_RESETDELAYUS; } retry_pulse { yylval=NULL; return K_RETRY_PULSE; } sck { yylval=new_token(K_SCK); return K_SCK; } serial { yylval=NULL; return K_SERIAL; } signature { yylval=NULL; return K_SIGNATURE; } size { yylval=NULL; return K_SIZE; } spmcr { yylval=NULL; return K_SPMCR; } stabdelay { yylval=NULL; return K_STABDELAY; } stk500_devcode { yylval=NULL; return K_STK500_DEVCODE; } synchcycles { yylval=NULL; return K_SYNCHCYCLES; } synchloops { yylval=NULL; return K_SYNCHLOOPS; } timeout { yylval=NULL; return K_TIMEOUT; } togglevtg { yylval=NULL; return K_TOGGLEVTG; } type { yylval=NULL; return K_TYPE; } usb { yylval=NULL; return K_USB; } usbdev { yylval=NULL; return K_USBDEV; } usbpid { yylval=NULL; return K_USBPID; } usbproduct { yylval=NULL; return K_USBPRODUCT; } usbsn { yylval=NULL; return K_USBSN; } usbvendor { yylval=NULL; return K_USBVENDOR; } usbvid { yylval=NULL; return K_USBVID; } vcc { yylval=NULL; return K_VCC; } vfyled { yylval=NULL; return K_VFYLED; } write { yylval=new_token(K_WRITE); return K_WRITE; } write_hi { yylval=new_token(K_WRITE_HI); return K_WRITE_HI; } write_lo { yylval=new_token(K_WRITE_LO); return K_WRITE_LO; } writepage { yylval=new_token(K_WRITEPAGE); return K_WRITEPAGE; } yes { yylval=new_token(K_YES); return K_YES; } "," { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_COMMA; } "=" { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_EQUAL; } ";" { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_SEMI; } "~" { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_TILDE; } "(" { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_LEFT_PAREN; } ")" { yylval = NULL; pyytext(); return TKN_RIGHT_PAREN; } "\n" { lineno++; } [ \r\t]+ { /* ignore whitespace */ } c: { avrdude_message("error at %s:%d: possible old-style config file entry\n", infile, lineno); avrdude_message(" Update your config file (see %s%s for a sample)\n", CONFIG_DIR, "/avrdude.conf.sample"); return YYERRCODE; } . { return YYERRCODE; } %%