Add Motorola S-record support.
Submitted by: "Alexey V.Levdikov" <> git-svn-id: svn:// 81a1dc3b-b13d-400b-aceb-764788c761c2
This commit is contained in:
@ -441,4 +441,4 @@ This man page by
.ie t J\(:org Wunsch.
.el Joerg Wunsch.
Motorola S-record files are not yet implemented.
Please report bugs to
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
struct ihexrec {
unsigned char reclen;
unsigned short loadofs;
unsigned int loadofs;
unsigned char rectyp;
unsigned char data[IHEX_MAXDATA];
unsigned char cksum;
@ -56,6 +56,17 @@ int b2ihex(unsigned char * inbuf, int bufsize,
int ihex2b(char * infile, FILE * inf,
unsigned char * outbuf, int bufsize);
int b2srec(unsigned char * inbuf, int bufsize,
int recsize, int startaddr,
char * outfile, FILE * outf);
int srec2b(char * infile, FILE * inf,
unsigned char * outbuf, int bufsize);
int ihex_readrec(struct ihexrec * ihex, char * rec);
int srec_readrec(struct ihexrec * srec, char * rec);
int fileio_rbin(struct fioparms * fio,
char * filename, FILE * f, unsigned char * buf, int size);
@ -344,6 +355,348 @@ int ihex2b(char * infile, FILE * inf,
int b2srec(unsigned char * inbuf, int bufsize,
int recsize, int startaddr,
char * outfile, FILE * outf)
unsigned char * buf;
unsigned int nextaddr, stopaddr;
int n, nbytes, addr_width;
int i;
unsigned char cksum;
unsigned char startf, stopf ,emptyf;
char * tmpl=0;
if (recsize > 255) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: recsize=%d, must be < 256\n",
progname, recsize);
return -1;
buf = inbuf;
nextaddr = 0;
stopaddr = 0;
startf = 0;
stopf = 0;
/* search for ranges of 'real' data */
for (i=startaddr; i<bufsize; i++) {
if (buf[i] == 0xff) {
if (startf == 0)
else if (stopf == 0) {
stopf = 1;
stopaddr = i;
else {
if (startf == 0) {
startf = 1;
nextaddr = i;
while (nextaddr % recsize != 0)
nextaddr --;
else if (stopf == 1) {
stopf = 0;
stopaddr = bufsize;
nbytes = i;
bufsize = stopaddr - nextaddr;
addr_width = 0;
while (bufsize) {
n = recsize;
if (n > bufsize)
n = bufsize;
if (n) {
cksum = 0;
if (nextaddr + n <= 0xffff) {
addr_width = 2;
else if (nextaddr + n <= 0xffffff) {
addr_width = 3;
else if (nextaddr + n <= 0xffffffff) {
addr_width = 4;
else {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: address=%d, out of range\n",
progname, nextaddr);
return -1;
/* skip the lines filled with 0xff */
emptyf = 1;
for (i=nextaddr; i<nextaddr + n; i++) {
if (buf[i] != 0xff) {
if (emptyf != 1) {
fprintf(outf, tmpl, n + addr_width + 1, nextaddr);
cksum += n + addr_width + 1;
for (i=addr_width; i>0; i--)
cksum += (nextaddr >> (i-1) * 8) & 0xff;
for (i=nextaddr; i<nextaddr + n; i++) {
fprintf(outf, "%02X", buf[i]);
cksum += buf[i];
cksum = 0xff - cksum;
fprintf(outf, "%02X\n", cksum);
nextaddr += n;
/* advance to next 'recsize' bytes */
bufsize -= n;
add the end of record data line
cksum = 0;
n = 0;
nextaddr = 0;
if (startaddr <= 0xffff) {
addr_width = 2;
else if (startaddr <= 0xffffff) {
addr_width = 3;
else if (startaddr <= 0xffffffff) {
addr_width = 4;
fprintf(outf, tmpl, n + addr_width + 1, nextaddr);
cksum += n + addr_width +1;
for (i=addr_width; i>0; i--)
cksum += (nextaddr >> (i - 1) * 8) & 0xff;
cksum = 0xff - cksum;
fprintf(outf, "%02X\n", cksum);
return nbytes;
int srec_readrec(struct ihexrec * srec, char * rec)
int i, j;
char buf[8];
int offset, len, addr_width;
char * e;
unsigned char cksum;
int rc;
len = strlen(rec);
offset = 1;
cksum = 0;
addr_width = 2;
/* record type */
if (offset + 1 > len)
return -1;
srec->rectyp = rec[offset++];
if (srec->rectyp == 0x32 || srec->rectyp == 0x38)
addr_width = 3; /* S2,S8-record */
else if (srec->rectyp == 0x33 || srec->rectyp == 0x37)
addr_width = 4; /* S3,S7-record */
/* reclen */
if (offset + 2 > len)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
buf[i] = rec[offset++];
buf[i] = 0;
srec->reclen = strtoul(buf, &e, 16);
cksum += srec->reclen;
srec->reclen -= (addr_width+1);
if (e == buf || *e != 0)
return -1;
/* load offset */
if (offset + addr_width > len)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<addr_width*2; i++)
buf[i] = rec[offset++];
buf[i] = 0;
srec->loadofs = strtoull(buf, &e, 16);
if (e == buf || *e != 0)
return -1;
for (i=addr_width; i>0; i--)
