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<a name="Troubleshooting-1"></a>
<h1 class="appendix">Appendix B Troubleshooting</h1>
<p>In general, please report any bugs encountered via
<a href="http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=avrdude">http://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=avrdude</a>.
Problem: I&rsquo;m using a serial programmer under Windows and get the following
<p><code>avrdude: serial_open(): can't set attributes for device &quot;com1&quot;</code>,
<p>Solution: This problem seems to appear with certain versions of Cygwin. Specifying
<code>&quot;/dev/com1&quot;</code> instead of <code>&quot;com1&quot;</code> should help.
Problem: I&rsquo;m using Linux and my AVR910 programmer is really slow.
<p>Solution (short): <code>setserial <var>port</var> low_latency</code>
<p>Solution (long):
There are two problems here. First, the system may wait some time before it
passes data from the serial port to the program. Under Linux the following
command works around this (you may need root privileges for this).
<p><code>setserial <var>port</var> low_latency</code>
<p>Secondly, the serial interface chip may delay the interrupt for some time.
This behaviour can be changed by setting the FIFO-threshold to one. Under Linux this
can only be done by changing the kernel source in <code>drivers/char/serial.c</code>.
Search the file for <code>UART_FCR_TRIGGER_8</code> and replace it with <code>UART_FCR_TRIGGER_1</code>. Note that overall performance might suffer if there
is high throughput on serial lines. Also note that you are modifying the kernel at
your own risk.
Problem: I&rsquo;m not using Linux and my AVR910 programmer is really slow.
<p>Solutions: The reasons for this are the same as above.
If you know how to work around this on your OS, please let us know.
Problem: Updating the flash ROM from terminal mode does not work with the
<p>Solution: None at this time. Currently, the JTAG ICE code cannot
write to the flash ROM one byte at a time.
Problem: Page-mode programming the EEPROM (using the -U option) does
not erase EEPROM cells before writing, and thus cannot overwrite any
previous value != 0xff.
<p>Solution: None. This is an inherent feature of the way JTAG EEPROM
programming works, and is documented that way in the Atmel AVR
In order to successfully program the EEPROM that way, a prior chip
erase (with the EESAVE fuse unprogrammed) is required.
This also applies to the STK500 and STK600 in high-voltage programming mode.
Problem: How do I turn off the <var>DWEN</var> fuse?
<p>Solution: If the <var>DWEN</var> (debugWire enable) fuse is activated,
the <var>/RESET</var> pin is not functional anymore, so normal ISP
communication cannot be established.
There are two options to deactivate that fuse again: high-voltage
programming, or getting the JTAG ICE mkII talk debugWire, and
prepare the target AVR to accept normal ISP communication again.
<p>The first option requires a programmer that is capable of high-voltage
programming (either serial or parallel, depending on the AVR device),
for example the STK500. In high-voltage programming mode, the
<var>/RESET</var> pin is activated initially using a 12 V pulse (thus the
name <em>high voltage</em>), so the target AVR can subsequently be
reprogrammed, and the <var>DWEN</var> fuse can be cleared. Typically, this
operation cannot be performed while the AVR is located in the target
circuit though.
<p>The second option requires a JTAG ICE mkII that can talk the debugWire
protocol. The ICE needs to be connected to the target using the
JTAG-to-ISP adapter, so the JTAG ICE mkII can be used as a debugWire
initiator as well as an ISP programmer. AVRDUDE will then be activated
using the <var>jtag2isp</var> programmer type. The initial ISP
communication attempt will fail, but AVRDUDE then tries to initiate a
debugWire reset. When successful, this will leave the target AVR in a
state where it can accept standard ISP communication. The ICE is then
signed off (which will make it signing off from the USB as well), so
AVRDUDE has to be called again afterwards. This time, standard ISP
communication can work, so the <var>DWEN</var> fuse can be cleared.
<p>The pin mapping for the JTAG-to-ISP adapter is:
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>JTAG pin</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>ISP pin</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">1</td><td width="20%">3</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">2</td><td width="20%">6</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">3</td><td width="20%">1</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">4</td><td width="20%">2</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">6</td><td width="20%">5</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">9</td><td width="20%">4</td></tr>
Problem: Multiple USBasp or USBtinyISP programmers connected simultaneously are not
<p>Solution: The USBtinyISP code supports distinguishing multiple
programmers based on their bus:device connection tuple that describes
their place in the USB hierarchy on a specific host. This tuple can
be added to the <var>-P usb</var> option, similar to adding a serial number
on other USB-based programmers.