cksum += (srec->loadofs >> (i - 1) * 8) & 0xff;
/* data */
for (j=0; j<srec->reclen; j++) {
if (offset+2 > len)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
buf[i] = rec[offset++];
buf[i] = 0;
srec->data[j] = strtoul(buf, &e, 16);
if (e == buf || *e != 0)
return -1;
cksum += srec->data[j];
/* cksum */
if (offset + 2 > len)
return -1;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
buf[i] = rec[offset++];
buf[i] = 0;
srec->cksum = strtoul(buf, &e, 16);
if (e == buf || *e != 0)
return -1;
rc = 0xff - cksum;
return rc;
int srec2b(char * infile, FILE * inf,
unsigned char * outbuf, int bufsize)
char buffer [ MAX_LINE_LEN ];
unsigned char * buf;
unsigned int nextaddr, baseaddr, maxaddr;
int i;
int lineno;
int len;
struct ihexrec srec;
int rc;
int reccount;
unsigned char datarec;
char * msg = 0;
lineno = 0;
buf = outbuf;
baseaddr = 0;
maxaddr = 0;
reccount = 0;
while (fgets((char *)buffer,MAX_LINE_LEN,inf)!=NULL) {
len = strlen(buffer);
if (buffer[len-1] == '\n')
buffer[--len] = 0;
if (buffer[0] != 0x53)
rc = srec_readrec(&srec, buffer);
if (rc < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: invalid record at line %d of \"%s\"\n",
progname, lineno, infile);
return -1;
else if (rc != srec.cksum) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: checksum mismatch at line %d of \"%s\"\n",
progname, lineno, infile);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: checksum=0x%02x, computed checksum=0x%02x\n",
progname, srec.cksum, rc);
return -1;
switch (srec.rectyp) {
case 0x30: /* S0 - header record*/
/* skip */
case 0x31: /* S1 - 16 bit address data record */
msg="%s: ERROR: address 0x%04x out of range at line %d of %s\n";
case 0x32: /* S2 - 24 bit address data record */
msg="%s: ERROR: address 0x%06x out of range at line %d of %s\n";
case 0x33: /* S3 - 32 bit address data record */
msg="%s: ERROR: address 0x%08x out of range at line %d of %s\n";
case 0x34: /* S4 - symbol record (LSI extension) */
"%s: ERROR: not supported record at line %d of %s\n",
progname, lineno, infile);
return -1;
case 0x35: /* S5 - count of S1,S2 and S3 records previously tx'd */
if (srec.loadofs != reccount){
"%s: ERROR: count of transmitted data records mismatch "
"at line %d of \"%s\"\n",
progname, lineno, infile);
fprintf(stderr, "%s: transmitted data records= %d, expected "
"value= %d\n",
progname, reccount, srec.loadofs);
return -1;
case 0x37: /* S7 Record - end record for 32 bit address data */
case 0x38: /* S8 Record - end record for 24 bit address data */
case 0x39: /* S9 Record - end record for 16 bit address data */
return maxaddr;
"%s: ERROR: don't know how to deal with rectype S%d "
"at line %d of %s\n",
progname, srec.rectyp, lineno, infile);
return -1;
if (datarec == 1) {
nextaddr = srec.loadofs + baseaddr;
if (nextaddr + srec.reclen > bufsize) {
fprintf(stderr, msg, progname, nextaddr+srec.reclen, lineno, infile);
return -1;
for (i=0; i<srec.reclen; i++)
buf[nextaddr+i] =[i];
if (nextaddr+srec.reclen > maxaddr)
maxaddr = nextaddr+srec.reclen;
"%s: WARNING: no end of file record found for Motorola S-Records "
"file \"%s\"\n",
progname, infile);
return maxaddr;
int fileio_rbin(struct fioparms * fio,
char * filename, FILE * f, unsigned char * buf, int size)
@ -408,9 +761,31 @@ int fileio_ihex(struct fioparms * fio,
int fileio_srec(struct fioparms * fio,
char * filename, FILE * f, unsigned char * buf, int size)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: Motorola S-Record %s format not yet supported\n",
progname, fio->iodesc);
int rc;
switch (fio->op) {
rc = b2srec(buf, size, 32, 0, filename, f);
if (rc < 0) {
return -1;
case FIO_READ:
rc = srec2b(filename, f, buf, size);
if (rc < 0)
return -1;
fprintf(stderr, "%s: ERROR: invalid Motorola S-Records file I/O "
progname, fio->op);
return -1;
return rc;
@ -457,11 +457,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv [])
case 'a' : filefmt = FMT_AUTO; break;
case 'i' : filefmt = FMT_IHEX; break;
case 'r' : filefmt = FMT_RBIN; break;
case 's' :
"%s: Motorola S-Record format not yet supported\n\n",
case 's' : filefmt = FMT_SREC; break;
default :
fprintf(stderr, "%s: invalid file format \"%s\"\n\n",
Reference in New Issue