<p>The actual naming convention for the bus and device names is
operating-system dependent; AVRDUDE will print out what it found
on the bus when running it with (at least) one <var>-v</var> option.
By specifying a string that cannot match any existing device
(for example, <var>-P usb:xxx</var>), the scan will list all possible
candidate devices found on the bus.
</p><div class="example">
<pre class="example">avrdude -c usbtiny -p atmega8 -P usb:003:025 (Linux)
avrdude -c usbtiny -p atmega8 -P usb:/dev/usb:/dev/ugen1.3 (FreeBSD 8+)
avrdude -c usbtiny -p atmega8 \
-P usb:bus-0:\\.\libusb0-0001--0x1781-0x0c9f (Windows)
Problem: I cannot do &hellip; when the target is in debugWire mode.
<p>Solution: debugWire mode imposes several limitations.
<p>The debugWire protocol is Atmel&rsquo;s proprietary one-wire (plus ground)
protocol to allow an in-circuit emulation of the smaller AVR devices,
using the <var>/RESET</var> line.
DebugWire mode is initiated by activating the <var>DWEN</var>
fuse, and then power-cycling the target.
While this mode is mainly intended for debugging/emulation, it
also offers limited programming capabilities.
Effectively, the only memory areas that can be read or programmed
in this mode are flash ROM and EEPROM.
It is also possible to read out the signature.
All other memory areas cannot be accessed.
There is no
<em>chip erase</em>
functionality in debugWire mode; instead, while reprogramming the
flash ROM, each flash ROM page is erased right before updating it.
This is done transparently by the JTAG ICE mkII (or AVR Dragon).
The only way back from debugWire mode is to initiate a special
sequence of commands to the JTAG ICE mkII (or AVR Dragon), so the
debugWire mode will be temporarily disabled, and the target can
be accessed using normal ISP programming.
This sequence is automatically initiated by using the JTAG ICE mkII
or AVR Dragon in ISP mode, when they detect that ISP mode cannot be
Problem: I want to use my JTAG ICE mkII to program an
Xmega device through PDI. The documentation tells me to use the
<em>XMEGA PDI adapter for JTAGICE mkII</em> that is supposed to ship
with the kit, yet I don&rsquo;t have it.
<p>Solution: Use the following pin mapping:
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>JTAGICE</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>Target</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>Squid cab-</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>PDI</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>mkII probe</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>pins</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>le colors</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>header</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">1 (TCK)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Black</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">2 (GND)</td><td width="20%">GND</td><td width="20%">White</td><td width="20%">6</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">3 (TDO)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Grey</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">4 (VTref)</td><td width="20%">VTref</td><td width="20%">Purple</td><td width="20%">2</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">5 (TMS)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Blue</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">6 (nSRST)</td><td width="20%">PDI_CLK</td><td width="20%">Green</td><td width="20%">5</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">7 (N.C.)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Yellow</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">8 (nTRST)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Orange</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">9 (TDI)</td><td width="20%">PDI_DATA</td><td width="20%">Red</td><td width="20%">1</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">10 (GND)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%">Brown</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
Problem: I want to use my AVR Dragon to program an
Xmega device through PDI.
<p>Solution: Use the 6 pin ISP header on the Dragon and the following pin mapping:
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>Dragon</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>Target</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>ISP Header</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>pins</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">1 (MISO)</td><td width="20%">PDI_DATA</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">2 (VCC)</td><td width="20%">VCC</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">3 (SCK)</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">4 (MOSI)</td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">5 (RESET)</td><td width="20%">PDI_CLK / RST</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">6 (GND)</td><td width="20%">GND</td></tr>
Problem: I want to use my AVRISP mkII to program an
ATtiny4/5/9/10 device through TPI. How to connect the pins?
<p>Solution: Use the following pin mapping:
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>AVRISP</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>Target</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>ATtiny</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%"><strong>connector</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>pins</strong></td><td width="20%"><strong>pin #</strong></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">1 (MISO)</td><td width="20%">TPIDATA</td><td width="20%">1</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">2 (VTref)</td><td width="20%">Vcc</td><td width="20%">5</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">3 (SCK)</td><td width="20%">TPICLK</td><td width="20%">3</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">4 (MOSI)</td><td width="20%"></td><td width="20%"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">5 (RESET)</td><td width="20%">/RESET</td><td width="20%">6</td></tr>
<tr><td width="20%">6 (GND)</td><td width="20%">GND</td><td width="20%">2</td></tr>
Problem: I want to program an ATtiny4/5/9/10 device using a serial/parallel
bitbang programmer. How to connect the pins?
<p>Solution: Since TPI has only 1 pin for bi-directional data transfer, both
<var>MISO</var> and <var>MOSI</var> pins should be connected to the <var>TPIDATA</var> pin
on the ATtiny device.
However, a 1K resistor should be placed between the <var>MOSI</var> and <var>TPIDATA</var>.
The <var>MISO</var> pin connects to <var>TPIDATA</var> directly.
The <var>SCK</var> pin is connected to <var>TPICLK</var>.
<p>In addition, the <var>Vcc</var>, <var>/RESET</var> and <var>GND</var> pins should
be connected to their respective ports on the ATtiny device.
Problem: How can I use a FTDI FT232R USB-to-Serial device for bitbang programming?
<p>Solution: When connecting the FT232 directly to the pins of the target Atmel device,
the polarity of the pins defined in the <code>programmer</code> definition should be
inverted by prefixing a tilde. For example, the <var>dasa</var> programmer would
look like this when connected via a FT232R device (notice the tildes in
front of pins 7, 4, 3 and 8):
<div class="example">
<pre class="example">programmer
id = &quot;dasa_ftdi&quot;;
desc = &quot;serial port banging, reset=rts sck=dtr mosi=txd miso=cts&quot;;
type = serbb;
reset = ~7;
sck = ~4;
mosi = ~3;
miso = ~8;
<p>Note that this uses the FT232 device as a normal serial port, not using the
FTDI drivers in the special bitbang mode.
Problem: My ATtiny4/5/9/10 reads out fine, but any attempt to program
it (through TPI) fails. Instead, the memory retains the old contents.
<p>Solution: Mind the limited programming supply voltage range of these
<p>In-circuit programming through TPI is only guaranteed by the datasheet
at Vcc = 5 V.
Problem: My ATxmega&hellip;A1/A2/A3 cannot be programmed through PDI with
my AVR Dragon. Programming through a JTAG ICE mkII works though, as does
programming through JTAG.
<p>Solution: None by this time (2010 Q1).
<p>It is said that the AVR Dragon can only program devices from the A4
Xmega sub-family.
Problem: when programming with an AVRISPmkII or STK600, AVRDUDE hangs
when programming files of a certain size (e.g. 246 bytes). Other
(larger or smaller) sizes work though.
<p>Solution: This is a bug caused by an incorrect handling of zero-length
packets (ZLPs) in some versions of the libusb 0.1 API wrapper that ships
with libusb 1.x in certain Linux distributions. All Linux systems with
kernel versions &lt; 2.6.31 and libusb &gt;= 1.0.0 &lt; 1.0.3 are reported to be
affected by this.
<p>See also: <a href="http://www.libusb.org/ticket/6">http://www.libusb.org/ticket/6</a>
Problem: after flashing a firmware that reduces the target&rsquo;s clock
speed (e.g. through the <code>CLKPR</code> register), further ISP connection
attempts fail.
<p>Solution: Even though ISP starts with pulling <var>/RESET</var> low, the
target continues to run at the internal clock speed as defined by the
firmware running before. Therefore, the ISP clock speed must be
reduced appropriately (to less than 1/4 of the internal clock speed)
using the -B option before the ISP initialization sequence will
<p>As that slows down the entire subsequent ISP session, it might make
sense to just issue a <em>chip erase</em> using the slow ISP clock
(option <code>-e</code>), and then start a new session at higher speed.
Option <code>-D</code> might be used there, to prevent another unneeded
erase cycle.
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